Some more history about how the Prog Slaves were going to stick it to the rich, back in 2009...Yep, Osama Obama really put it to ya..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Just as a reminder even Ted Kennedy the Lion of the Senate called Obama a radical Muslim by confusing names.
Kennedy Calls Obama "Osama Bin Laden" (This Is NO Joke) - YouTube

So back in 2008 the brown turd Osama Obama had told his future prog slaves that he was going to redistribute the wealth, but didnt identify in which direction he would do it.

Then of course Bill Clinton left George Bush (Progressive Republican) a future housing market crash and it did happen as planned in 2007, then Obama the worthless piece of crap, could only blame Bush for the following 8 years of malaise do to the ineptness of Obama's economic policies. QE forever was one in which the rich could borrow lots of money at Zero (0) percent interest, while many poor who had bank accounts saw their interest drop into the .05% per year payouts.

So now, all those prog slaves who once again voted for their masters to punish those Evil rich people, are not going to get the wealthy, but those Progressive Uber Rich people, like Jeff Bezos and other billionaires are going to get even richer, because you put the likes of Joe XiBiden and Camel Toe Harris in charge, of stealing the wealth of America, just like the stole the election of 2020....


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