some are saying

Continually, the voters have been saying it.
some are saying

Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

Why are you buying into the orange? You

Because he looks orange, and he is definitely a clown.
Continually, the voters have been saying it.
some are saying

Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

after Donnie whips his magic wand and comes up with 120 electoral votes out of thin air before Clinton gets her 50?

that November?


Keep talking, the old bag may not even make it to November.

lets bet ..

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Trump can win the popular vote and lose, Clinton can win the electoral college vote and win the election .... shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell the Trumpbots

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Trump can win the popular vote and lose, Clinton can win the electoral college vote and win the election .... shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell the Trumpbots

That would be a pretty bleak outcome.

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Trump can win the popular vote and lose, Clinton can win the electoral college vote and win the election .... shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell the Trumpbots

You don't think we can win the electorals?

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Trump can win the popular vote and lose, Clinton can win the electoral college vote and win the election .... shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell the Trumpbots

You don't think we can win the electorals?

we? so youre the rat in Donalds pants ...

no I dont

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Trump can win the popular vote and lose, Clinton can win the electoral college vote and win the election .... shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell the Trumpbots

You don't think we can win the electorals?

we? so youre the rat in Donalds pants ...

no I dont

Mouse, a very teeny, tiny mouse.
I have so much on so many. Do you think we should play a game where I let you play with someone.

Like Joe Scarborough and his dead intern in his office.

Mika? Oh I can have fun with her. I can probably shame most of her family because her dad is a perv.

You won't be the first anonymous fruitcake on the internet who thought they could take over the world. Your area of influence won't be any bigger after the election than it is now. Some say it will even be smaller.

I am a nobody. I am NO BODY.

But over the years having been a promoter I realized these sons of bitches think they are god almighty because they are the media. Smarmy little world they live in.

Now. Lets see what they do. Let's talk Joe. Every day.
Continually, the voters have been saying it.
some are saying

Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

after Donnie whips his magic wand and comes up with 120 electoral votes out of thin air before Clinton gets her 50?

that November?


Keep talking, the old bag may not even make it to November.

lets bet ..

Bet? I take the orange clown and you get the bulldyke?
Continually, the voters have been saying it.
some are saying

Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

Why are you buying into the orange? You

Because he looks orange, and he is definitely a clown.

Are you that stupid? I didn't think you were to buy into bullshit media crap. Well now I know you are stupid.

Honestly how on earth can you buy into that stupid?
You can hate someone all to pieces but if you are going to believe that a billionaire is going to walk out of his house painted ORANGE with white rings around his eyes

You are one of the dumbest fucks on the planet YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT

Actuality it's not. The poll is relevant because the perception of voters is, not whether the voters are correct or not. Though, I happen to believe they are but that's based on the shit that drools out of Trump's mouth and not popular opinion.

Trump can win the popular vote and lose, Clinton can win the electoral college vote and win the election .... shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell the Trumpbots

You don't think we can win the electorals?

we? so youre the rat in Donalds pants ...

no I dont

Better than being whatever the hell is stuffed in the old hags pants.
Continually, the voters have been saying it.
some are saying

Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

Why are you buying into the orange? You

Because he looks orange, and he is definitely a clown.

Are you that stupid? I didn't think you were to buy into bullshit media crap. Well now I know you are stupid.

Honestly how on earth can you buy into that stupid?

Rather than just name call, why don't you offer something concrete......or am I just too stupid to recognize that is what you didn't?
Continually, the voters have been saying it.
some are saying

Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

Why are you buying into the orange? You

Because he looks orange, and he is definitely a clown.

Are you that stupid? I didn't think you were to buy into bullshit media crap. Well now I know you are stupid.

Honestly how on earth can you buy into that stupid?

Rather than just name call, why don't you offer something concrete......or am I just too stupid to recognize that is what you didn't?

Is this really a debate on the hue of the candidate?

I want in. He's sooo orange he's wanted for the murder of Nicole Simpson.
Let's see what they say in November. It appears that there is a large block of voters (me among them) who are even more disappointed than usual in our choices for POTUS. Sickly, lying, untrustworthy bulldyke, or in-over -his-head- goofy orange clown....what a country!

Why are you buying into the orange? You

Because he looks orange, and he is definitely a clown.

Are you that stupid? I didn't think you were to buy into bullshit media crap. Well now I know you are stupid.

Honestly how on earth can you buy into that stupid?

Rather than just name call, why don't you offer something concrete......or am I just too stupid to recognize that is what you didn't?

Is this really a debate on the hue of the candidate?

I want in. He's sooo orange he's wanted for the murder of Nicole Simpson.

Tinydance apparently believes that every time he appears on TV all the broadcast companies have agreed to put an orange filter over him. XXXX-- Mod Edit -- Don't need to go all vulgar over a bad liquid tan... BuckToothMoron
Last edited by a moderator:
Why are you buying into the orange? You

Because he looks orange, and he is definitely a clown.

Are you that stupid? I didn't think you were to buy into bullshit media crap. Well now I know you are stupid.

Honestly how on earth can you buy into that stupid?

Rather than just name call, why don't you offer something concrete......or am I just too stupid to recognize that is what you didn't?

Is this really a debate on the hue of the candidate?

I want in. He's sooo orange he's wanted for the murder of Nicole Simpson.

Tinydance apparently believes that every time he appears on TV all the broadcast companies have agreed to put an orange filter over him. I think she believes just because the jizz on her chin from blowing him is white, he must also be white.

Don't worry about what she believes. She's nuts and believes all kinds of crazy shit.
I love this. Thousands of people come out to see him and cheer him on. Hillary the sickly cant attract a hundred. But Trump is the loser.Oh right.

I promised you I would go after the press in September and nuke them.

I will not let you down.

Why do you think you can have any impact on the press?
I have so much on so many. Do you think we should play a game where I let you play with someone.

Like Joe Scarborough and his dead intern in his office.

Mika? Oh I can have fun with her. I can probably shame most of her family because her dad is a perv.

You know things about Joe and Mika? I'll bet they are really worried.

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