So why did the left change their minds

TWO TIMES IN A ROW the left has nominated a neocon to take their political party to the WH. The first time, they didn't know... Obama was so full of shit.. But now, they do KNOW but they don't fuckin care.
I don't know what a neocon is, in your world.
what is a neocon in your world?
C'mon, TN. Neo means new, con means conservative? What's a new conservative? That means nothing to me.
the term goes a lot deeper than. it represents a movement. And often, nation building and forcing democracy fit into that.. Look at rumsfield, cheney, Obama and Wolfowitz for an idea.
The Democratic party is more diverse. Wants a higher minimum wage, raise taxes on the very wealthy, provide a strong social safety net and invest in our infrastructure there by creating jobs for those other than the super rich.

You're questions was retarded and you're doing what the right always claims the left is doing and playing identity politics.
Hillary Clinton is a goddamn corporatist, you fuckin retard.
diverse = old white socialist and old white rich corrupt neocon :lmao:

Diverse = we accept all ages and races.
so do you have an actual comment to the OP or are you just going to continue hacking it up?

Yo're implying that because Democrats chose Hillary Clinton and we are the old white party. Or that somewhere Democrats have stated they would never elect a senior citizen. That's a strawman fallacy if I ever saw one.
no. I am wondering why democrats that talk shit about old, rich, white, corrupt neocons have voted for her, and now she is the presumptive nominee.

I don't consider her to be anymore corrupt than any other politicians or a neocon. Hawkish compared to most Democrats, yes. A Bill Kristol neocon? No.
So the only answer I have received is that she isn't worse lol

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