So where are the additional 400,000 jobs Pelosi???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!
Anything out of Pelosi's mouth is stupid. Talk about a stuck up rich idiot that has no idea what she's saying. She makes Palin look like a rocket scientist.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!

she is round the bend, seriously.....and has been for a while.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!
GOP Proven Wrong Again As ObamaCare Created 23,000 Jobs In December
obamacare created 23,000 jobs in one month looks like you are a brainwashed tool
Report: Health sector job growth 'bright spot' in economy

Private-sector health care employment grew by 33,000 jobs in May to a record 10.8% share of total employment, according to report released Friday by the Altarum Institute Center for Sustainable Health Spending. Over the past 12 months, health care employment grew by 2.4%, [340,000 jobs] twice the rate of non-health employment, with hospitals adding the largest number of jobs (92,900), the report adds. "Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the health sector has added 1.2 million jobs for a cumulative growth of 9.5%, while non-health employment has fallen by 6.2 million jobs for a cumulative decline of 5.0%," the report states.
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!

Single payer would be best. The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Republicans think that's great! That was their plan.
Report: Health sector job growth 'bright spot' in economy

Private-sector health care employment grew by 33,000 jobs in May to a record 10.8% share of total employment, according to report released Friday by the Altarum Institute Center for Sustainable Health Spending. Over the past 12 months, health care employment grew by 2.4%, twice the rate of non-health employment, with hospitals adding the largest number of jobs (92,900), the report adds. "Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the health sector has added 1.2 million jobs for a cumulative growth of 9.5%, while non-health employment has fallen by 6.2 million jobs for a cumulative decline of 5.0%," the report states.
33,000 ain't 400,000, tovarich.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!
GOP Proven Wrong Again As ObamaCare Created 23,000 Jobs In December
obamacare created 23,000 jobs in one month looks like you are a brainwashed tool

Way to use a bull shit left wing blog to prove a point. What a tool you are.
I would also add that not all of that can be attributed to obamacare, unless they can prove it.

I wonder if a guy who drives a bus that brings patients from a bus stop to a hospital is a healthcare hire? it apparently is for green jobs....
Report: Health sector job growth 'bright spot' in economy

Private-sector health care employment grew by 33,000 jobs in May to a record 10.8% share of total employment, according to report released Friday by the Altarum Institute Center for Sustainable Health Spending. Over the past 12 months, health care employment grew by 2.4%, twice the rate of non-health employment, with hospitals adding the largest number of jobs (92,900), the report adds. "Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the health sector has added 1.2 million jobs for a cumulative growth of 9.5%, while non-health employment has fallen by 6.2 million jobs for a cumulative decline of 5.0%," the report states.
33,000 ain't 400,000, tovarich.
It's a fuzzy math world! :eek: :eusa_liar:
Report: Health sector job growth 'bright spot' in economy

Private-sector health care employment grew by 33,000 jobs in May to a record 10.8% share of total employment, according to report released Friday by the Altarum Institute Center for Sustainable Health Spending. Over the past 12 months, health care employment grew by 2.4%, twice the rate of non-health employment, with hospitals adding the largest number of jobs (92,900), the report adds. "Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the health sector has added 1.2 million jobs for a cumulative growth of 9.5%, while non-health employment has fallen by 6.2 million jobs for a cumulative decline of 5.0%," the report states.
33,000 ain't 400,000, tovarich.

That 33K is probably non-productive desk jobs for the army of pencil pushers needed to protect companies from the destructive healthcare law.
I would also add that not all of that can be attributed to obamacare, unless they can prove it.

I wonder if a guy who drives a bus that brings patients from a bus stop to a hospital is a healthcare hire? it apparently is for green jobs....
Hmm the lines are blurred - Fuzzy employees?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!

400,000 jobs? I'm still trying to figure out where the 4.5 MILLION jobs are, that Obama claims he has created since he took office.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: "It's about jobs. In it's life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs -- 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately" | RealClearPolitics

What is REALLY stupid is that Obama WANTS to destroy the 1,400 health insurance companies.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So that means 400,000 people that work for these health insurance companies will be let go!

Single payer would be best. The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Republicans think that's great! That was their plan.

In the Republican Bizarro world, good for the country is bad and bad for the country is good.

Jobs front looks bleak...
US employers post fewest job openings in 5 months
19 June`12 WASHINGTON (AP) — Employers in April posted the fewest job openings in five months, suggesting hiring will remain sluggish in the months ahead.
The Labor Department said Tuesday that job openings fell to a seasonally adjusted 3.4 million in April, down from 3.7 million in March. The March figure was the highest in nearly four years. The decline could mean employers are growing more cautious about adding workers in the face of financial turmoil in Europe and slower growth in the United States. Job openings can take one to three months to fill. There were 12.5 million unemployed people in April. That means there was an average of 3.7 people competing for each open job. In a healthy job market, the ratio is usually around 2 to 1. Openings have risen by almost a third since the recession ended in June 2009. But they are still below pre-recession levels of about 5 million per month.

April's decline in openings has coincided with a sharp slowdown in hiring. Employers added an average of only 73,000 jobs in April and May. That's down from an average of 226,000 in the first three months of this year. The drop in openings was concentrated in the private sector, and was particularly steep in professional and business services. Available jobs fell 14 percent in that category, which includes high-paying jobs such as engineers, architects and accountants, as well as lower-paying temporary jobs. Job openings also dropped in manufacturing, retail, and education and health services. Fewer people quit their jobs last month. That's a pessimistic sign, since more quits are evidence that workers are confident that they can find new jobs elsewhere.

Employers hired 4.18 million people in April, 160,000 fewer than the previous month. The Labor Department's report measures gross job gains, while the monthly jobs reports are net figures that are calculated after subtracting layoffs and quits. Nearly 4.1 million people were laid off, quit or retired in April. When that number is subtracted from the gross hiring figure, the total is close to the 77,000 net job gains in April reported earlier this month by the Labor Department. Companies are posting more job openings but aren't necessarily filling them. Openings have increased by 13 percent in the past year, while gross hiring has increased only 4 percent.

Preparations. The 26 year old thing, the guaranteed thing I think- but the whole shebang is 2014- getting the uninsured and poor on, the subsidies for those making up to 80 grand, family of four, 50 grand singles. Preexisting same as everyone else, low cost clinics, transparency. When you'll find out how much you like it, as Pelosi said.
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