So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

I can't agree with either of the points in the second paragraph. I see no basis to support the idea that gun laws create fear and loathing of guns by anybody. Rather, the abuse of them in mass shootings does that. Nor can I agree that "guns are an essential component of the American spirit". That's been true historically but not necessarily. That is, it's not something that needs to continue, or ever needed to be there before, in order to perpetuate the concept of "America".

Again I disagree that these are the only two choices. The preferable choice, not listed above, would be a free society that is unarmed voluntarily. And that has nothing to do with passing laws.
There is no reason to fear guns...
They can do nothing on their own

Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
No, it takes one demented individual.


So one guy did Aurora, and Columbine, and Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and Webster, and Roseburg, and Charleston, and Luby's, and Oakland, and Las Vegas, and Binghamton, and Powell, and all those other shootings. After shooting himself dead multiple times under multiple names.

Life in Duh Bubble....
There is no reason to fear guns...
They can do nothing on their own

Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
No, it takes one demented individual.


So one guy did Aurora, and Columbine, and Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and Webster, and Luby's, and Oakland, and Las Vegas, and Powell, and all those other shootings. After shooting himself dead multiple times under multiple names.

Life in Duh Bubble....
One individual at each of them...
Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
No, it takes one demented individual.


So one guy did Aurora, and Columbine, and Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and Webster, and Luby's, and Oakland, and Las Vegas, and Powell, and all those other shootings. After shooting himself dead multiple times under multiple names.

Life in Duh Bubble....
One individual at each of them...

Right. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

There's no pattern there though. :rolleyes:

Why then does this topic exist?
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
No, it takes one demented individual.


So one guy did Aurora, and Columbine, and Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and Webster, and Luby's, and Oakland, and Las Vegas, and Powell, and all those other shootings. After shooting himself dead multiple times under multiple names.

Life in Duh Bubble....
One individual at each of them...

Right. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

There's no pattern there though. :rolleyes:
I detect a deflection
It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
No, it takes one demented individual.


So one guy did Aurora, and Columbine, and Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and Webster, and Luby's, and Oakland, and Las Vegas, and Powell, and all those other shootings. After shooting himself dead multiple times under multiple names.

Life in Duh Bubble....
One individual at each of them...

Right. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

There's no pattern there though. :rolleyes:
I detect a deflection

The first step is to admit you have a problem.

I see you're not ready for that first step.
Take your time. We got plenty of guns and plenty of targets. To amuse ourselves with that, you know, non-pattern thingy.

Thanks for playin'.
No, it takes one demented individual.


So one guy did Aurora, and Columbine, and Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Virginia Tech, and Newtown, and Webster, and Luby's, and Oakland, and Las Vegas, and Powell, and all those other shootings. After shooting himself dead multiple times under multiple names.

Life in Duh Bubble....
One individual at each of them...

Right. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

There's no pattern there though. :rolleyes:
I detect a deflection

The first step is to admit you have a problem.

I see you're not ready for that first step.
Take your time. We got plenty of guns and plenty of targets. To amuse ourselves with that, you know, non-pattern thingy.

Thanks for playin'.
You said it...
Under existing socio/psychological circumstances your scenarios are readily predictable -- mainly because armed citizens are the exception rather than the rule and those who are armed are pre-consciously confident that their antagonist and potentially helpful bystanders are not. While I'm not saying occasional road-rage shootings will not occur in an armed society I am confident they will be few and far between. Because potential shooters will have cause to think twice before acting.

What I'm saying is the imposition of myriad gun laws has had a profound effect on the collective psychology of Americans. It has caused a significant percentage of the population to fear and despise guns. It has divorced them from the reality that guns are an essential component of the American spirit.

I can't agree with either of the points in the second paragraph. I see no basis to support the idea that gun laws create fear and loathing of guns by anybody. Rather, the abuse of them in mass shootings does that. Nor can I agree that "guns are an essential component of the American spirit". That's been true historically but not necessarily. That is, it's not something that needs to continue, or ever needed to be there before, in order to perpetuate the concept of "America".

If it were possible to assuredly eliminate the existence of guns in the hands of ordinary citizens without imposing the most aggressively totalitarian, brutally unConstitutional methods, the arguments of gun-control advocates might make sense. But the fact is gun-control laws within a Constitutionally free society disarm only the law-abiding and the sane.

So you have only two choices. Do you wish to live in an armed but free society or in an unarmed totalitarian society? As we have become painfully aware, the in-between option isn't working.

Again I disagree that these are the only two choices. The preferable choice, not listed above, would be a free society that is unarmed voluntarily. And that has nothing to do with passing laws.
There is no reason to fear guns...
They can do nothing on their own

Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.
I can't agree with either of the points in the second paragraph. I see no basis to support the idea that gun laws create fear and loathing of guns by anybody. Rather, the abuse of them in mass shootings does that. Nor can I agree that "guns are an essential component of the American spirit". That's been true historically but not necessarily. That is, it's not something that needs to continue, or ever needed to be there before, in order to perpetuate the concept of "America".

Again I disagree that these are the only two choices. The preferable choice, not listed above, would be a free society that is unarmed voluntarily. And that has nothing to do with passing laws.
There is no reason to fear guns...
They can do nothing on their own

Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

Mass murderers are disproportionally young men who have never had a girlfriend and never had sex. Legalize prostitution.
There is no reason to fear guns...
They can do nothing on their own

Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.
Quite true.
If they remained on their own, there'd be no problem. And neither this thread, nor the issue it addresses, would exist.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
You're not paying attention, Spanky. I said gun laws have no effect on crime. They may have fewer gun crimes, but the overall number of crimes remains unchanged. But you go right on blaming the gun. That's what stupid people do. BTW. Would it make you feel any better if a murderer pushed someone out the window instead of shooting them?
It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
You're not paying attention, Spanky. I said gun laws have no effect on crime. They may have fewer gun crimes, but the overall number of crimes remains unchanged. But you go right on blaming the gun. That's what stupid people do. BTW. Would it make you feel any better if a murderer pushed someone out the window instead of shooting them?

It would make me feel better if you could craft an argument that made sense. Watch out for them drive-by pushing. LOL
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
You're not paying attention, Spanky. I said gun laws have no effect on crime. They may have fewer gun crimes, but the overall number of crimes remains unchanged. But you go right on blaming the gun. That's what stupid people do. BTW. Would it make you feel any better if a murderer pushed someone out the window instead of shooting them?

It would make me feel better if you could craft an argument that made sense. Watch out for them drive-by pushing. LOL
It would help if you could provide statistics that refute what I said. Since you can't, you are left with nothing but insults. Typical liberal response. Here's the data from the CDC that backs up my statement. What do you have? Probably nothing. Because you're an idiot liberal troll.

First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearms Laws
It takes a person to kill, and a village in Chicago's case, black on black crime.

It takes a culture of gun fetishism to come up with epidemics of mass shootings.
Which, once again, is the topic.
Guns are not the problem. It is a proven fact that gun laws have no effect on crime. Even if you confiscated every gun in America, it would have no effect on the number of people killed. All it would do is force criminals to find other ways to kill. A knife will kill you just as easily as a gun. Many people could kill with a club, or even their bare hands. There are, after all, a thousand ways to die. There is only one reason that people are murdered. It is the result of human intent. Until you address that, which is the direct result of our Godless society, nothing will change.

No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
Not really, they only work in your mind, a very empty place.

2. Ratify An Admendment
Regardless of how the amendment is proposed, it must be ratified by the States.
  • Three-fourths of the State legislatures must approve of the amendment proposed by Congress, or
  • Three-fourths of the states must approve the amendment via ratifying conventions. This method has only been used once, to repeal Prohibition (21st Amendment).
Is there a timeline for ratification? The US Supreme Court has held that ratification must happen within "some reasonable time after the proposal." Since the 18th Amendment, Congress has set a term of seven years for ratification.

Only 33 amendments have received a two-thirds vote from both Houses of Congress. Of those, only 27 have been ratified by the States. Perhaps the most visible failure is the Equal Rights Amendment.
No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
You're not paying attention, Spanky. I said gun laws have no effect on crime. They may have fewer gun crimes, but the overall number of crimes remains unchanged. But you go right on blaming the gun. That's what stupid people do. BTW. Would it make you feel any better if a murderer pushed someone out the window instead of shooting them?

It would make me feel better if you could craft an argument that made sense. Watch out for them drive-by pushing. LOL
It would help if you could provide statistics that refute what I said. Since you can't, you are left with nothing but insults. Typical liberal response. Here's the data from the CDC that backs up my statement. What do you have? Probably nothing. Because you're an idiot liberal troll.

First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearms Laws

We will worry about the pushing of people out of windows when Adam Lanza can wax 26 people by doing it.
No. Not really. You simply despise wisdom. I can back up everything I said. Statistics prove that guns laws do not affect crime one bit, and they actually INCREASE the number of shootings. These are FBI statistics. And we are a Godless society. That's why we have so many mass shootings. It's also responsible for most of the other things that are wrong with our country. You see, Jesus told us to love one another. If Americans would simply follow that one commandment We'd be a lot better off. You cannot refute any of this. OK. Go ahead and do your mocking laughter bit again. Show everyone what a fool you are.

They have tough gun laws in Europe and very few gun crimes. Obviously gun laws do work.

What they don't have is a counter productive second amendment keeping the spigot open.
You're not paying attention, Spanky. I said gun laws have no effect on crime. They may have fewer gun crimes, but the overall number of crimes remains unchanged. But you go right on blaming the gun. That's what stupid people do. BTW. Would it make you feel any better if a murderer pushed someone out the window instead of shooting them?

It would make me feel better if you could craft an argument that made sense. Watch out for them drive-by pushing. LOL
It would help if you could provide statistics that refute what I said. Since you can't, you are left with nothing but insults. Typical liberal response. Here's the data from the CDC that backs up my statement. What do you have? Probably nothing. Because you're an idiot liberal troll.

First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearms Laws

We will worry about the pushing of people out of windows when Adam Lanza can wax 26 people by doing it.
Bombs do just fine in the Mideast...
Gun laws do nothing but empower the criminal element. It isn't about guns in the hands of law biding citizens, it is about the depravity of society and the lefts inability to recognize their policies have and will continue to fail. For if they were successful crime statistics would be down, they have their free three square meals, public housing, medical, education, phone, financial compensation for simply existing in the US, yet they resort to crime to obtain more. Interesting in that the one component missing from the equation is mental health, identification and treatment. So pass a law that applies to those that obey the law and ignore the rest of the equation, typical liberal experiment destined to fail. So what will the response be when the criminally insane resort to IED's, knives, fire, cars.......?

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