Socialism in Sim City


Nov 14, 2012
The latest Sim City is a very interesting one despite the fact that a map includes several locations for small cities. The player builds all the cities. A very interesting aspect is the possibility to maintain city owned industry and trade. In my little city, I have a CPU factory that makes a lot of cash. In order to make CPUs, you have to make or import plastics and alloying. Therefore a depot or terminal is required that you must equip with the right stores and enough trucks and you must order them to import the needed stuff. Before you can build a CPU factory, five privately owned factories must have reached the medium or high (not combinable) tech-level. For example, an expensive university (that you can upgrade in several ways like most municipal buildings) in the vicinity of the private factories will help to gain medium and high tech-level factories over time. Then, if you have the dough, you can make the factory. You must make CPU stores in the depot or terminal and order to export the CPUs. If you have a computer and TV factory, you also must provide domestic produced or imported CPUs and plastics and alloying to that factory or it will not run.

See, how rich my city is due to the CPU factory´s profit. I can pump a lot of cash to the other cities in the region in order to develop them faster:

There are also other branches like the exploitation of resources like coal and oil that you also can improve by building centrals which provide you with the ability to upgrade and extend them if you reach a certain trade profit in the specific branches. That will unlock new buildings like a refinery for example that can make other products out of the oil. However, due to the small maps you can only build a few factories in each city. This combination of city and economy management is new to the series and very interesting: The game always provides you with new goals.
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