So What Was the Logic of Forcing People to Get the Shot Against People’s Will?

Not even a little bit.

You voluntarily agree to follow the rules of your employer or your find a different employer, nobody is forced to do anything in the private sector, there is always a choice.
Sure. Quite when you’ve got bills to pay and nobody is hiring!
Did you get that tattoo your company demanded?
And before you get into the ‘nobody was forced’ BS, sure you could have refused.

You just lose your job, denied entry to places you wanted to go, denied new jobs, etc etc.

I know this is news for some who worship big brother and big Pharma, but none of the Covid shots prevents infection nor does it prevent you from transmitting the virus.

So why were lives destroyed to force people to undergo medical procedures on their bodies against their will?
Still not the same thing as “forced”

You work in healthcare, you have to be vaccinated in most cases

That was true long before COVID
You and many others were lucky to get one of the batches that were mild or even placebo. The poor bastards who through the luck of the draw received one of the toxic batches (about 5% of all batches) are dead or maimed.

Oh, it’s just a ticking time bomb.

There’s good reason Congress won’t let you sue them.
Nah, but don't do what my unvaxed neighbors has done. He was using me for transportation. One day, he asked for a ride and I asked him, "IS HE VACCINATED FOR COVID" He said "NO". I responded with, "Sorry, I have a covid free car". He hasn't communicated with me nor me with him since.


I was hiring a few locals to drive for me the last couple of winters because I'm still unaccustomed to the Midwest winter driving conditions, and I asked the same question of every one, just to learn that I'm going to have to look far and wide here to find a vaxxed driver.

Good deal! I will not have a vaxxed person in my car.

You voluntarily agree to follow the rules of your employer or your find a different employer, nobody is forced to do anything in the private sector, there is always a choice.

There are limits.

An employer is absolutely not, for example, allowed to dictate what religious beliefs I may have, or to discriminate against me on the basis of my religion.

As it happens, it is also very much illegal for an employer to demand that I act as a lab rat in a risky medically experiment, or to discriminate against me for declining to do so. This is according to laws, passed by Congress, signed by Presidents, passed by my state legislature, signed by Governors.

But we live in a time when corrupt Governors and Presidents think that they can overturn valid laws with illegal executive orders; and in which their doing so is not being sufficiently challenged.
An employer is absolutely not, for example, allowed to dictate what religious beliefs I may have, or to discriminate against me on the basis of my religion.

Correct, that would against the law.

As it happens, it is also very much illegal for an employer to demand that I act as a lab rat in a risky medically experiment, or to discriminate against me for declining to do so. This is according to laws, passed by Congress, signed by Presidents, passed by my state legislature, signed by Governors.

Yet, it was not. Weird.
Good point! Reasonable to tell all my employees they must attend church once a week.
Sure, why not?
Just as long as they're on the clock.
Not against the law or and within the rights of an employer.
If they don't like it, they can find another job.
It’s a violation of the US Constitution, Dufus.
No, it isn't.
IF you didn't pay them to attend church, or pay others for the day, it could be against the law.

“Employers with 15 or more employees are subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which, among other things, prohibits discrimination and harassment based on religion.
In and of itself, an employer communicating about a religious event, or espousing personal religious beliefs is not, per se, illegal.

The employer is providing both a financial incentive (in the form of a paid day off) to employees to attend and a financial penalty (in the form of reduced and altered paid work hours) to employees who choose not to attend.
By doing so, the employer is affecting the terms and conditions of employment based on the employees’ willingness to engage in the employer’s preferred religious practice.
To the extent employees refuse to participate and suffer negative consequences sufficient to constitute an adverse action, the employer will be deemed to have engaged in discrimination because of religion in violation of Title VII.
Additionally, by requiring employees to identify themselves as either participating or not participating, the employer could be contributing to a hostile work environment on the basis of religion.
While this one event alone would not likely be actionable as creating a hostile environment, continuing such a practice could likely result in a hostile environment claim.
No, it isn't.
IF you didn't pay them to attend church, or pay others for the day, it could be against the law.

“Employers with 15 or more employees are subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which, among other things, prohibits discrimination and harassment based on religion.
In and of itself, an employer communicating about a religious event, or espousing personal religious beliefs is not, per se, illegal.

The employer is providing both a financial incentive (in the form of a paid day off) to employees to attend and a financial penalty (in the form of reduced and altered paid work hours) to employees who choose not to attend.
By doing so, the employer is affecting the terms and conditions of employment based on the employees’ willingness to engage in the employer’s preferred religious practice.
To the extent employees refuse to participate and suffer negative consequences sufficient to constitute an adverse action, the employer will be deemed to have engaged in discrimination because of religion in violation of Title VII.
Additionally, by requiring employees to identify themselves as either participating or not participating, the employer could be contributing to a hostile work environment on the basis of religion.
While this one event alone would not likely be actionable as creating a hostile environment, continuing such a practice could likely result in a hostile environment claim.
Glad to know Budweiser can force all its employees to attend satanic ritual training 60 hours a week.

As long as they’re paid of course.
Lol Afraid.

Its called Fuck You.

Wear your mask or else.....FU
Take the jab or you are fired...FU
Agree with Teaching Mental Perverted Crap in School. FU

Sooo. Its about Fuck You.
You started out spelling Fuck real good and then you lost it, home school.

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