Some good news for 2018 Senate Dems on health care

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Looks like the public disagrees with republican lawmakers.

Some good news for 2018 Senate Dems on health care

Here’s one bright spot for the 10 Senate Democrats up for re-election this year in states that President Trump won: Their constituents aren’t too fired up against the Affordable Care Act. Our Axios/Survey Monkey poll shows that most voters in all 10 states want Congress to either modify the law or leave it alone, rather than try to repeal it.

Data: SurveyMonkey polls conducted February 12-March 5, 2018. Poll Methodology; Note: "No answer" responses excluded; Chart: Andrew Witherspoon / Axios
Health care/Health insurance is such a complex issue that not one voter in ten could articulate with any clarity whatsoever what "Obamacare" is or how it affects anyone, let alone himself.

SO any poll trying to measure the public's satisfaction with ACA is near meaningless.
Yet the ACA haters loved posting polls, that apparently meant nothing, to the posters or the readers?


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