Solving Immigration & the Afghanistan War problems


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Seems to me it is the interference of ICE that prevents the handling of illegal aliens in a permanent manner. US laws tend to get in the way, cause delays and unjust sentences that allow the illegal to return again and again, constantly using our resources up. All combined, the US must be spending billions of foreigner traffic and illegals and checking bags and connexs, etc. So I came up with a solution to our problems.

When we catch illegals, we will board them on a jumbo cargo plane and take them to Afghanistan where they can be tried under military laws, and set free in that country if found innocent or guilty. Afghanistan could use some cheap farm labor to get their country on it's feet again. The illegal could work and save his money for the day he can afford a return trip to Central America. In return for taking the illegals in, we would give Afghanistan all the illegal contraband found being smuggled into America.

So I picked out a plane capable of meeting our needs.

The A380's upper deck extends along the entire length of the fuselage, and its width is equivalent to that of a widebody aircraft. This allows for an A380-800's cabin with 5,146 square feet (478.1 m2) of floor space; 49% more floor space than the next-largest airliner, the Boeing 747-400 with 3,453 square feet (320.8 m2), and provides seating for 525 people in a typical three-class configuration or up to 853 people in all-economy class configurations. The A380-800 has a design range of 15,200 km (8,200 nmi), sufficient to fly from New York to Hong Kong for example, and a cruising speed of Mach 0.85 (about 900 km/h or 560 mph at cruising altitude).
My solution to the illegal immigration problem:

Every time we catch a Mexican wetback, we deport a few tea beggars.

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