So, You Think The Media Is Not Biased

This is from the article. It is a good one

The tally of donors doesn't include a group that gave money to defeat President Bush by paying to hear the Boss. In 2004, Bruce Springsteen and other musicians raised money for and America Coming Together at a series of 34 concerts billed as "Vote for Change." The ticket buyers included an producer and more than 20 other journalists. Although all of the purchase price went to the effort to defeat Bush that fall, the intent may have been entirely musical, so those donors are not on our list unless they made other contributions.

One of the Springsteen fans appears to be a blogging editor at Dow Jones, Samuel J. Favate Jr., who gave $1,036 to America Coming Together in 2004. He didn't return phone calls. Favate rewrites press releases for Dow Jones Newswires in New Jersey, which may explain his views that corporate America is "really in charge." On his personal blog, Favate rails against the Iraq war, for gun control and for a tax audit of Christian psychologist James Dobson. After left him a message asking about the blog and his donation, Favate's name disappeared from the blog. A previous blog listed Favate's "people I don't like," starting with George Bush. ("You can be sure that I will be adding to this list from time to time, so try not to piss me off.") That blog went dark the day after called.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Blames 9-11 on Ronald Reagan and Fuel Efficiency Standards
Posted by Noel Sheppard on June 24, 2007 - 23:15.
I’m not sure what derangement syndrome Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is suffering from, but on Friday’s “Hardball,” he actually blamed the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center on President Reagan’s rollback of CAFE standards in 1986.

I kid you not.

To set this up, Kennedy and conservative talk show host Melanie Morgan were invited on to discuss profits that are currently being made surrounding “solutions” to anthropogenic global warming.

That precipitated the following set of almost unbelievable inanities from Kennedy (video available here, relevant section begins at 2:10):

Well, what we need to do, I mean the most important thing we need to do from a national security point of view, from an economic point of view, from a foreign policy point of view, is to eliminate our dependence particularly on foreign oil. We did this back in the 1980s.

You know, in 1979, we had fuel economy standards that worked. We went from 18 miles per gallon to 27.5 miles per gallon in six years. And we reduced oil imports from the Mideast by 87 percent. Our economy incidentally, Chris, grew by 27 percent during that period.

If we had left those fuel economy standards intact, Ronald Reagan rolled them back, we would not have had to import one drop of oil after 1986. Think of what that would have done to our history. The World Trade Center would probably still be standing. We would have avoided two Gulf Wars. We would be a prosperous nation. We wouldn’t be bound down in this Mesopotamian quagmire that has destroyed our reputation and destroyed the reputation of democracy across the globe.
RSR: do you think we would have a large military force in the middle east if we did not import the vast majority of our lifeblood - oil - from them?
RSR: do you think we would have a large military force in the middle east if we did not import the vast majority of our lifeblood - oil - from them?

The liberal media blames 9-11 on a man who has not been President for 17 years, and you have no problem with that?
The liberal media blames 9-11 on a man who has not been President for 17 years, and you have no problem with that?

I asked a simple question that says nothing about reagan. and nothing about any problems I may or may not have with the media. It was a simple question: do you think we would have a large military force in the middle east if we did not import the vast majority of our lifeblood - oil - from them?

can you quit avoiding MY questions by refusing to answer them and throwing other irrelevant questions back at me instead? Just answer my question.
I asked a simple question that says nothing about reagan. and nothing about any problems I may or may not have with the media. It was a simple question: do you think we would have a large military force in the middle east if we did not import the vast majority of our lifeblood - oil - from them?

can you quit avoiding MY questions by refusing to answer them and throwing other irrelevant questions back at me instead? Just answer my question.

Oh, you were ducking the point of the post

According to RFK Jr, and Chris Matthews - Reagan was to blame for 9-11
I think that 9/11 did not happen for ONE reason. do you? I do not think that anyone thinks that Reagan was RESPONSIBLE for 9/11. I think that America had done a string of things over the decades that helped bring about the conditions that spurred the creation of AQ and the attacks of 9/11.

arming the mujahadeen in Afghanistan
our continued reliance on arab oil
our stationing of troops in Islam's holy lands
our support of Israel
our cowardly retreat from Beirut.
our departure from Somalia
our attempts to take out OBL

the list goes on and on.

now...answer my question: do you think we would have a large military force in the middle east if we did not import the vast majority of our lifeblood - oil - from them?
and in eight years, what did your guy Bill do to reduce oil imports?

Besides blocking every attempt to drill for oil within the US, block oil companies from expanding and building new refineries, and build new nuclear plants
I am not suggesting that anyone is free from criticism about setting the stage and creating the conditions that caused 9/11.

why are you so hellbent to blame clinton but seem to make light of Reagan's role?
I am not suggesting that anyone is free from criticism about setting the stage and creating the conditions that caused 9/11.

why are you so hellbent to blame clinton but seem to make light of Reagan's role?

I was posting another example of the liberal bias of the MSM by blaming a guy for 9-11 who left office on 1984

you ignored the point being made
Then we have liberal media darling Michael Moore............

Forgotten? Michael Moore's Invested in Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Posted by Dave Pierre on June 25, 2007 - 08:19.
Michael Moore's new documentary, Sicko, challenges U.S. healthcare. Yet in the coverage of the film, some interesting facts about Moore appear to be ignored. These facts are addressed on page 53 of the bestselling book by Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (Not As I Do):

[Moore's] IRS forms make for interesting reading. Over the past five years, Moore's "savings account" has included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson, and Boston Scientific. "Being screwed by your HMO and ill-served by pharmaceutical companies is a shared American experience," he recently told the Detroit News ... He may savage HMOs in his film Sicko, but he has also owned shares of Pharmacia Corporation and Tenet Healthcare. He may have liked their price-to-earnings ratio.
I was posting another example of the liberal bias of the MSM by blaming a guy for 9-11 who left office on 1984

you ignored the point being made

the point is: Reagan DID have a lot to do with 9/11. SO did Carter...So did every administration since the end of WWI for that matter.

Why do YOU give Reagan a complete pass and want to lay it all on Clinton?
Why not put some blame on Thomas Jefferson while at it....fool

The only ones to blame for 9/11 is the AQ.....

Before 9/11, we were in middle east countrys at the request and with the permission of those governments....
Why not put some blame on Thomas Jefferson while at it....fool

The only ones to blame for 9/11 is the AQ.....

Before 9/11, we were in middle east countrys at the request and with the permission of those governments....

hiya write...ltns

Of course AQ is responsible for 9/11. I would never suggest otherwise. However, we were in Saudi Arabia at the request of the Saudi monarchy. Do you really think that, because THEY invited us, that OBL really had no reason to be pissed? Ronald Reagan ran away from Beirut in the dead of night. Do you really think such acts did not embolden our enemies? We have staunchly supported Israel since 1948. Do you really think that doesn't anger the Islamic world? Are you really suggesting that our own foreign policy decisions did not provide some motivation to the bad guys? If not, why didn't they fly airplanes into skyscrapers in Rio de Janeiro?
Why not put some blame on Thomas Jefferson while at it....fool

The only ones to blame for 9/11 is the AQ.....

Before 9/11, we were in middle east countrys at the request and with the permission of those governments....

to the left the US is the big bully, and our foreign policy provoked the otherwise peaceful terrorists into attacking us


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hiya write...ltns

Of course AQ is responsible for 9/11. I would never suggest otherwise. However, we were in Saudi Arabia at the request of the Saudi monarchy. Do you really think that, because THEY invited us, that OBL really had no reason to be pissed? Ronald Reagan ran away from Beirut in the dead of night. Do you really think such acts did not embolden our enemies? We have staunchly supported Israel since 1948. Do you really think that doesn't anger the Islamic world? Are you really suggesting that our own foreign policy decisions did not provide some motivation to the bad guys? If not, why didn't they fly airplanes into skyscrapers in Rio de Janeiro?

I agree with a lot of your points but you have to admit that it is not the US foreign policy ALONE that is responsible. The US just happens to be the scapegoat du jour.

The socio-political climate in many Islamic coutnries foster and encourage the resentment and hate between Islamic factions; the extremists leverage the divisive nature of Islam; Europe takes advantage of the same. The terrorism we see today is a manifestation of global and regional events throughout history.
I agree with a lot of your points but you have to admit that it is not the US foreign policy ALONE that is responsible. The US just happens to be the scapegoat du jour.

The socio-political climate in many Islamic coutnries foster and encourage the resentment and hate between Islamic factions; the extremists leverage the divisive nature of Islam; Europe takes advantage of the same. The terrorism we see today is a manifestation of global and regional events throughout history.

absolutely! I never suggested or even implied that it was our foreign policy alone. I think the regimes of the gulf state monarchies are very culpable. It is a complex and lengthy calculus that created Islamic extremists, and for anyone to intimate that 9/11 was Clinton's fault for not pursuing them vigorously is nothing but partisan tripe.

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