Some neet dog stuff.


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Drivers seat.
Ever since we my dog adopted us there has been much speculation as to what breeds he is made of. I was put on to a place that will do DNA tests on your mixed breed dogs for ya. This is a picture of my dog Below. I said he was mostly Pit. As it turns out, he is a pit/boxer mix which is very common among the vato's, gangsta types as well as stupid red necks in Houston to breed, pump full of steroids and sell for $500 bucks with some cool name for the blood line like mama eater or machine gun Kelly or what ever. any way here are the results. The cool stuff is in the "mixed breed" part of the results.


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Can we have your last name and sample ID# so we can read it for ourselves?

sure. its a pdf, is their a way to post a PDF ?

Name: JA Duncan
Dog's Name: Yankee
Sample ID: 3000102337

That should get you there. If you can post it pleas do. If you want to see the cool stuff scroll down and look at his mixed breed stuff.
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My parson russell can completely dissemble (disassemble?) a baseball in about 5 minutes.
Pits rock.

How long have you had him?

Coming on a while now. He adopted us a few months before we moved. As far as pits go, he is a pitiful example, but probably the best dog we ever had. for toys he prefers knotted rope and peanut butter packed cow thigh bones . He likes to play with his spring pole and he pulls like a donkey.
My son's pit is coming to visit tonight, we always love having him. There isn't a better kids dog anywhere, he was raised with the kids in this family and loves them. He's gentle and loving.
My son's pit is coming to visit tonight, we always love having him. There isn't a better kids dog anywhere, he was raised with the kids in this family and loves them. He's gentle and loving.

It really is all about how you raise a dog. Certain breeds present challenges..but most of them can be overcome with socialization, kindness and love.
And he is challenging...he's all terrier, so he can be fairly neurotic about certain things. Unknown sounds unhinge him...I've seen him completely freak out over a running refrigerator, and he's not funny when he's like that. He stays in his own yard, but he's protective of it...if his family doesn't say it's okay then adults and animals need to stay out or he'll get you. He's not like that with kids, though. He greets all kids with a kiss.

The kids were visiting a few years ago and he was tied out in my front yard for a bit, so he could get on the porch. I had about 6 little boys come to the house...they didn't know him, but they just came right up to the gate (which he could reach) and let themselves in and gave him loves and walked right in the house. I was dumbfounded at their stupidity, but very happy with the dog, who greeted them and walked with them to the door.
My son's pit is coming to visit tonight, we always love having him. There isn't a better kids dog anywhere, he was raised with the kids in this family and loves them. He's gentle and loving.

It really is all about how you raise a dog. Certain breeds present challenges..but most of them can be overcome with socialization, kindness and love.

For my bog its boredom. He has to do something right now, all the time or he will destroy the house or eat furniture. He tore the hell out of our garage, and chewed the wheel off the garbage can. Thats why I use a spring pole. He will play with that for hours.

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