So What Hasn't The Democrats Gotten Away With So Far?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want while never having to worry about being held accountable for it.


We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights, and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't, they'll lose the right to kill the unborn.
Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on.
Keep them uneducated and misinformed. (That's why they appeal to children so much) If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions, you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices.
There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats have been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it (he probably overheard Barry and Michael talking about burning Lahaina)
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine into the White House, put a cross-dressing luggage thief in charge of nuke secrets, let trannies show off their naked breasts in the White House, and is hosting pedophiles inside the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help Americans in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have not only allowed but encouraged crime in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and even admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want and never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't they'll lose the right to kill the unborn. Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on. Keep them uneducated and misinformed. That's why they appeal to children so much. If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices. There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine and transsexuals showing off their naked breasts into the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help his own people in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DA refuse to enforce the law and have encouraged massive crime increases in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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Blow your nose
I've explained this 500 times. Trump promised to investigate and prosecute Democrat wrong doing. Instead he simply sat up all night calling them names on Twitter.

If you are upset that there were no prosecutions, you have one person to blame. Trump.

If he had been a serious president I have no doubt that he could have uncovered all kinds of wrong doing. Especially by Hillary.

He wasn't.
Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want and never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't they'll lose the right to kill the unborn. Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on. Keep them uneducated and misinformed. That's why they appeal to children so much. If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices. There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine and transsexuals showing off their naked breasts into the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help his own people in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have encouraged massive crime increases in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want and never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't they'll lose the right to kill the unborn. Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on. Keep them uneducated and misinformed. That's why they appeal to children so much. If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices. There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine and transsexuals showing off their naked breasts into the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help his own people in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have encouraged massive crime increases in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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get help.
Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want while never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't they'll lose the right to kill the unborn. Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on.
Keep them uneducated and misinformed. (That's why they appeal to children so much) If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices. There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats have been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it (he probably overheard Barry and Michael talking about burning Lahaina)
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine and transsexuals showing off their naked breasts into the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help his own people in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have encouraged massive crime increases in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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All MAGA lies.
It will not work in the 2024 election.

Sorry, but not sorry. :)

Learn to be responsible and give a darn about the country and not endlessly take people's rights, and their history away, you MAGA fools may just someday win an election again.

Keep going against the Constitution and the Rule of Law and all you are going to get is incitement by your lawless leaders, prison or death - just like the sad 70 year old who died from threatening the DOJ and others and pointed a gun at the Law.

Stop being fools, or there is no hope for you.
I've explained this 500 times. Trump promised to investigate and prosecute Democrat wrong doing. Instead he simply sat up all night calling them names on Twitter.

If you are upset that there were no prosecutions, you have one person to blame. Trump.

If he had been a serious president I have no doubt that he could have uncovered all kinds of wrong doing. Especially by Hillary.

He wasn't.
Trump was impeached twice for trying to investigate Democrats and has been indicted 4 times (98 charges so far) for trying to investigate a stolen election.

Are you blind?
Trump was impeached twice for trying to investigate Democrats and has been indicted 4 times (98 charges so far) for trying to investigate a stolen election.

Are you blind?

Trump didn't try and do squat. I am paying attention.
Trump didn't try and do squat. I am paying attention.
He was impeached for talking to Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the phone, trying to get assurances from him that he's going to fight corruption in his government. He said that he would release foreign aide that was earmarked for him only if he kept his nose clean.

It just so happened that Biden (who says he never talked to anyone involved in Ukraine) had his son put on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, and was sending kick-backs from foreign aide to the "Big Guy" (Joe Biden), also known as Robert L. Peters.

He was also impeached for trying to prevent Biden from getting away with stealing an election. Now he's being indicted by the Feds over Jan 6th, and also in Georgia for trying to investigate election fraud.
He was impeached for talking to Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the phone, trying to get assurances from him that he's going to fight corruption in his government. He said that he would release foreign aide that was earmarked for him only if he kept his nose clean.

And that stopped him from using the power of the government to investigate corruption how?

The only thing that stopped him was his 280 character attention span.

It just so happened that Biden (who says he never talked to anyone involved in Ukraine) had his son put on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, and was sending kick-backs from foreign aide to the "Big Guy" (Joe Biden), also known as Robert L. Peters.

He was also impeached for trying to prevent Biden from getting away with stealing an election. Now he's being indicted by the Feds over Jan 6th, and also in Georgia for trying to investigate election fraud.

The second impeachment came after he lost his power. Not that he really ever used it.
And that stopped him from using the power of the government to investigate corruption how?

The only thing that stopped him was his 280 character attention span.

The second impeachment came after he lost his power. Not that he really ever used it.
I have news for you, the president isn't supposed to be investigating anything. His job is to run the White House. He's not supposed to be investigating anyone. That's the job of the DOJ and the Attorney General. And the president isn't supposed to be telling the AG who he's going to investigate. really need to read a book about civics and read the constitution.
I've explained this 500 times. Trump promised to investigate and prosecute Democrat wrong doing. Instead he simply sat up all night calling them names on Twitter.

If you are upset that there were no prosecutions, you have one person to blame. Trump.

If he had been a serious president I have no doubt that he could have uncovered all kinds of wrong doing. Especially by Hillary.

He wasn't.
If he had been a serious president I have no doubt that he could have uncovered all kinds of wrong doing. Especially by Hillary
Minor problem...

When he sent Durham and Barr around the world to get it done, they only got one tip.....about Grifty..
Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want while never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights, and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't, they'll lose the right to kill the unborn.
Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on.
Keep them uneducated and misinformed. (That's why they appeal to children so much) If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions, you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices.
There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats have been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it (he probably overheard Barry and Michael talking about burning Lahaina)
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine into the White House, higher luggage thieves, and trannies showing off their naked breasts into the White House, and hosting pedophiles inside the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help Americans in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have not only allowed but encouraged crime in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and even admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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