So What Is Your Current "Dream GOP Ticket" VS Your "Ticket From Hell"?

:up::mm: Most of us have probably declared our dream ticket a few months to up to a year ago. Odds are they will include the top five candidates. Have any of you changed your mind over the last two months? Have any of us lost interest in Ted Cruz, Walker or Rubio lately? Has a new entry to the GOP changed your mind? So what ticket were you all for six or so months ago, and has it changed? And what "Ticket From Hell" would make you cringe and vote for Bernie Sanders in the end?:ack-1:
Cruz/Walker Walker/Cruz

Huckabee/Santorum or any of the other religious nutbars

but no matter how bad it gets, I would never support anyone in the dnc, they hare all socialist now.
"Empty suit". Interpretation...he kicked our butts twice and I don`t like him, I`ll screech the empty suit thing which is a lot easier than stating my case. Prepare for another ass kicking in 2016.

For right wingers, the hatred toward Obama will last for decades, and the bile generated by those two overwhelming presidential losses to him, has them grabbing at moronic "straws" like Trump.
but no matter how bad it gets, I would never support anyone in the dnc, they hare all socialist now.

Have some grown up explain "socialism" to you and you'd see that to call Hillary a socialist is akin to calling Stalin a humanitarian.

I want a Sanders/Warren or Sanders/Kucinich ticket. Obviously not GOP but eh. I would either not vote or vote 3rd party if Clinton is nominee. No GOP candidate will get my vote.
but no matter how bad it gets, I would never support anyone in the dnc, they hare all socialist now.

Have some grown up explain "socialism" to you and you'd see that to call Hillary a socialist is akin to calling Stalin a humanitarian.
Have someone read the history of socialism so that you can learn what socialism is, actually is, rather than the ignorant theory you cling to.

And Stalin? Stalin was a socialist

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