So who originated with the 2 million protesters number?

question: 2 million in DC or 2 million total, including other meet up sites?

The organizers were only expecting 20,000 to 30,000. There is no way that they would underestimate that much.

Assuming that the DCFD meant 60,000 for Penn Avenue, I'd go with Sinatra's number of 200,000 then. Nowhere near 2 million either way.

AWESOME! :cool:
why is everyone convinced the public option is dead ?

Because Obama is willing to offer it up as a lamb to the Republicans to feast on in order to get this bill passed.

'Freedom fighters' take a stand in D.C. - Alex Isenstadt -

Conservative protesters from around the country flooded Pennsylvania Avenue Saturday, railing against what they called President Obama’s plan for government-run health care and Congress’s tax-and-spend policies.

Police officials declined to release a crowd estimate, but the number of protesters along the route appeared to number well into the tens of thousands. The overwhelmingly white crowd ranged widely in age, and has been orderly, with no arrests reported.

By mid morning crowds had poured into Freedom Plaza, just blocks from the White House, for a pre-march rally to the steps of Congress.
question: 2 million in DC or 2 million total, including other meet up sites?

The organizers were only expecting 20,000 to 30,000. There is no way that they would underestimate that much.

Assuming that the DCFD meant 60,000 for Penn Avenue, I'd go with Sinatra's number of 200,000 then. Nowhere near 2 million either way.

AWESOME! :cool:
I first heard about it happening on 9/12 from a friend of mine in the UK, strangely enough. I don't watch Glen Beck at all and rarely watch Fox. It's funny to see what folks assume about me. Hell, I was even a one of the volunteers for the Presidential Inaugural Committee this year.
not sure how that proves the public option is dead.

Because Obama is going to end up giving it up so this bill can be passed. The public option was something he thought it was nice to say to Liberals on the campaign trail, but he even probably knew that the battle would have to be fought against the Republicans to get it to pass.

Obama is not willing to fight that battle, he'd rather pass something than nothing. Even if that nothing really changes nothing. With each passing day and move by Obama, I see more of Nixon in him in that he seems to swing where the popularity lies. That, or he is actually naive enough to believe the Republicans would accept anything less than their position for them to vote for this bill.
not sure how that proves the public option is dead.

Because Obama is going to end up giving it up so this bill can be passed. The public option was something he thought it was nice to say to Liberals on the campaign trail, but he even probably knew that the battle would have to be fought against the Republicans to get it to pass.

Obama is not willing to fight that battle, he'd rather pass something than nothing. Even if that nothing really changes nothing. With each passing day and move by Obama, I see more of Nixon in him in that he seems to swing where the popularity lies. That, or he is actually naive enough to believe the Republicans would accept anything less than their position for them to vote for this bill.

what do the republicans have to do with anything? they have zero power.
what do the republicans have to do with anything? they have zero power.

They have the power to instill fear into people. It's what they do best some of them. These are the same people who banged the war drum back in 2003 along with Bush when they wanted to invade Iraq. Eventually, the war drum got so loud that as per usual, most Democrats folded, and joined in. So most people were like "DO IT! INVADE!" While ignoring the fact that the UN inspectors failed to find any WMDs.

I showed you the poll numbers Elvis. Stupid people or naive people don't come in small numbers. They can be a very dangerous force when they want to be.

Plus, you have to remember the Blue Dog Democrats, which only goes to further prove my point that not all Democrats are Liberals.
what do the republicans have to do with anything? they have zero power.

They have the power to instill fear into people. It's what they do best some of them. These are the same people who banged the war drum back in 2003 along with Bush when they wanted to invade Iraq. Eventually, the war drum got so loud that as per usual, most Democrats folded, and joined in. So most people were like "DO IT! INVADE!" While ignoring the fact that the UN inspectors failed to find any WMDs.

I showed you the poll numbers Elvis. Stupid people or naive people don't come in small numbers. They can be a very dangerous force when they want to be.

Plus, you have to remember the Blue Dog Democrats, which only goes to further prove my point that not all Democrats are Liberals.

what will the bill be without the public option?
what will the bill be without the public option?

Probably a bunch of Republican "tax" credits and "incentives." Tax credits are nice, however they are worthless when you have nothing to be taxed on in the first place.

Plus little to nothing will be done about the whole parts of the Insurance Companies who have pre-existing conditions, etc. I would believe that their final bill would have a good amount of loopholes for the companies to skid by in. Especially since they are going to help write this new bill I'm sure.

Oh, and of course Mandatory Insurance for all or you get the fuck fined out of you. Hooray! :cuckoo:
Fear such as we are doomed if this bill is not passed ASAP.

Of course, YOU wouldn't call them saying "If we don't let this fail, it will be Socialism and the beginning of the end" as fear tactics. Especially since you actually believe that bullshit.

The same stuff was said about Medicare, have we seen the Socialist revolution in this country since then? I don't think so.
not sure how that proves the public option is dead.

Because Obama is going to end up giving it up so this bill can be passed. The public option was something he thought it was nice to say to Liberals on the campaign trail, but he even probably knew that the battle would have to be fought against the Republicans to get it to pass.

Obama is not willing to fight that battle, he'd rather pass something than nothing. Even if that nothing really changes nothing. With each passing day and move by Obama, I see more of Nixon in him in that he seems to swing where the popularity lies. That, or he is actually naive enough to believe the Republicans would accept anything less than their position for them to vote for this bill.

what do the republicans have to do with anything? they have zero power.

Except, you know, they can filibuster the bill.
Also, since Ted Kennedy is dead, they no longer have the "magical 60" for the moment.
Also, since Ted Kennedy is dead, they no longer have the "magical 60" for the moment.

The idea of "magical 60" was bogus to start with. Having exactly sixty means any member of your caucus can grandstand for concessions, which effectively grinds the process to a halt.
Because Obama is going to end up giving it up so this bill can be passed. The public option was something he thought it was nice to say to Liberals on the campaign trail, but he even probably knew that the battle would have to be fought against the Republicans to get it to pass.

Obama is not willing to fight that battle, he'd rather pass something than nothing. Even if that nothing really changes nothing. With each passing day and move by Obama, I see more of Nixon in him in that he seems to swing where the popularity lies. That, or he is actually naive enough to believe the Republicans would accept anything less than their position for them to vote for this bill.

what do the republicans have to do with anything? they have zero power.

Except, you know, they can filibuster the bill.

yes, and if the dems are serious, they will be able to break the filibuster.
what do the republicans have to do with anything? they have zero power.

Except, you know, they can filibuster the bill.

yes, and if the dems are serious, they will be able to break the filibuster.

There are 59 Democratic senators. 3/5ths of 99 is 59.4. Since you can't get four-tenths of a senator, that means sixty votes. So even if every Democrat votes for cloture, that's still not enough.

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