someone used my credit card.....irony


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i have done a couple of threads on id theft etc....well yesterday the phone rings....da man answers it...its my i only use on credit card...small stuff...mail order stuff...i charge the following on it...gas, mail order supplies for the bees or pets...if i am traveling i alert them to where i will be...if i am making a large purchase i call them and let them know...only takes minutes and makes sure nothing goes wrong...and they dont deny charges somewhere to make me call them...

they ask if i have been charging i tunes....dollar here a few bucks there.....hubby says no...(hell i can steal music, the kidlets showed me how) then they ask about a $1,000.00 charge...that they noticed didnt meet my spending patterns of proverty...da man assures them i aint charging a grand anywhere and that my son would not do it there you have it....someone got my credit card careful as we are with the card...i was lucky my bank caught it...and called....they are sending a fraud statement for me to fill out and sign, they have cancelled my card and are mailing new ones...

damn it sucks to be me, today.

so be warned...i shred...i dont use it a lot....i think when my son used it at a gas station in asheville they got it....according to the people who know...gas stations are the most likely place to steal your credit card number....i am not sure why.
i have done a couple of threads on id theft etc....well yesterday the phone rings....da man answers it...its my i only use on credit card...small stuff...mail order stuff...i charge the following on it...gas, mail order supplies for the bees or pets...if i am traveling i alert them to where i will be...if i am making a large purchase i call them and let them know...only takes minutes and makes sure nothing goes wrong...and they dont deny charges somewhere to make me call them...

they ask if i have been charging i tunes....dollar here a few bucks there.....hubby says no...(hell i can steal music, the kidlets showed me how) then they ask about a $1,000.00 charge...that they noticed didnt meet my spending patterns of proverty...da man assures them i aint charging a grand anywhere and that my son would not do it there you have it....someone got my credit card careful as we are with the card...i was lucky my bank caught it...and called....they are sending a fraud statement for me to fill out and sign, they have cancelled my card and are mailing new ones...

damn it sucks to be me, today.

so be warned...i shred...i dont use it a lot....i think when my son used it at a gas station in asheville they got it....according to the people who know...gas stations are the most likely place to steal your credit card number....i am not sure why.

That is ironic.

You're sort of like one of those conservative Republicans who publically speaks out about the immorality if homosexuality and gays, but then is caught in a rest stop bathroom with a dick in their mouth.

Except, you don't have a bellyful of cum.
Bummer bones. Find out who did it and I'll bring the boys over and we'll shave his head and drum him out of the union. That's after we kick his ass of course.
The gas stations have the pumps out in the open, and they are not that hard to open up. The people stealing the numbers put a sending unit inside the pump housing, and probably have nothing to do with the station itself. They can be halfway down the block, picking up everybodys numbers that use their card at the pump.

Best to use cash at the stations.
damn xox can we not go a day without your dick sucking fantasy???? just 24 hours....

count, the only worse thing than a stranger taking if its this chick my son went out with who is stalking him. before he booted her..she went thru his mail and are so very very trusting of the pussy....except for xox...

now dear do tell..when did you start sucking dick? i took you for hetro....
The gas stations have the pumps out in the open, and they are not that hard to open up. The people stealing the numbers put a sending unit inside the pump housing, and probably have nothing to do with the station itself. They can be halfway down the block, picking up everybodys numbers that use their card at the pump.

Best to use cash at the stations.

and someone explains why it what is a sending unit?

what about debit cards at gas stations?
Talking about gas stations. I make the wife go inside and pay cash for my gas. If it's raining I also make her pump it!!!!
Got our credit card number stolen when using the card for coffee n snacks and a convenience store, with-in one hour it was used for $125 for cigarettes and other items at a gas station in North Jersey, then one half hour later used in Philadelphia at another convenience store 90 miles away, but the bank saw the anomaly, and stopped the payment and notified us. Plus they refunded the original loss.

How'd they get it? who knows, a remote reader if the system was wireless or right at the register point of sale, have no clue.
i am amazed and thankful for how fast the bank caught it....i guess the computers kicked it out to the fraud people...and they called....most likely an audio store or clothing store....da man didnt ask...i think he was in shock at this point...he doesnt moniter my spending but he sure would have wanted a reason for a grand on a credit card.
i am amazed and thankful for how fast the bank caught it....i guess the computers kicked it out to the fraud people...and they called....most likely an audio store or clothing store....da man didnt ask...i think he was in shock at this point...he doesnt moniter my spending but he sure would have wanted a reason for a grand on a credit card.

Just tell him it's witch stuff
I'm so glad we got rid of our credit cards almost 2 years ago. I do worry about our debit card still though. I think as more people suffer, this theft will go up.

Banks are getting a little better at notifying when something doesn't look right. My bank calls me every time I purchase something out of state. Usually my online purchases. I thank the bank each time they call me.
i am amazed and thankful for how fast the bank caught it....i guess the computers kicked it out to the fraud people...and they called....most likely an audio store or clothing store....da man didnt ask...i think he was in shock at this point...he doesnt moniter my spending but he sure would have wanted a reason for a grand on a credit card.
I do know that the banks has a list of known establishments or not so known establishments. Example, if you go to footlocker and buy a pair of sneaks...more then likely you will get a call from your bank. It has something to do with who FootLocker's merchant. Dang I forgot...who footlocker uses to process their credit card purchases. Bank told me one time that they have had problem with them. This is why they are on the list.
i am amazed and thankful for how fast the bank caught it....i guess the computers kicked it out to the fraud people...and they called....most likely an audio store or clothing store....da man didnt ask...i think he was in shock at this point...he doesnt moniter my spending but he sure would have wanted a reason for a grand on a credit card.

It amazed us also, how fast they caught it, with-in an hour I guess, we had a message on our answering machine at home. They must have a 'fraud sentry' type program running which may have seen the 2nd usage of the card and flagged the transaction because the locations used were so far apart.
i am amazed and thankful for how fast the bank caught it....i guess the computers kicked it out to the fraud people...and they called....most likely an audio store or clothing store....da man didnt ask...i think he was in shock at this point...he doesnt moniter my spending but he sure would have wanted a reason for a grand on a credit card.

It amazed us also, how fast they caught it, with-in an hour I guess, we had a message on our answering machine at home. They must have a 'fraud sentry' type program running which may have seen the 2nd usage of the card and flagged the transaction because the locations used were so far apart.
They do have a list. For example, when I bought sneakers at footlocker, and the bank called me. They asked if I made a purchase in Miami? I was like Miami? I haven't been there in 20 years. They then stated to amount of $90.89. I thought for a second and said, Oh I bought sneakers at footlocker at my local mall. That is when she explained that makes sense because some business have merchant accounts drawn off of banks out of the country, or 3rd party that comes up suspicious.

This was 6 years ago this happened too. I would imagine their data bank has improved over the years.
now i have to deal with the aftermath and i think the number is on an outstanding order...i will call them and all....i wonder how long all of this will take to resolve....
I only use one credit card and I make sure it's paid off every month in full. I don't usually carry a lot of cash on me and I use the card a lot during the month. If they get me, they can only do it with this one particular card. I have other credit cards I sometimes carry when I travel but unless I'm on the road they are always kept locked up in the safe. We have a shredder and we use it for everything that comes in the mail. It's sad that you have to be this careful with everything.
i have done a couple of threads on id theft etc....well yesterday the phone rings....da man answers it...its my i only use on credit card...small stuff...mail order stuff...i charge the following on it...gas, mail order supplies for the bees or pets...if i am traveling i alert them to where i will be...if i am making a large purchase i call them and let them know...only takes minutes and makes sure nothing goes wrong...and they dont deny charges somewhere to make me call them...

they ask if i have been charging i tunes....dollar here a few bucks there.....hubby says no...(hell i can steal music, the kidlets showed me how) then they ask about a $1,000.00 charge...that they noticed didnt meet my spending patterns of proverty...da man assures them i aint charging a grand anywhere and that my son would not do it there you have it....someone got my credit card careful as we are with the card...i was lucky my bank caught it...and called....they are sending a fraud statement for me to fill out and sign, they have cancelled my card and are mailing new ones...

damn it sucks to be me, today.

so be warned...i shred...i dont use it a lot....i think when my son used it at a gas station in asheville they got it....according to the people who know...gas stations are the most likely place to steal your credit card number....i am not sure why.

We had a similar thing happen last summer. We don't buy a lot online but we did purchase a firepit cover online from Walmart. It was the only online purchase we had made in months and within a month of that purchase our cc company contacted us and said that someone had used our cc number. They cancelled that card and issued us a new one. I try not to buy online, if possible. A good idea though is that if you do purchase stuff online to only have a $500 limit on the card. That way if someone does steal it they can't use it much. Of course, the cc company won't make you pay for unauthorized purchases anyway . . .
i have done a couple of threads on id theft etc....well yesterday the phone rings....da man answers it...its my i only use on credit card...small stuff...mail order stuff...i charge the following on it...gas, mail order supplies for the bees or pets...if i am traveling i alert them to where i will be...if i am making a large purchase i call them and let them know...only takes minutes and makes sure nothing goes wrong...and they dont deny charges somewhere to make me call them...

they ask if i have been charging i tunes....dollar here a few bucks there.....hubby says no...(hell i can steal music, the kidlets showed me how) then they ask about a $1,000.00 charge...that they noticed didnt meet my spending patterns of proverty...da man assures them i aint charging a grand anywhere and that my son would not do it there you have it....someone got my credit card careful as we are with the card...i was lucky my bank caught it...and called....they are sending a fraud statement for me to fill out and sign, they have cancelled my card and are mailing new ones...

damn it sucks to be me, today.

so be warned...i shred...i dont use it a lot....i think when my son used it at a gas station in asheville they got it....according to the people who know...gas stations are the most likely place to steal your credit card number....i am not sure why.

Somebody lifted mine off the table @ the Olive Garden a couple of weeks ago...

My Bad, but they only Used it @ a Walgreens one time for like $142...

Haven't Checked yet, but I Pray it was for Medication for Children.

Not that it's Right, but it was Fucking DVD's or Crap...


i am amazed and thankful for how fast the bank caught it....i guess the computers kicked it out to the fraud people...and they called....most likely an audio store or clothing store....da man didnt ask...i think he was in shock at this point...he doesnt moniter my spending but he sure would have wanted a reason for a grand on a credit card.

It amazed us also, how fast they caught it, with-in an hour I guess, we had a message on our answering machine at home. They must have a 'fraud sentry' type program running which may have seen the 2nd usage of the card and flagged the transaction because the locations used were so far apart.

I think banks and cc companies must have sophisticated programs that flag purchases made in distant locations that weren't done by phone or on line.

I checked in to a Vegas hotel and no sooner than I got to my room the front desk called and advised me Am Ex wanted to talk to me and gave me their 800# to call. I asked what was up and the desk person told me they had declined to approve my card, which immediatlely hacked me off a bit because the balance was paid monthly.

So I was a little steamed when I called but settled down when they explained things. They'd cancelled my card and a new one would be delivered to the hotel the next day. I had made a purchase at the airport in Chicago and then 4 hours or so later the computer knew I was checking into a hotel in Vegas, but between those two actions some charges had been made somewhere in Europe and since I couldn't have been in all 3 places in that time span they knew my account number had somehow been compromised and thus cancelled the card, and I went from being upset with them to impressed with their efficiency.

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