Someone put a fork in Biden


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Equipping all 13 year olds with forks is actually a very sensible idea.

That way, they have something to poke him with when he gets too handsy and sniffy.
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror
I'm not sure it's entirely metaphorical.

Biden was always a loser looking for a place to face-plant.
Would it surprise anyone if Biden's name is on the Lolita Express flight logs compiled by the FAA? Or in Epstein's little black book?
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror

Well, since this is all pure speculation anyway, I predict the Dem ticket in 2020 will be Biden/Harris. Biden is too old to serve a second term, so he will promise Kamila she will get 2024.
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror

Well, since this is all pure speculation anyway, I predict the Dem ticket in 2020 will be Biden/Harris. Biden is too old to serve a second term, so he will promise Kamila she will get 2024.
I don't think anyone will remember Biden's name the day after the Democrats pick someone else.
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror

Careful. He may be like those spiders where if you stomp them, 200 little spiders go shooting everywhere.
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror

Well, since this is all pure speculation anyway, I predict the Dem ticket in 2020 will be Biden/Harris. Biden is too old to serve a second term, so he will promise Kamila she will get 2024.
I don't think anyone will remember Biden's name the day after the Democrats pick someone else.

How about a friendly wager? If Biden is not the nominee, I will post a selfie of myself wearing an Elizabeth Warren Cherokee head dress. If Biden is the nominee, you have to post a selfie of you and AOC...

It does not matter what he does. 39% of USA will praise him and cheat the vote to prop his corpse up in office and raid the Treasury.

Just look at the dirty immoral filthy disgusting LW Red-stay-at-home-phonySSDI maggots on this site! If it has a D by the name, they go gaga.
The exact same smell of inevitability that sunk HRC is wafting through the Biden camp.
The 'backdoor' DNC boys know it.
Harris is NEVER going to get the negro base. They despise her for what she did as a prosecutor in Cal.
The DEM negro base isn't getting behind any DEM candidate.
That means no DEM President in 2020.
Today I give Trump 75% chance of winning a second term.
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Maybe Uncle Joe can be Kamilla's V.P. He's got the experience and it is a largely ceremonial job which Joe may can handle even with early stage dementia.

The Democrats have clear rules these days, even if they deny it.

1) One is that a White Boy nominee must pick a Black Woman V.P.

2) The corollary is that a Black Woman nominee must pick a White Boy V.P....doesn't have to also be gay, but it would help, if you can find one who is not a self-righteous religious hypocrite like that little turd from South Bend--Mayor Pete--who so obviously belongs on the cover of Mad Magazine that Mad went out of business when Buttgig wouldn't agree to it.

As to Rule No. 1, A Straight White Boy with early stage dementia (and who was a dumbass before he got old and frail) must pick for his V.P. a Black Woman.

Exceptions (waivors) can be granted by the Grievance Factions which make up the Democratic Party. The Woman's Grievance Faction would be fine with Pocahontas as V.P.; the Black Grievance Faction would be fine with Spartacus; the Hispanic Grievance Faction would be fine with Castro...but any one of those three factions can only piss off the other two....and all three are already pissed off because, as a general rule you, have to be an Unhappy Person to be a Socialist/Democrat to begin with.

What to do, Joe?

I don't think he gets a choice. He's got a year and a half for Frailty and Diminished Mental Capacity to just get worse. He's not going to be able to hide it, especially when even the slow-witted Democrats saw him as a Dumb-Ass to begin with.

Straight White Boy Socialist Bernie "The Bern" Sanders is done. Every other Democratic Candidate has now adopted the Bern's platform of nearly pure Socialism...he is the brains and the soul of the Party...but he cannot be the nominee because he told the truth---he admitted he was a Socialist. You have to lie to the American people, and even lie to yourself, to be a Democratic candidate, and all the other candidates are Liars. Socialist, but they lie and say they are not.

My money would be on Kamala Harris because that is who the New York Media is backing, and the New York Media is nothing if not the Pravda of the Globalist-Elitist Faction of the Socialist Democratic Party--the ones who actually run the other Grievance Factions, even if the others don't realize it.

The White Boy she needs to pick really must be able to deliver Texas or the Mid-West and PA. But the only Texas White Boy available is that truly empty suit and fraud--"Beto". Empty Suit is too kind---Spastic Whack Job is more definitive. Kamala has to pick a White Boy from the Heartland, but it won't be this witless asshole.

Just my opinion of course. Thanks if you read this far. I likely wouldn't have made it.
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror
Biden is part of the same Democratic status quo which supported NAFTA and Bush's invasion of Iraq. In other words, he's just another corporate war whore who will appear progressive during primary season before serving his true masters in the general election.

Joe Biden Didn’t Just Vote for the Iraq Invasion—He Helped Lead the March to War

"But to say the now-Democratic frontrunner voted for the Iraq War doesn't fully describe his role in what has come to be widely acknowledged as the most disastrous foreign policy decision of the 21st century. A review of the historical record shows Biden didn't just vote for the war—he was a leading Democratic voice in its favor, and played an important role in persuading the public of its necessity and, more broadly, laying the groundwork for Bush's invasion."

If you think rich Americans deserve even more wealth derived from endless wars and eternal debt, Vote for Joe (or Kamala or Pete)
Not only stick a fork in him, someone needs to stick a muslim dick in his mouth and another in his asshole.....after all, he is a Democrat or in other words, Islam's human condom like the rest of that subhuman party.
Metaphorically of course. He's toast. Turn out the lights at Biden's headquarters.
Rack up the balls.
The 'backdoor' boys at the DNC are already measuring the caskets for all but a couple of current candidates.
Biden will get the 'phone call' within a week.
What possible sense is there in Biden receiving millions of donor dollars only to be wasted?
VIDEO: Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech - Wonders 'What am I doing?' - The American Mirror
Haha, you think Biden will be out within a week?! Wanna make a wager about that?
Maybe Uncle Joe can be Kamilla's V.P. He's got the experience and it is a largely ceremonial job which Joe may can handle even with early stage dementia.

The Democrats have clear rules these days, even if they deny it.

1) One is that a White Boy nominee must pick a Black Woman V.P.

2) The corollary is that a Black Woman nominee must pick a White Boy V.P....doesn't have to also be gay, but it would help, if you can find one who is not a self-righteous religious hypocrite like that little turd from South Bend--Mayor Pete--who so obviously belongs on the cover of Mad Magazine that Mad went out of business when Buttgig wouldn't agree to it.

As to Rule No. 1, A Straight White Boy with early stage dementia (and who was a dumbass before he got old and frail) must pick for his V.P. a Black Woman.

Exceptions (waivors) can be granted by the Grievance Factions which make up the Democratic Party. The Woman's Grievance Faction would be fine with Pocahontas as V.P.; the Black Grievance Faction would be fine with Spartacus; the Hispanic Grievance Faction would be fine with Castro...but any one of those three factions can only piss off the other two....and all three are already pissed off because, as a general rule you, have to be an Unhappy Person to be a Socialist/Democrat to begin with.

What to do, Joe?

I don't think he gets a choice. He's got a year and a half for Frailty and Diminished Mental Capacity to just get worse. He's not going to be able to hide it, especially when even the slow-witted Democrats saw him as a Dumb-Ass to begin with.

Straight White Boy Socialist Bernie "The Bern" Sanders is done. Every other Democratic Candidate has now adopted the Bern's platform of nearly pure Socialism...he is the brains and the soul of the Party...but he cannot be the nominee because he told the truth---he admitted he was a Socialist. You have to lie to the American people, and even lie to yourself, to be a Democratic candidate, and all the other candidates are Liars. Socialist, but they lie and say they are not.

My money would be on Kamala Harris because that is who the New York Media is backing, and the New York Media is nothing if not the Pravda of the Globalist-Elitist Faction of the Socialist Democratic Party--the ones who actually run the other Grievance Factions, even if the others don't realize it.

The White Boy she needs to pick really must be able to deliver Texas or the Mid-West and PA. But the only Texas White Boy available is that truly empty suit and fraud--"Beto". Empty Suit is too kind---Spastic Whack Job is more definitive. Kamala has to pick a White Boy from the Heartland, but it won't be this witless asshole.

Just my opinion of course. Thanks if you read this far. I likely wouldn't have made it.
Pretty good summation. But the DEMs must have an enthusiastic negro voter base that actually will turn out to vote. The negro DEM voters HATE Harris for what she did to the negros in Cal. when she was a prosecutor.

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