Sock Puppets and the Virus

Has anyone else noticed that most of the loudest and most prolific anti-mask and ant-vaccine posters have shown themselves to be Russian/Chinese sock puppets?

They don't even try to hide it since the Ukraine invasion so...yea

And aren't Trumpers even a little taken aback that they have been in such tight agreement with people who wish us harm?

Born in Kenya Barack, Hillary and Peppermint Patty all vaxxed, all have Covid
I hate all the sock puppets. I remember a forum years ago where the moderators checked the computer IP numbers and threw out whoever was posting as different individual from the same computer.

That didn't dissuade one really devoted sock, who posted at home with one ID and at work with the other, but it caught most of them.

He he...that Mal

Born in Kenya Barack, Hillary and Peppermint Patty all vaxxed, all have Covid
My wife (65) got covid after being vaxxed and boosted.

Was not much worse than a cold

Of course it has KILLED well over 3/4 of a million unvaxxed Americans
I hate all the sock puppets. I remember a forum years ago where the moderators checked the computer IP numbers and threw out whoever was posting as different individual from the same computer.

That didn't dissuade one really devoted sock, who posted at home with one ID and at work with the other, but it caught most of them.
Won't happen here.

Apparently the Mods like the socks
Says one of those prolific sock puppets.

Thanks for the example
1. It was those like you that claimed the vaccine was a cure and would prevent the spread of the virus and you would call anyone that disagreed with you a liar and ignorant!

Now that it is well known the vaccine does not prevent the catching, spreading or even the dying from the virus those like you will shift your ignorance to something else!

2. Masks only do so much and let me be clear without the face shield it is pointless to wear a surgical mask and you are required to wear a N95 mask if you want decent protection!!

3. I am vaccinated and have the boosters and nearly died still, so let be clear you will call me a sock puppet but Will can tell I ain’t one and have many times have shown many of you keep on using old data and fail to realize the data changes often!!!
1. It was those like you that claimed the vaccine was a cure and would prevent the spread of the virus and you would call anyone that disagreed with you a liar and ignorant!

Now that it is well known the vaccine does not prevent the catching, spreading or even the dying from the virus those like you will shift your ignorance to something else!

2. Masks only do so much and let me be clear without the face shield it is pointless to wear a surgical mask and you are required to wear a N95 mask if you want decent protection!!

3. I am vaccinated and have the boosters and nearly died still, so let be clear you will call me a sock puppet but Will can tell I ain’t one and have many times have shown many of you keep on using old data and fail to realize the data changes often!!!
Ya know who makes posts just like yours?

Yea...Russian sock puppets.

Does that concern you at all?

It should
1. It was those like you that claimed the vaccine was a cure and would prevent the spread of the virus and you would call anyone that disagreed with you a liar and ignorant!

Now that it is well known the vaccine does not prevent the catching, spreading or even the dying from the virus those like you will shift your ignorance to something else!

2. Masks only do so much and let me be clear without the face shield it is pointless to wear a surgical mask and you are required to wear a N95 mask if you want decent protection!!

3. I am vaccinated and have the boosters and nearly died still, so let be clear you will call me a sock puppet but Will can tell I ain’t one and have many times have shown many of you keep on using old data and fail to realize the data changes often!!!
Nobody claimed it is a cure.

You don't understand the point of the masks.

Your personal anecdote just isn't worth much. This is a bout best odds, not guarantees.

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