So, you're Jack Kennedy now?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
That Joe Biden is a fucking idiot.

In the debate last night, Joe disagreed with some plan that Ryan put forth (concerning taxes) and said something like "it's never been done"...Ryan said it's been done twice...Ryan went on to name JFK as one that had done it...Biden jumps in with "So, you're Jack Kennedy now?"...mimicking the time that another debater was put in his place years ago with the line "You're no Jack Kennedy!"

Trouble is here that Ryan wasn't claiming to be Kennedy. He was just mentioning that Kennedy is one of two Presidents that have done the same thing the Romney/Ryan plans to do.

Biden is a fucking idiot!

Somebody in the DNC needs to put a muzzle on Joe's mouth.

Kudos to Paul Ryan for enduring that biased debate with such a fucking idiot and such a hostile moderator.

ABC totally sucks....along with Obama/Biden and their lying ways.
Joe was rude, crude and socially unacceptable except to the commiecrats who in large part share his attitude. They always think their the smartest people in the room, which is rarely the case.
Ole Joe plagiarizing again, not the first time

and it went over like a stink bomb just like his debate

tsk tsk
Everyone saw Joe for who he was last night; a grumpy, condescending, disrespectful, cackling old man which the world has passed by. The left loved it though.
That's because the left consists solely of a band of fools, adolescents and perverts! They all love Joe!

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