Socialism - the Moral Question


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.

Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.
our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause. only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature. Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!
I'm calling shenanigans. Aren't elections the way we hold politicians to account? How does human nature get suspended?
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.

You put a lot of work into a straw man, sadly you used wet straw, covered the man in asbestos and forget to bring the matches.

Speaker Pelosi is both smart and pragmatic, she will not allow extreme bills to come to the floor. Unlike the Ryan, she has a plan which benefits the people, and not Wall Street. But knowing her, she will not punish Wall Street, for she is politically astute, unlike Trump who is politically a stup.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature. Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!
I'm calling shenanigans. Aren't elections the way we hold politicians to account? How does human nature get suspended?

Human nature doesn't get suspended, if anything it gets unrestricted most of the time, which is probably what he meant. IOW, the bastards get away with just about anything.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.

The press loves to afflict those with different politics from their own. Those with the same views pretty much get a pass. And that's why they should be held accountable just like gov't, corps/companies, schools/colleges.universities, and organizations such as the NRA.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.

The press loves to afflict those with different politics from their own. Those with the same views pretty much get a pass. And that's why they should be held accountable just like gov't, corps/companies, schools/colleges.universities, and organizations such as the NRA.

What works in Capitalism should hold them accountable. It is more difficult when government doesn't look to socialism and allows monopolies though
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.
The press are willing agitprops for one side over the other...They're not making anyone whose water they're carrying uncomfortable at all.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature. Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!
I'm calling shenanigans. Aren't elections the way we hold politicians to account? How does human nature get suspended?

Human nature doesn't get suspended, if anything it gets unrestricted most of the time, which is probably what he meant. IOW, the bastards get away with just about anything.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.

The press loves to afflict those with different politics from their own. Those with the same views pretty much get a pass. And that's why they should be held accountable just like gov't, corps/companies, schools/colleges.universities, and organizations such as the NRA.

What works in Capitalism should hold them accountable. It is more difficult when government doesn't look to socialism and allows monopolies though
Gubmint is the biggest and most unaccountable monopoly of them all.
Pure Socialism does not work thanks to human nature.

Pure Capitalism does not work thanks to human nature.
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.

The press loves to afflict those with different politics from their own. Those with the same views pretty much get a pass. And that's why they should be held accountable just like gov't, corps/companies, schools/colleges.universities, and organizations such as the NRA.

What works in Capitalism should hold them accountable. It is more difficult when government doesn't look to socialism and allows monopolies though
Gubmint is the biggest and most unaccountable monopoly of them all.

Whats the alternative?
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.
Why do us taxpayers have to bail out capitalist if capitalism is the shits!?
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.
Why do us taxpayers have to bail out capitalist if capitalism is the shits!?

That was very nicely worded. Capitalists like Socialist protections when its time for one of their corporations to seek government bankruptcy protection.
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Well, the numbers don't support that theory. Even if the Government could confiscate ALL of the wealth and income of the so-called "one-percenters," that would not provide enough cash to foot this enormous bill. Not nearly enough.

In fact, everyone productively working in the economy will have to pay well-over half of their gross income to fund these costly benefits for - mainly - everyone else (in addition to themselves).

So the Government acts as little more than a Clearing House for income and wealth, taking it from those with "an excess" and giving it (after Government takes its cut for administration and overhead) to those who either will not or cannot provide for themselves. And don't forget, those with an "excess" are also responsible for paying for the fundamental costs of government - National defense, safety and security, roads, environmental protection, the post office, national roads, and on and on and on (See Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution).

Assuming that the high earners do not just scale back to avoid this horrible abuse at the hand of Government, how is it MORAL to confiscate more than half of one's earnings to pay for the living costs of others? Is this not what we normally call "theft"?

Charity is a good thing, and God bless those who are charitable, but having money taken from one at the point of - in effect - a Gun is not "charity" at all. Again, it is theft or extortion, depending on how you look at it. But both are immoral. And lest we forget, the act of voting for this theft, either as a legislator or a common citizen, is not "compassionate." It makes you part of an immoral confiscatory conspiracy.

But what about "Democracy"? What if "the People" vote for Socialism? That doesn't change the moral aspect at all. Imagine a large room where 99 people have ten dollars each and one person has a million. They hold a vote to see how the $1,000,990 should be divided. Not surprisingly, they decide overwhelmingly that everyone's money should be accumulated and distributed equally. That's fair, right? Equal distribution? Democratically decided. No more "INEQUALITY"! Isn't that the definition of fair?

No! Of course not! They have used the tool of "democracy" to steal the millionaire's money!

And this is exactly what would happen if, for example, the "Green New Deal" were enacted into law. Money from the productive would be confiscated to fund the pipe dreams, wants, and needs of the unproductive. Theft. Immorality. Even if "democratically" enacted.

Socialism is not only economically stupid, it is immoral.
Why do us taxpayers have to bail out capitalist if capitalism is the shits!?

That was very nicely worded. Capitalists like Socialist protections when its time for one of their corporations to seek government bankruptcy protection.
Only when you are rich and you have rich friends in the right places, the common citizens gets nothing but a bill to help pay his competition. Which is why they hate the idea of income equality...
Yet, somehow or another, gubmint is supposed to work....Because human nature gets suspended when you get elected to a totally unaccountable position of authority!

View attachment 247886

No one is saying not to watch the government or corporations, except the NRA who do nothing about Facebook datamining what guns you have.

Elected officials are in a spotlight and the press loves to afflict the comfortable.

The press loves to afflict those with different politics from their own. Those with the same views pretty much get a pass. And that's why they should be held accountable just like gov't, corps/companies, schools/colleges.universities, and organizations such as the NRA.

What works in Capitalism should hold them accountable. It is more difficult when government doesn't look to socialism and allows monopolies though
Gubmint is the biggest and most unaccountable monopoly of them all.

Whats the alternative?
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Under full-fledged socialism, there would be no taxes. There would be no need to pay for it, because the government would control labor and resources directly.
Proponents of "Socialism" like to tout how it will (in their dreams),

  • Feed the hungry,
  • Care for the injured, sick and dying,
  • Clothe the naked,
  • House the homeless,
  • Nurture children, and
  • See to the needs of the extremely elderly, infirm, and incapacitated, not to mention,
  • Pay for birth control and abortion, and
  • Save the Planet for generations to come.
But of course, all of this PRESUMES that the mountainous costs of doing all of the foregoing will be paid by...Who, exactly? Somebody else? The Rich?

Under full-fledged socialism, there would be no taxes. There would be no need to pay for it, because the government would control labor and resources directly.
IOW, the peasants would all be chattel slaves to The State.

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