Socialism/Communism is for white people only - Others need not apply


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Apparently it is, since the only place "socialism" has come close to working is the predominantly lilly-white Nordic countries.

"Latino/Hispanic Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia have all gone through large swings to the left and only have a shortage of toilet paper to show for it. Chinese communism (again, not white) only managed to kill more people during peacetime than any world war ever did. Its smaller oriental siblings of Vietnam and Cambodia certainly didn't make a good go of communism either. Ethiopia (again, not white) needed both Soviet money and easily-duped 1980's American kids' monies to not starve. Greece, hee hee, Greece. And even the Soviet Union, though pretty-darn white and even the original practitioner, was just not white enough to pull off communism successfully...."

Captain Capitalism: Is Socialism Only for (Really Really) White People?

And top it all off, the leading proponents of socialism here in this country, are as white as Bernie and Warren.
Brown people can't build successful countries no matter what system they use.
Nordic countries have capitalism.

Nordic countries also have high taxes, big government, socialized medicine, and extensive welfare. China has capitalism too, but we don't consider them a "capitalist" country.
Lefties want socialism but the good, white, Nordic variety not the bad, brown Latin American sort.
Nordic countries have capitalism.

Nordic countries also have high taxes, big government, socialized medicine, and extensive welfare. China has capitalism too, but we don't consider them a "capitalist" country.

Everything moves on a scale. China is only socialist in name today. The stories of entrepreneurship in China are wide spread.

Years ago I was reading about a guy who found some corrugated steel, and sold it as a roof for poor people in rural areas, still using thatch roofs.

Today he's a millionaire, and flying stacks of metal roofing into rural areas of China.

Self-made millionaires and wealthy business owners are all over China.

So while we still call them, Chi-Coms, because they are still the "communist party" in name, the fact remains they are not really socialist at all economically.

They have private property, private ownership of the means of production and distribution, and all the communes of the past are largely eliminated.
Lefties want socialism but the good, white, Nordic variety not the bad, brown Latin American sort.

There is nothing socialist about the Nordic countries. They have private property, private business, and they are a free-market capitalist system.

They have some nationalized system in their capitalist free-market system, and it is exactly those areas which have all the problems.
Lefties want socialism but the good, white, Nordic variety not the bad, brown Latin American sort.

There is nothing socialist about the Nordic countries. They have private property, private business, and they are a free-market capitalist system.

They have some nationalized system in their capitalist free-market system, and it is exactly those areas which have all the problems.

Nordic countries have "problems" according to you yet you have nothing but good things to say about China?
Lefties want socialism but the good, white, Nordic variety not the bad, brown Latin American sort.

There is nothing socialist about the Nordic countries. They have private property, private business, and they are a free-market capitalist system.

They have some nationalized system in their capitalist free-market system, and it is exactly those areas which have all the problems.

Nordic countries have "problems" according to you yet you have nothing but good things to say about China?

I'm not sure where you got that idea I have nothing but good things to say about China. Stating some facts about China, that applies to the discussion, does not mean that there are only good things to say about them. If you wish me to discussion something negative about China, such as their human rights track record, I'll be more than happy to do so, although likely a thread on that would be better.

I was merely responding to the claims about them being economically socialist, which they are clearly not.
Well, libertarians and republican are the socialists/communists, and they are mostly white, so there's some validity to the claim of communist whiteness.

Communist whiteness is one major reason why libertarians and Republicans tongue-bathe the Russians. If Russians weren't white, Stalinism would be far less popular with the right.
Is Social Security the only communism that America has?
What about public education?

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