Some More Energy Reality In New York City

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
New York thinks it is going to be the “leader” in showing the world how to transition away from fossil fuels to “green” energy. Our politicians and bureaucrats have not bothered with things like feasibility studies or demonstration projects showing that this can be done, because after all they are geniuses and it is up to the little people to figure out the details. So the energy transition has been ordered up via statutes filled with mandates and deadlines and penalties, with no attention paid to feasibility or cost. We now all get to sit back and watch as this crashes and burns.

In New York City, the main statute on this subject, enacted in 2019, has the title of Climate Mobilization Act, also known as Local Law (LL) 97. The most significant impending mandates are for reductions in “emissions” from buildings, with the first deadline for residential buildings coming right up in January 2024. Few building will fail the 2024 cap, but the mandated emissions limits keep ratcheting down over time. The mandate for 2030 for residential buildings over 25,000 square feet is set such that it cannot be met if the building continues to use gas or oil for heat; so effectively this is a mandate to convert to electric heat by that time.

Daughter Jane — a board member of a co-op in Queens which is over the 25,000 square feet and thus subject to the 2030 mandate — has previously covered this subject at Manhattan Contrarian. Here is her piece from October 2022. The gist was that boards in Queens that had looked into how to convert had been advised of very large costs that were not remotely affordable for their middle-class owners. Jane is currently on maternity leave from Manhattan Contrarian, having just delivered her third baby, so I am taking up this subject while we await her return.

Pfffft What does Jane know about her building !....stupid co op board member
We must obey the experts
It will only fail due to science deniers right wing extremism......BIGOTS!
NYC is living on pipe dreams like jailing Trump, banishing him from the city and now converting to electric. Talk is cheap when it comes to these insane ideas. You can't believe anything the Times or the networks say. They've been nothing but jive for decades now. MAGA
Sounds like New York politicians dont know anything about running a state.

In bone-dry language, the report “Inquiry into Bulk-Power System Operations During December 2022 Winter Storm Elliott,” explains how the gas pipeline network in New York nearly failed last Christmas when temperatures plummeted during the bomb cyclone. Freeze-related production declines, combined with soaring demand from power plants, homes, and businesses, led to shortages of gas throughout the Northeast. The lack of gas, as well as mechanical and electrical issues, resulted in an “unprecedented” loss of electric generation capacity totaling some 90,000 megawatts. While the lack of electricity was dangerous, the possibility of a loss of pressure in the natural gas network should send a bone-chilling shiver through the sacroiliac of every politician and bureaucrat in Washington, D.C., New York and the Northeast.
Solar is not even that effective in places like AZ.
WIND is occasional power helper (at what cost? cost to Bird life etc.)

The Climate loons have no answers or reasons to rid Gas stoves or Gasoline cars. Preposterous Commee DEM nonsense meant to further weaken America for enemy countries to rise up economically.

p.s. Solar cells are a series of "wafers". If one goes out.....? It will shut down or partially shut down. If shade is on one cell? I intend to look into this more deeply. Even in AZ Solar on homes is a small percentage?
If you have solar and the power goes out, your power will go out, too—unless you have a backup system. This is because U.S. electrical code requires rapid shutdown of a solar system to protect emergency workers and prevent dangerous backfeed current from passing onto distribution lines.

So....when you really need it? It would go out on you w/o a TESLA battery pack in the garage? Suck on that libstain loons in 120DEG heat.
Possible Causes: Manufacturing Defects
In my two decades of experience in the solar industry, I’ve seen cases where solar panels failed due to manufacturing defects. These defects can include issues with the solar cells themselves or issues with the glass and framing. Manufacturers offer warranties to cover these cases.

Possible Causes: Damage From Severe Weather
Severe weather events like hailstorms or high winds could cause physical damage leading to solar panel failure. Over the years, I’ve seen panels get smashed by hail stones or falling tree branches during wind storms.

Possible Causes: Wear And Tear Over Time
Everything wears out over time, and solar panels are no exception. Although they’re designed for longevity, exposure to the elements over many years can lead to a decline in performance.
What Is A Low Voltage Issue?
Low voltage issues can arise from poor installation, wiring problems, or equipment malfunction. These issues can force the solar panel to operate at too low a voltage level for the inverter to process, causing it to shut down.

Why It Can Lead To Solar Panel Failure
If the panel operates under low voltage, it is unable to supply the required electricity, leading it to function ineffectively or fail entirely.

Possible Causes: Zero Power Output
Possible Reasons For Zero Power Output
From my experience, zero power output is usually the result of defective connectors, faulty inverters, or shading over the solar panels.

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