Solution to govt policies on Gay Marriage


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I was reading headlines about the fight for Gay Marriage as a religious freedom issue.
I agree with that, but just recognized that it should be AGREED that the freedom established goes both ways.

A. If people WANT to FORCE those with religious beliefs AGAINST gay marriage (such as
those who believe that ALL cases are by choice and not spiritually made, and that ALL cases could change)
to open up and ACCEPT the idea that SOME people are spiritually born gay and may not change.


B. it should ALSO be required that people who believe that ALL cases of homosexuality are born and not chosen
be FORCED to OPEN UP and ACCEPT the fact that
SOME CASE ARE NOT NATURAL and/or CAN be changed, such as through reparative therapy.

That would be equal religious freedom to include all beliefs without bias, if ALL are forced to be accepted.

otherwise, people are only pushing "religious freedom" for one side to be forced to change
and accept the other; they are not EQUALLY pushing for "religious freedom" for
their side to be open to accept the other.

So my solution is
C. that only people who agree to BOTH the beliefs in A and B
work on how to negotiate and write policies.

If the writing or decisions on laws is made either by people pushing one agenda/belief or another,
this causes the other side to fight.

So the solution is for people who can negotiate between both sides
and include them equally to revise, reform or write the laws where they
remain neutral and do not impose a bias one way or another that excludes,
imposes or discriminates for or against one of the views MORE THAN THE OTHER.

The "religious freedom" must be unbiased and not pushing one agenda or the other.

So if people want Gay Marriage accepted as a valid choice,
this should equally require Reparative Therapy accepted as a valid choice.

the laws must be open both ways or it is pushing a onesided bias
and is NOT equal protection of religious freedom for all beliefs.

If you have examples of solutions you can reply and post them here.
if you want to vent and use this thread for therapy to get past your grief over
this issue, be my guest, you are welcome to post whatever you want
with the understanding the point and process is still toward resolving issues
not going back and forth in endless debates. I want to see solutions come out of this.
Thanks for your honest feedback and input.
My solution is to get government out of the marriage business altogether.
My solution is to get government out of the marriage business altogether.


And by presenting the above choices,
people would be too busy having to hash out issues directly among themselves
all the mediation would have to take place in person in private one-on-one.
We'd have better chances of resolving issues that way where we SHOULD be addressing
this as a personal and spiritual matter. Thanks!
Reparative therapy? Really? Come on.

The answer is really quite simple. If you are against same sex marriage, then don't marry someone of the same sex.
the best solution is to let people exercise their own morals and be whoever and whatever they want to be..

I don't give a crap about gays, they don't give a crap about me ... leaving each other the hell alone works out for best for both parties.

see how that works ?
the best solution is to let people exercise their own morals and be whoever and whatever they want to be..

I don't give a crap about gays, they don't give a crap about me ... leaving each other the hell alone works out for best for both parties.

see how that works ?

Laughing...yeah. To paraphrase Dennis Miller, there's nothing less interesting to me than your orgasm.

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