Social Security should not be cut till welfare is ELIMINATED!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?
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SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?

Social Security has its own dedicated income stream for payment of benefits and associated administrative costs. Second, in addition to its current income, Social Security has an accumulated reserve of $2.7 trillion in its trust funds. That reserve is invested, as Congress has always required, in what has been the safest investment on Earth -- treasury bonds backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. So if Obama the bully keeps threatening seniors may-be its time for for him to be impeached , just look what the misinformed put back in office for 4 more years........
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SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back...

not always

We're talking about old-age benefits here not disability. I paid into my old age fund and it's mine and if obozo says he's gonna instead give that money to some dusky welfare queen - well then, i'm gonna have his butt for dinner!!!!!
SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back...

not always

We're talking about old-age benefits here not disability. I paid into my old age fund and it's mine and if obozo says he's gonna instead give that money to some dusky welfare queen - well then, i'm gonna have his butt for dinner!!!!!

As usual, you have no idea what you’re talking about.
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SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?

YOU f...king IDiOT!!!

WHERE did you hear that ANYONE wanted to cut Social security???? From the idiot Democrats I'm SURE!

YOU don't have to cut anything!
A) If more idiots like you KNEW your history as they aren't teaching FACTS in school when SS was first signed into law by FDR on 8/14/35 now pay attention:
almost NO one lived to age 65!
Life expectancy in 1935 was 61.7 years !

So they figured not many people would live to collect!

B) So they put retirement at 65! DUH!!

C) People are living longer! in 2010 life expectancy is 78.7 years!

D) Duh so the GOP is suggesting something really simple...........RAISE THE AGE TO 67!!!

E) Problem solved. Payments don't go out till 67, meaning also people working at least 2 more years paying in!

That is enough to keep SS from going broke!!!

SO PLeASE deal with facts that the DEMOCRATS are using stupid statements like GOP want to CUT SS! They don't ! GOP faces reality people are living longer!!!
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YOU f...king IDiOT!!!

WHERE did you hear that ANYONE wanted to cut Social security???? From the idiot Democrats I'm SURE!


Yes - that's what the democrats are talking about. Just yesterday obozo said SS recipients might not get their check if we don't raise the debt ceiling. No mention of cutting checks of those on welfare.

Obozo won the election by promising blacks and hispos he would give them more welfare and that's what he's gonna do.
SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?

In other words, eliminate the monthly $25 bill before we even consider reducing the monthly $100 bill by ten percent.
Social Security is a pay-as-you-go welfare program dressed up to pretend it is a legitimate retirement annuity. The "trust fund" in which SS taxes are allegedly held is an accounting fiction designed to fool taxpayers into thinking there has been some money set aside in an account with their name on it.

In reality, it is an ex post facto means-based scheme wherein the less you pay in, the more you get back. If you averaged about $2,000 per month in SS taxed wages, you will get back about 60%, or $1200 per month when you retire. If you averaged about $8,000 per month in taxed income, you will only get back about 30%, or $2400 per month. Furthermore, even though your SS contributions were made with after (income) tax dollars, they will again be taxed after you retire.

But the biggest farce about the SS "retirement" system is that, even if you never paid a penny in contributions, you will still get about $1,000 per month (Supplemental Social Insurance) when you turn 65. It is time to wake up and smell the flowers, folks.
SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?

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Furthermore, even though your SS contributions were made with after (income) tax dollars, they will again be taxed after you retire.

But the biggest farce about the SS "retirement" system is that, even if you never paid a penny in contributions, you will still get about $1,000 per month (Supplemental Social Insurance) when you turn 65. It is time to wake up and smell the flowers, folks.

It's my understanding that SS benefits are NOT taxed.

I don't believe what you say about non-contributors getting any money.
SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?

This message brought to you by Stormfront: Making Friends and Influencing People Since 1995.

Thanks for mentioning SF. Us white nationalists need to stick together.
SS is an OBLIGATION - the govt took this money from you and now they have to give it back. OTOH welfare is just a gift that working whites are forced to give to lazy blacks and hispos.

Suppose someone owed you money and they said they won't pay it back cuz they're instead GIFTING your money to some friends!!! Who'd stand for that.?

Bigotry aside, your OP is still ludicrously infantile. Our welfare system is severely flawed, but is essentially a necessary evil in governing humanely. In any large population of humans struggling to survive, there will be those that cannot support themselves, much less their families. It is the addition of people that will not support themselves despite their ability to do so that create the lazy group that you so childishly limit to black and hispanic.

We have "progressed" to the point that the "welfare system" is viewed as a legitimate vocation. The liberals have recognized that allowing easy access to welfare monies brings them votes that keep them in the position of being able to fuel the system with other people's earnings. So they promote easier access to that money.

That is the "progress" of which the progressives are proud. "Forward" is nothing more than a euphemism for a progression toward socialism. Socialism has failed in the past and will fail again.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Furthermore, even though your SS contributions were made with after (income) tax dollars, they will again be taxed after you retire.

But the biggest farce about the SS "retirement" system is that, even if you never paid a penny in contributions, you will still get about $1,000 per month (Supplemental Social Insurance) when you turn 65. It is time to wake up and smell the flowers, folks.

It's my understanding that SS benefits are NOT taxed.

I don't believe what you say about non-contributors getting any money.

Your understanding is flawed. I pay about 25% tax on what I receive from SS. Perhaps you should investigate the truth.

It's my understanding that SS benefits are NOT taxed.

I don't believe what you say about non-contributors getting any money.

Your understanding is flawed. I pay about 25% tax on what I receive from SS. Perhaps you should investigate the truth.

In peter schiff's recent book he says most SS recipients do NOT pay taxes. That's all i know. Are you still working? That may be why you pay. Or maybe you're drawing disability.

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