The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Powerline ^ | 16 Sep 2019 | John Hinderaker

Ilhan Omar appeared on Face the Nation yesterday. The host asked about her “Some people did something” description of the 9/11 attacks, which was denounced by the son of one of the victims at a commemorative service in New York last week. Specifically, the host asked Omar whether she understands why people find her “some people did something” comment offensive.

Yesterday, Omar repeated her view of 9/11, consistent with what she said to the CAIR group in California where the original comment was made, and with what I wrote in April. Yes, she said, the 9/11 attacks were terrible, they were an attack on all of us as Americans. But–and for Omar, everything important follows the “but”–

I think it is really important for us to make sure that we are not forgetting, right, the aftermath of what happened after 9/11. Many Americans found themselves now having their civil rights stripped from them. And so what I was speaking to was the fact that as a Muslim, not only was I suffering as an American who was attacked on that day, but the next day I woke up as my fellow Americans were now treating me as suspect.

This “stripping of civil rights” from “many Americans” is a fantasy. What on Earth is she talking about? And how exactly was she–age 18 at the time–treated as “suspect” the day after the terrorist attacks? What I remember about the days following September 11 are the frequent encomiums to Islam, from President Bush on down, as a “religion of peace.”

It would be hard to find a more privileged and coddled person than Ilhan Omar, rescued at taxpayer expense from a refugee camp in Kenya, elected to the Minnesota legislature at 34 years old and to Congress, after a single term in the legislature, at 36. And yet, for Omar, the terrorist mass murders of 2001 were all about her, and her purported victimization.


Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has accused her "fellow Americans" of treating her like a "suspect" following the 9/11 attacks.During an interview on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” Democratic "Squad" member Omar refused to apologize for her offensive remarks about the September 11 terrorist attacks, arguing that she is a victim.Speaking to host Margaret Brennan, Omar complained that, as a Muslim, the suffering felt across America left her feeling victimized by Islamophobia.

(Excerpt) Read more at nnettle.com ...
It's disturbing that this woman was VOTED into Congress by voters in her state. This means either the people of Minnesota are hideously stupid OR some kind of voter fraud is prevalent in that state. I would like to believe it's because of the latter.
'Substantial' evidence Omar committed federal & state crimes

A public-interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption has filed an ethics complaint against radical Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. On Tuesday, Judicial Watch hand-delivered an ethics complaint to David Skaggs, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics, calling for a full investigation into potential crimes tied to allegations that the Minnesota lawmaker may have married her biological brother.

Judicial Watch claims it has "substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence" that Omar may have committed crimes in violation of both federal and state law. JW president Tom Fitton says their complaint is based on social media posts and sources within the Somali-American community.

"The information appears to give probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud and even bigamy," Fitton explains. "To be clear, the facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history," he adds.

Fitton emphasizes this isn't about Omar's ideology. "Although she is ideologically quite noxious, she engages in this sly dishonest anti-Semitism," says the group's president. "She's viciously anti-Israel. She supports a supposedly U.S. organization that the U.S. government has believed to be a front for the terror group Hamas." Minnesota Republican State Representative Steve Drazkowski has filed a separate ethics complaint against Omar with the House Ethics Committee that is related to immigration fraud

SOURCE: 'Substantial' evidence Omar committed federal & state crimes
Um. Nazis did some things to...people .
...The Nazis observed and used the Turkish of genocide the Armenians. They did stuff to people.
The Mufti of Jerusalem that advocated for the genocide of Jews back in the 20's Hitler did some things to people alright.

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