"So they have until Friday", Rep. Devin Nunes has informed FBI officials.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Rep. Devin Nunes threatened to send a ninth criminal referral regarding the Trump-Russia investigation to the Justice Department if he does not receive information he requested about British ex-spy Christopher Steele, and accused those who still push the Russian collusion conspiracy of being "possessed."

The California Republican sent letters Friday to FBI Director Christopher Wray and U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is conducting a review of the origins of the Russia inquiry. He asked about records the Bureau received in October 2016 that show a top official at the State Department undermining Steele's credibility. Steele authored a dossier, filled with salacious and unverified claims about President Trump's ties to Russia, that was used by the FBI to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or FISA warrants to wiretap onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Nunes threatens ninth criminal referral, says Trump-Russia conspiracy peddlers are 'possessed'

Here's Nunes Sunday...
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
This is absolutely crazy. Why won't the chief domestic law enforcement agency in the Country cooperate with elected officials?
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant

Two opinion pieces--nothing really new...just a lot of spin and hyperbole.

It's like both sides are locked in some insane death-match. i guess it appeals to the WWE sort.....but I'd like my officials to govern..it is what we pay them to do.
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant
Come on man, those are both op/ed, not facts.
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant

Two opinion pieces--nothing really new...just a lot of spin and hyperbole.

It's like both sides are locked in some insane death-match. i guess it appeals to the WWE sort.....but I'd like my officials to govern..it is what we pay them to do.
Would you like to see her notes? They were released, be glad to dig it up for you. Oh, here they are-

State Department handwritten notes of meeting with Christopher Steele
Nunes is nothing more than a boot licking, Trump Humper. Nobody takes this ass clown seriously.

If there is nothing to hide, why not comply?

That's a good question, why don't you ask Trump that.

I'm asking you. That's the line you use on Trump, why not use it on your side?

What do you call 1.4 million documents, 2000 interview and 500 subpoenas? Mueller did not say that Trump did not give him a single thing he asked for.

Yet your side won't give Nunes a single thing he asks for.

Hypocrite much?
Last edited:
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant
Come on man, those are both op/ed, not facts.
Every news and magazine article posted or viewed is nothing more than an op/ed. Journalism died a long time ago.
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant
Come on man, those are both op/ed, not facts.
Every news and magazine article posted or viewed is nothing more than an op/ed. Journalism died a long time ago.
That is what tRump wants you to think, but it isn't true.
Well, considering even a State Dept employee that interviewed Steele let them know she caught him lying, yet they still told the fisa court he was a credible source...
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
State Department's red flag on Steele went to a senior FBI man well before FISA warrant
Come on man, those are both op/ed, not facts.
Every news and magazine article posted or viewed is nothing more than an op/ed. Journalism died a long time ago.
That is what tRump wants you to think, but it isn't true.
It is very much true, and I believed and witnessed the proof of it long before Trump was even on the scene.
Wait, so does he have proof of crimes? If so, is he using the proof as leverage, otherwise known as blackmail? Or does he not have the proof and is threatening to falsify it if they don't produce?

How does this work?

Trump should have the NSA just download the information. WTF
That is what tRump wants you to think, but it isn't true.
It is very much true, and I believed and witnessed the proof of it long before Trump was even on the scene.
I'm afraid not.

I'm sure you believe that, even the last about "before tRump came on the scene", but it isn't true. It's what they have told you to think.
That is what tRump wants you to think, but it isn't true.
It is very much true, and I believed and witnessed the proof of it long before Trump was even on the scene.
I'm afraid not.

I'm sure you believe that, even the last about "before tRump came on the scene", but it isn't true. It's what they have told you to think.
Knock yourself out, but I' m afraid so. You denying reality affects Me, not one whit.

It's a strange person who thinks there is not a severe bias in journalism and has been for nearly 50 years.

Enjoy your blinders.


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