Soft Ball with Bob Scheiffer


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Don't you love it how BS pretends he's playing hardball with the Obama regime by chastising a no-name ass-clown more than half a year later and when the election is well over? I guess he just got permission from his CBS bosses to do so.

And this statement makes me laugh:

"BOB SCHIEFFER, HOST: You know, I don’t want to compare this in any way to Watergate. I do not think this is Watergate by any stretch."

Oh, not by any stretch, huh Bob? Yea, Nixon's henchmen only broke into a Democtratic office in an ill-faded attempt to get information for an election, which he handily won anyhow. Obama let many American lay at waste as they were attacked by barbaric forces and then lied about it to help his career. But not by any stretch, right?

And btw Bob, Watergate 2 just happened. There was so much voter fraud and cheating by the Obama campaign that it's not even funny. Thus, we see that its not about truth with the media. It's about being them being the Democratic arm.

Schieffer to Obama Advisor: ?Why Are You Here? Why Isn?t the White House Chief of Staff Here?? | NewsBusters

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