Socialist Democrat Propaganda Pushers & Liberal Fake News Media BUSTED Again: 'Cortez' Edition


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"An old video of now-Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez playfully recreating a dance scene from “The Breakfast Club” was resurfaced anonymously on Twitter last week -- resulting in a slew of misleading stories claiming conservatives were outraged over it, despite virtually no supporting evidence.

The 2010 footage of Ocasio-Cortez dancing comes from her days at Boston University. It went viral, for sure. But The New York Times,
GQ, Newsweek and Ocasio-Cortez, among others, were quick to falsely claim that conservatives were somehow upset by the harmless video.

“It caused a social media stir, with the mainstream media and liberals lining up to cheer it and condemn conservatives for being offended by it. The only problem: Conservatives were not actually offended by it,”
Media Research Center’s Clay Waters wrote."

"The Times published a story.
- It doesn’t feature a single example of anyone being offended with the exception of an anonymous Twitter account that first drew attention to the video saying it showed "America’s favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is." However, the Times managed to find examples of Ocasio-Cortez supporters condemning conservatives for being critical of the video."

"Waters called it the “latest knee-jerk liberal mockery of conservatives,” who “stand accused on absolutely no evidence of being offended by something.”

"...the mainstream media is “so desperate to make conservatives look bad that they will invent a controversy when there isn’t one,” with the Ocasio-Cortez video the latest example."

We see snowflakes on this board do this all the time.

“If you want to look up the very definition of fake news, look no further than the faux controversy over the AOC dancing video. Literally, every single conservative I saw comment on the video said it actually made her more likable, and yet our shameless mainstream media spends days pushing the narrative that conservatives attacked her. Must be nice being a liberal.”

Newsweek wrote “Conservatives mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for college dancing video, everyone else thinks it’s adorable” YET Newsweek did not not citing any "conservatives" beyond the original anonymous Twitter account. Media watchdogs pounced on Newsweek for the misleading headline and exposed the FAKE NEWS!

It's pretty sad when you are so desperate to make the other party look bad because you can't make yourself / your own party look good that you stoop to inventing controversies, making false accusations, and reporting Fake News!

:p Way to go, Lying Socialist Dumbass Democrats :clap:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dance video spurs false media claims of conservative outrage

They realize she is as ignorant as a doorknob, as some of her own fellow Democrats have pointed that out, so it seems they are attempting to use a counter-intelligence operation (pushing fake news) to make it appear she is being attacked by the Right for something as ridiculous as dancing in a video to rally easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes to support and defend her..

They realize she is as ignorant as a doorknob, as some of her own fellow Democrats have pointed that out, so it seems they are attempting to use a counter-intelligence operation (pushing fake news) to make it appear she is being attacked by the Right for something as ridiculous as dancing in a video to rally easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes to support and defend her..

America is sad, through and through.

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