Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

Does it matter that she misrepresented who she is to the American pubic?

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​
Some of the key points

Immigration Status
The candidate for state office previously told multiple outlets that she’s an immigrant from Colombia and noted that her family immigrated to the U.S. when she was young. Her father, she said, was Jewish but “I immigrated to this country with my family when I was very little. In Colombia, my mom raised me as a single mother,” she also said during one of her events on the campaign trail.

“As a proud immigrant myself, I know how important it is to protect the rights of immigrants and ensure that everyone can fully participate in the life of New York State,” Salazar’s campaign website read just last month, before it was recently changed to “as a proud daughter of an immigrant father myself.”

According to Tablet, the candidate is not an immigrant. She was born in Miami and her mother had U.S. citizenship. Her brother, Alex Salazar, confirmed to the magazine that both he and his sister were born in the U.S.

Salazar, despite being caught on camera saying she’s an immigrant, pushed back against the expose, saying she “made it crystal clear that I had been born in Miami.” She blamed a campaign staffer for the error on her website.

Jewish Heritage
Her claims about being Jewish also came under scrutiny. She claimed Jewish blood through her father, saying his Jewish ancestors were expelled to Latin America from medieval Spain. But her father’s 2009 funeral service notes that the service was held in a Catholic Church in Florida, Tablet reported.

“There was nobody in our immediate family who was Jewish … my father was not Jewish, we were not raised Jewish,” the brother said. He added that one of their father’s brothers was a Jesuit priest.

The magazine also obtained messages from her university years that show Salazar claiming her mother’s family was from Israel and describing herself as a descendant of Christian Israelis. The New York Senate candidate also once wrote that her grandfather moved from Mandatory Palestine to Colombia 10 years before the state of Israel was founded.

The Tablet reports that some of her acquaintances said that Salazar had undergone conversion to conservative Judaism in just two months, though such a process could take much longer.

Salazar called the questioning of her religion “a long history of bigoted policing of the identity of Jewish people of color, particularly people with patrilineal Jewish heritage or Jews who converted. I’m sad to see that brought into my campaign.”

The candidate’s progressive credentials were also called into question after revelations that she was actually a conservative Christian activist on campus who worked on pro-Israel and pro-life initiatives.

In 2012, Salazar appeared on Glenn Beck’s show, claiming “there are probably several” professors at the Columbia University who are using “using the classroom as their podium to spread lies about the State of Israel, to delegitimize the State of Israel, and to spread propaganda to Columbia students.”

The candidate has since come out against the Jewish state and supported organizations that campaign for boycott, disinvestment, and sanctions against Israel.

In 2012 and 2013, she was the president of Columbia Right to Life, the campus' top anti-abortion group. Her now-deleted social media posts often alluded to her Christian faith.

Salazar didn’t address her change in political views.
Kinda of Rachael Dolenzal ish
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.
This is just another move by a modern day liberal pol seeking an identity to be a victim. How sad and pathetic.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.

You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.

You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.

But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.
I wasn't aware being Jewish gave you an advantage in a political race.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.

You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.

But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.

Nonsense. Lies matter to the American public, and by titling herself a "Democratic Socialist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one - she represents a national move by the Democrats that needs to be pointed out.

In terms of state elections, I seem to recall Bloomberg of NYC pouring cash into failed gun control campaigns in Virginia and other states, just as a handy example.
This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public"
Well I guess it all depends on when you decide to begin the timeline. When a person is interviewed by a magazine (Tablet) or radio station (GBTV) I would presume that their entire reader/viewer base would have access to the interview and yes I would expect that to include individuals outside of the state of New York.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​
I don't think I would want to be touted as the next Cortez, considering she is a blabbering idiot. I wouldn't want the endorsement of Cynthia Dixon either.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.

You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.

But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.

Nonsense. Lies matter to the American public, and by titling herself a "Democratic Socialist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one - she represents a national move by the Democrats that needs to be pointed out.

The fact that you may be butthurt about a politics term doesn't make it go away. I mean it's got a Wiki entry; you could look it up. But I did point out how the OP intentionally morphed the term into something else for the title here. There must be something there y'all are mortally afraid of.

The fact remains, a Senate candidate does not present herself to "the American public"; she presents herself to the voters of the STATE. What anybody in the other 49 states thinks is irrelevant as they have no vote and would not be her constituents.

In terms of state elections, I seem to recall Bloomberg of NYC pouring cash into failed gun control campaigns in Virginia and other states, just as a handy example.

--- And? People support and oppose political measures all the time, how is that relevant here?
This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public"
Well I guess it all depends on when you decide to begin the timeline. When a person is interviewed by a magazine (Tablet) or radio station (GBTV) I would presume that their entire reader/viewer base would have access to the interview and yes I would expect that to include individuals outside of the state of New York.

"Access" is irrelevant here. You and I could look up the speeches of the candidate for dogcather in Port Fart Idaho if we wanted but it wouldn't give us a vote in that race nor would that candidate have any need to explain to us how he was going to catch dogs in Port Fart.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.

You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.

But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.

Nonsense. Lies matter to the American public, and by titling herself a "Democratic Socialist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one - she represents a national move by the Democrats that needs to be pointed out.

The fact that you may be butthurt about a politics term doesn't make it go away. I mean it's got a Wiki entry; you could look it up. But I did point out how the OP intentionally morphed the term into something else for the title here. There must be something there y'all are mortally afraid of.

The fact remains, a Senate candidate does not present herself to "the American public"; she presents herself to the voters of the STATE. What anybody in the other 49 states thinks is irrelevant as they have no vote and would not be her constituents.

In terms of state elections, I seem to recall Bloomberg of NYC pouring cash into failed gun control campaigns in Virginia and other states, just as a handy example.

--- And? People support and oppose political measures all the time, how is that relevant here?

It is relevant because you are limiting public interest to state voters, which is never the case, particularly for offices which have national influence.

"Politics term" :auiqs.jpg:
Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.

You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.

But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.

Nonsense. Lies matter to the American public, and by titling herself a "Democratic Socialist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one - she represents a national move by the Democrats that needs to be pointed out.

The fact that you may be butthurt about a politics term doesn't make it go away. I mean it's got a Wiki entry; you could look it up. But I did point out how the OP intentionally morphed the term into something else for the title here. There must be something there y'all are mortally afraid of.

The fact remains, a Senate candidate does not present herself to "the American public"; she presents herself to the voters of the STATE. What anybody in the other 49 states thinks is irrelevant as they have no vote and would not be her constituents.

In terms of state elections, I seem to recall Bloomberg of NYC pouring cash into failed gun control campaigns in Virginia and other states, just as a handy example.

--- And? People support and oppose political measures all the time, how is that relevant here?

It is relevant because you are limiting public interest to state voters, which is never the case, particularly for offices which have national influence.

"Politics term" :auiqs.jpg:

OK Hunior, why don't you essplain to the class how you're going to vote in a New York statewide election if you live in Florida. Or Oregon. Or Illinois. After that you can essplain how that candidate needs to appeal to the voters in Idaho. Or Nebraska. Or Alabama.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.
Oh please all the ticky tack crap you guys toss about Trump, it's just funny seeing how you guys dismiss this.....Why do you guys lie about your background? is this called ethnic fluidity? One day a Jew the next a muslim..........

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