So YOU blame the Bush administration for deficits?---REALLY? How about some FACTS.

The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush, blah blah blah. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this nonsense.

Here is a short civics lesson.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office--while sticking nonsense spending bills (last minute or middle of the night earmarks & other goodies into bills.)

At that time, they passed a massive 450 BILLION dollar omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets which Bush refused to sign. Obama gleefully signed that which had over 9000 earmarks & political pay-backs included in it. Obama referred to this bill as "last years" business--:lol::lol: The very week after Obama signed off on the 787 BILLION dollar stimulus bill that wasn't--which included 64 million in bonuses for AIG & 200+ million for Fannie/Freddie bonuses--gratitude of the American taxpayer. This the bill that no one read before signing off on it.

And where was Barack Obama during the 2007--2008 full year budget? He was a member of that very Senate that passed all of these massive spending bills.

Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is--"I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since I took office on January 20 2009." This President in one single year has spent more--than the cost of ALL WARS combined in United States History!

It is estimated that each & every household in America today is in debt $100,000 to the Federal Government's tab.

How's all that hopey & changey workin for ya?--:lol::lol:

View attachment 9391

450 BILLION for 9000 earmarks that Bush refused to sign--:lol::lol::lol:

Check my posts.

I have been stating the FACT that Pelosi and the Congressional Dems were responsible for the HUGH deficits and ESPECIALLY the Fannie and Freddie debacle which I yelled (put in caps) was the RESPONSIBILITY of Chris Dodd (Senate Finance Honcho) and the queer Barney Frank (House Finance Honcho) IN EVERY POST I made on this issue since the election of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.......AND EVEN BEFORE ......during the Presidential campaigns.

NO ONE......I repeat NO ONE of the ANTI-Obamarrhoids supported my posts. They may have agreed with me, but NONE voiced any comments w/r/t my assertions (to my knowledge).

I kept asserting these facts to no avail because the LIEberals did such a fantastic job in pulling off the GREATEST POLITICAL SCAM in the HISTORY of not only America ....but of the WORLD with their 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media destruction of Dubya.

The CONTEMPTIBLE DEMS TOTALLY DESTROYED Bush with respect to the IRAQ WAR (clamoured for by the Clinton Adm and the CONGRESSIONAL DEM LEADERS ) and the IRAQI QUAGMIRE, the result of the HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS DEM LEADERSHIP.....I REPEAT .....DEM LEADERSHIP: Pelosi, Reid, The Chappaquidick Murderer (may he broil in Hell), Hanoi Kerry, etc.,...... doing the 180 degree about face and giving IRAN and the other ISLAMOFASCIST SWINE the GREEN LIGHT to start the IRAQI QUAGMIRE.

This the HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS DEMS did when it was evident that the TWENTY TWO DAY destruction of the BAGHDAD PSYCHO'S FOURTH LARGEST ARMY IN THE WORLD......spelled the doom of the DEMS' chances in the upcoming elections.

This GREATEST POLITICAL SCAM in the HISTORY of the WORLD was pulled off by the 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media because the the ANTI-LIEberals were caught completely off-guard and didn't have anything close to the ORGANIZATION of these HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS DEMS.

Some of you may recall my DESPERATE POSTS alerting you of this tragedy

However, I was remiss in stating the DETAILS so brilliantly laid out by OREO.

Thanks Oreo.

I am bringing this up because the question posed was HOW DO WE INFORM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC .....because even the ANTI-LIEberal and ANTI-Obamarrhoidal pundits have been swayed by the CONTEMPTIBLE MISINFORMATION of Dubya's COMPLETE, or near COMPLETE responsibility for even the PRESENT Financial Debacle.

The fact that the Reps controlled BOTH houses of Congress during Bush's Adm is TOTALLY MISLEADING because for all intents and purposes BUSH BEING COMPLETELY DESTROYED left BOTH HOUSES ofCongress in the hands of the DEMS.

During this period, the Republicans were completely cowed and didn't want to be associated with ANYTHING that had to do with Dubya.

Parenthetically, I hope the same DESTRUCTION and REACTION to this DESTRUCTION will occur with the Dems as they did with the Reps.....ex: The DEMS are now in a position where they will have to choose between loyalty to MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami's and his DISASTERS......and their RE-ELECTION.

MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is avidly puruing a non-stop pursuit of his MARXIST and Muslim PC Protecting AGENDA (making minor concessions to the Reps to deflect America from his REAL rather OBVIOUS AGENDA).

Obami Salami doesn't seem to be even considering firing anyone in his CRAZED INNER CIRCLE being comprised of such POLITICAL IDIOTS (no other word for them): The hapless STOOGE Atty Gen Eric Holder, Janet ( the plane security worked) INCOMPETANO, the EGOMANIACAL IDEOLOGUE Immanuel Rahm who is one of the most ardent FAR LEFTY WHACKJOBS in that group, etc....


Answer: First we post, or get in touch with the ANTI-Obamarrhoidal Pundits. Then we contact ALL our friends and acquaintances and tell them to spread the word via ANY MEANS....including getting on the other Forums.

America is waking up, I hope it's in time.
Didn't you fools know? everyting was PERFECT untill 1/20/2001, sucked untill 1/20/2010 and is now all better! Except for things you still don't like, and those things are all Bush's fault!

Simple logic for simple liberal minds.. kinda like the simple "Hope and Change"

Keep'n it simple!!!
Simple, simple simple. Oh, and if you just can't pin it on Bush.. then it must be Reagan's fault!!! Or better yet.. NIXON!!!!!
Just blame them both and call it a day. There has been no change in this country. This President and the Democrats have adopted all of Bush's so-called "Failed" policies and have failed even worse. Since the Democrats have had all the power recently,it is they who will now have to take the fall. It is what it is. Make 2010 count people.
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You guys are all delusional. How many years between 1990 and 2008 did the Republicans have a majority in both houses? And remember, when the Senate is tied 50-50, the VP breaks the tie. That means that Republicans had a majority.

Composition of Congress, by Political Party, 1855?2008 —

You guys make me laugh. The way you say, "Oh, your right, it's all the Democrats fault".

Once again, Republicans, the delusional party of dumbass. Is there anything you can't talk yourselves into? Seriously?
Oh, and deficits are ok now because they're all Bush's fault, so it's ok because we can't blame it on Obama bcause he can't be expected to do anything about what Bush, Cheney, Reagan and Nixon did. And then the Jews are in there somewhere fucking things up too along with Halliburton and Exxon Mobile.

Sorry folks.... let's face it... we're in trouble and no Boy King with a Messianic complex is goint to do anything about it.

We need some serious people and they can hail from Planet Claire for all I care.

Wow.. how Dr. Zeuss like!
"And the Jesus People?" The "Jesus People" did it? LOL! Pretty hilarious stuff Soggy. Thanks for the laugh. ;)
Seriuosly thoough, we all have to step back and acknowledge that we can't keep handing out more and more and more..... it is time for some fiscal sanity. Time to stop attacking businesses while demanding that they hire, hire, hire and pay more, more, more whaile taxing them to death. We have to stop this notion that wealth has to be transferred around though confiscatory government policies. It is asinine.

This can't be that hard folks. All our government programs have been allowed to expand to cover damn near everything imaginable. All the while, we have near 50% of the population not only not paying incmome taxes, but getting EIC cheks too boot! INSANITY I SAY!!!
Seriuosly thoough, we all have to step back and acknowledge that we can't keep handing out more and more and more..... it is time for some fiscal sanity. Time to stop attacking businesses while demanding that they hire, hire, hire and pay more, more, more whaile taxing them to death. We have to stop this notion that wealth has to be transferred around though confiscatory government policies. It is asinine.

This can't be that hard folks. All our government programs have been allowed to expand to cover damn near everything imaginable. All the while, we have near 50% of the population not only not paying incmome taxes, but getting EIC cheks too boot! INSANITY I SAY!!!

Obama, with his extreme left policies has the support of the communist party.:lol::lol::lol:

Business's are like cats on a hot tin roof, they are scared to death of what he is going to do next. But---------------- he is now effectively a lame duck President, because the sane democrats are bailing on his agenda. Blanche Lincoln democratic senator from Arkansas who doesn't have a snow ball's chance in hell of being re-elected, today critizied Obama stating that he did not have ONE person in his administration that has ever had to meet a payroll. The u-tube video will probably be out tomorrow on this.
"I think the biggest problem in the U.S. is far too large a percentage of our resources go into the relatively unproductive segment of Defense. If we had not spent a trillion dollars in Iraq, we would have far more freedom now to respond to this short-term crisis."
-- Barney Frank, at the World Economic Forum, Link

whatever happened to those pesky WMD's?
"I think the biggest problem in the U.S. is far too large a percentage of our resources go into the relatively unproductive segment of Defense. If we had not spent a trillion dollars in Iraq, we would have far more freedom now to respond to this short-term crisis."
-- Barney Frank, at the World Economic Forum, Link

whatever happened to those pesky WMD's?

Bush never included the cost of either war in his budgets and the Republican congress just ate that up. Hey, it's "war". It's "important".
Simple, simple simple. Oh, and if you just can't pin it on Bush.. then it must be Reagan's fault!!! Or better yet.. NIXON!!!!!

Presidents take the credit and they get the blame.

Obama 2008-
Bush II 2000-2008
Clinton 1992-2000
Bush I 1988-1992
Reagan 1980-1988
Carter 1976-1980
Ford 1973-1976
Nixon 1968-1973
Johnson 1963-1968
Kennedy 1960-1963

Notice something?
Yea there are way too many people in this administration that have no experience at all when it comes to running businesses. Yet they feel they can preach to the country as if they do. This President's own Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner couldn't even file his own taxes correctly using Turbo Tax. Are people really so comfortable with him running our Economy? Yikes! Too many college boys & girls indoctrinated with Marxist ideology and not enough people with real-life experience in this administration. That's just how i view them anyway.
I view this administration as being a bunch of spoiled & Marxist-indoctrinated college boys & girls with no real-life experiences trying to preach to the country about things they know absolutely nothing about. This President knows absolutely nothing about running a business yet he feels completely comfortable preaching to the country about economic issues. I would describe his entire administration this way. Timothy Geithner himself couldn't even file his own taxes correctly using Turbo Tax. This shocking stuff should worry all Americans. Just not enough people with real-life experience in this administration. A bunch of spoiled and indoctrinated college kids just isn't gonna cut it. Lets hope these next three years go by very quickly.
I blame Bush for a lot of it, yes.

He was POTUS, the douchebag.

I bet you will be missing the douchebag before this Presidents one and ONLY term is over.:lol::lol::lol::lol:


They are different kind of assholes, but assholes both.

Outside of his inane wars and perscription drug debacle, Bush had a ton of objectionable shit on his record. For example, no child left behind.

Bush allowed the credit card industry to write the laws for it (2005) which has caused so much hardship for people for example.

I don't want Chimploa back, he's no better then barry, the only thing he did right was handliong captured terrorists.
The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush, blah blah blah. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this nonsense.

Here is a short civics lesson.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office--while sticking nonsense spending bills (last minute or middle of the night earmarks & other goodies into bills.)

At that time, they passed a massive 450 BILLION dollar omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets which Bush refused to sign. Obama gleefully signed that which had over 9000 earmarks & political pay-backs included in it. Obama referred to this bill as "last years" business--:lol::lol: The very week after Obama signed off on the 787 BILLION dollar stimulus bill that wasn't--which included 64 million in bonuses for AIG & 200+ million for Fannie/Freddie bonuses--gratitude of the American taxpayer. This the bill that no one read before signing off on it.

And where was Barack Obama during the 2007--2008 full year budget? He was a member of that very Senate that passed all of these massive spending bills.

Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is--"I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since I took office on January 20 2009." This President in one single year has spent more--than the cost of ALL WARS combined in United States History!

It is estimated that each & every household in America today is in debt $100,000 to the Federal Government's tab.

How's all that hopey & changey workin for ya?--:lol::lol:

View attachment 9391

450 BILLION for 9000 earmarks that Bush refused to sign--:lol::lol::lol:

HERE is a REAL civics lesson:

The Budget of the United States Government is the President's proposal to the U.S. Congress which recommends funding levels for the next fiscal year, beginning October 1.

Budget of the United States Government: Main Page


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