Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance, PART 2


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

We have black support rising for Trump, and we have Hispanics for Trump. Those numbers will grow the more the Left exposes their extremism. Who agrees?

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........
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We have black support rising for Trump, and we have Hispanics for Trump. Those numbers will grow the more the Left exposes their extremism. Who agrees?

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........

'He woke us up': Why these Latinos love Trump
The Latinos who love Trump
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We have black support rising for Trump, and we have Hispanics for Trump. Those numbers will grow the more the Left exposes their extremism. Who agrees?

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........

ME: African Americans understand that Trump has done more for African Americans than the Kenyan Socialist did. Trump will win in 2020.

Trump Repairing Obama's Economic Damage for Blacks and Hispanics
By Clarence McKee

BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: Trump Repairing Obama's Economic Damage for Blacks and Hispanics

I am getting pretty fed up with the constant “fake news” barrage from Democrat presidential candidates and their fellow party and media sycophants arguing that Obama is responsible for the Trump booming economy.
What a lie.

BET founder and billionaire Robert Johnson said it well — President Trump deserves credit for a “great” economy and low black unemployment:

“I think the economy is doing absolutely great, and it’s particularly reaching into populations that heretofore had very bad problems in terms of jobs, unemployment and the opportunities that come with full employment, so African-American unemployment is at its lowest level.”

He went on to say that he gives "the president a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large amount of Americans" and "the tax cuts clearly helped."

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board went even further in its July 4 editorial, “A Tale of Two Economies.”

Among its excellent points:

  • The jobless rate for blacks is 6.2%, which is only 2.9 percentage-points higher than for whites versus a 4.6 percentage-point difference before the start of the 2008 recession.
  • Unemployment has fallen twice as much among blacks as whites since December 2016.
  • Nearly one million more blacks and two million more Hispanics are employed than when Barack Obama left office.
  • Minorities account for more than half of all new jobs created during the Trump Presidency.
  • Unemployment among black women has hovered near 5% for the last six months, the lowest since 1972.
  • A mere 3.5% of high school graduates are unemployed.
The editorial also disputes the allegation of presidential wannabee Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Ca, that people are “stringing jobs together to make ends meet.” It points out that there are now “1.3 million fewer Americans working part time” for economic reasons than at the end of the Obama presidency.

Even more evidence of how the Trump economy has benefitted black and Hispanic Americans was pointed out in a July 8 Communications/Research Memo by Steve Guest, Rapid Response Director for the Republican Nation Committee, outlining how the Trump economy and polices “are helping workers more than Obama’s did.”

Among the significant points:

  • “Wages are rising at the fastest rate in a decade for lower-skilled workers.”
  • “Unemployment among less-educated Americans and minorities is near a record low.”
  • “Nearly one million more blacks and two million more Hispanics are employed than when Obama left office.”
  • “Minorities account for more than half of all new jobs created during the Trump Presidency.”
Guest rightly states in his “Bottom Line” that, “It is clear that the Democrat talking points on the economy are as phony as a $3 bill. President Trump’s America First policies are delivering higher wages and lower unemployment for more Americans.”

Trump’s positive impact on the black economy is not the only issue on which Democrats are deceiving America. The citizenship question issue on the 2020 census is another.

We have black support rising for Trump, and we have Hispanics for Trump. Those numbers will grow the more the Left exposes their extremism. Who agrees?

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........

Courtesy of The Purge

"Two supporters of President Trump, a black woman and a Latino woman–and their children, needed police protection after speaking out at a public memorial for the shooting victims at the El Paso Walmart Wednesday while Trump was in town paying his respects to the survivors and first responders."


(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

A direct link to video...before Twitter decides it might cause a RIOT and take it down...

Gabe Ramirez on Twitter

We have black support rising for Trump, and we have Hispanics for Trump. Those numbers will grow the more the Left exposes their extremism. Who agrees?

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

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President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........
Hispanics Stick w/Trump Despite Tough Border Stance
Hispanics Stick w/Trump Despite Tough Border Stance | RealClearPolitics

We have black support rising for Trump, and we have Hispanics for Trump. Those numbers will grow the more the Left exposes their extremism. Who agrees?

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance

source link

President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border policies would crater his support with this critical bloc......

......Available polling consistently shows Hispanic support for the president at around 30% — about the same as it has been for many Republican politicians post-George W. Bush and pre-Trump. Indeed, Some party insiders focused on improving Hispanic support for the GOP now contend that he has room to grow with this cohort in next election.

“He starts in a much better place for reelection than when he launched his 2016 campaign,” said Daniel Garza, a Bush administration veteran who runs the Libre Initiative, a Koch network group that encourages Hispanics to embrace conservative policies. “One would think immigration would be a major anchor for him, but he’s turned it into at least a push,” he said, suggesting his policies would neither harm nor help the president. That’s quite a turnabout for Garza. Here is what he told the Washington Examiner about Trump in August 2015: “His positions are indefensible. I would actually rise up against him.”........

Poll: 63% expect Trump reelection, up from 43%
Poll: 63% expect Trump reelection, up from 43%

A growing number of Americans, now a substantial majority, believe that President Trump is at least “somewhat likely” to win reelection, according to a new survey.
Despite nonstop negative headlines and concerns of an economic stall, 63% believe Trump is heading to reelection in Scott Rasmussen’s latest 2020 poll.

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