Socialism Means a Descent Into Death

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

:clap2: So true!

“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy."---Winston Churchill
Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

The modern Left is mesmerized by negative freedom.

They'd rather enumerate the ways in which everything one says and does is "racist" or "transphobic" than explore or dissect actual intellectual ideas.

It's the surest sign of a losing hand.

MAGA should not discount this, and - in fact - exploit it.
Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The modern Left is mesmerized by negative freedom.

They'd rather enumerate the ways in which everything one says and does is "racist" or "transphobic" than explore or dissect actual intellectual ideas.

It's the surest sign of a losing hand.

MAGA should not discount this, and - in fact - exploit it.
dude, putting the left and intellectual in the same paragraph may be acting white
Everyone on the planet knows what choosing the path of socialism, communism, and fascism leads to.

European nations who already went through the crap, the collapses, and managed to cone out the other side, are looking at us, shaking their heads, and wondering why weren't we paying attention when it happened to them.

People who escaped / survived that crap and made it here have been and are warning us Democrats are leading us down the same path, turning us into the type of nation they escaped.

So why the hell are Democrats hell-bent on dragging the US into the same fate?
Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

Please tell this: "Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity," to the so-called, self-described Constitutionalists that all gather in meetings plotting to help Trump.
Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

That is pretty silly because humans have been around for millions of years before we invented clothing, in just the last 20,000 years or so.
And in fact we did not have the luxury of private bedrooms until the last couple thousand years, so the idea of "pornography" being so destructive, is pretty silly in general.
You are claiming freedom means being able to dictate to your own family.
Why not let them decide for themselves?
What is it you are afraid of?
Everyone on the planet knows what choosing the path of socialism, communism, and fascism leads to.

European nations who already went through the crap, the collapses, and managed to cone out the other side, are looking at us, shaking their heads, and wondering why weren't we paying attention when it happened to them.

People who escaped / survived that crap and made it here have been and are warning us Democrats are leading us down the same path, turning us into the type of nation they escaped.

So why the hell are Democrats hell-bent on dragging the US into the same fate?

Socialism it the only thing that remotely works, and all countries are becoming even more socialist over time, as the larger population impact forces more efficiency.
The reason we should do it here is that it would save us about half what we are spending currently on health care.
Capitalism always has to cost more, since there is a need to pay profits to the original capitalist investors (stockholders), who do nothing.
And socialized medicine of Europe also is much better than our medical care quality.
Socialism it the only thing that remotely works, and all countries are becoming even more socialist over time, as the larger population impact forces more efficiency.
The reason we should do it here is that it would save us about half what we are spending currently on health care.
Capitalism always has to cost more, since there is a need to pay profits to the original capitalist investors (stockholders), who do nothing.
And socialized medicine of Europe also is much better than our medical care quality.

Socialism always fails.

Socialized medicine of other countries is inferior
Don’t you support the First Amendment? Then you must support pornography in your kids’ middle school library! Otherwise, you are a FASCIST!!

Don’t you support democracy? Then you must support shutting down MAGA’s ideas! Otherwise, you are worse than HITLER!!

Don’t you support gender equality? Then you must allow your 10 year old to attend sexually explicit drag shows. Otherwise, you are a NAZI!!

It’s all rather intellectually simplistic, isn’t it? To be a leftist you are relieved of the burden of telling the complete truth. Forget context, nuance, and complexity. You just boil every issue down to its simplest form so everbody understands (misunderstands) it and to make it a compelling, a priori proposition. It’s not even simplistic. This approach is anti-intellectualism. It fosters misleading and false narratives.

Why do we see such rhetorical garbage? Because the left is indoctrinated with collectivism ideals as opposed to individualism. Our constitutional republic is founded on the idea that rights and liberties are vested in the individual, not group identity. Among other things, this approach tends to promote the decentralization of power. Collectivism, on the other hand, is happy to disregard individual rights for the benefit of the collective. This, of course, paves the way to authoritarianism. This is why socialism, even “democratic socialism” always will lead to authoritarianism.

socialism is great until you are forced to sit and watch your children starve to death

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