So They Expect Us To Believe The Spill And Border Violence Aren't A Problem Anymore


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
After listening to Obama tell us that the BP spill will take years to clean up why does he think we'll believe that 75% of the oil is gone...cleaned up...evaporated?

Also, they're now trying to tell us that all of the violence that's happening on the Arizona border was all made up.

How stupid do they think we are?

I've already seen a couple of threads on I guess they must think we're pretty stupid. The usual suspects on USMB are already floating rumors of conspiracies over border violence. Zona for one. I get the feeling that Truthmatters has been writing all of their stuff for them. That's how little credibility they have.

Let's face it folks. These people in the Administration have no credibility. They don't exactly have a great track record when it comes to honesty and transparency. A spill that the government decided to charge $20 billion in damages to BP cannot be written off with a simple announcement by one of Obama's czars or underlings. The coverup that has been reported by the media seems to be in full hopes that something can be salvaged for the upcoming election. I suspect the same goes for the reports that border violence is just a hoax. Ask the residents of AZ that live on to the border if this is the case. They can't seem to leave there homes for fear that illegals will end up homesteading in them. This is a problem folks.

So we've got accusations of racism left and right....and claims that two of Obama's biggest crisis were blown out of proportion. Do you believe them? Have they given us any reason to believe them? Isn't it all just an attempt to whitewash a couple of Obama's weaknesses? He's trying to make us forget about what happened. Obviously people didn't forget about health care because they voted against it 3 to 1 in the election this week. What makes him think we'll forget about everything else he's screwed up?
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I think you should get your malitia to hook up with the minute men and go fucking stand watch. thanks in advance
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.

So how much violence is tolerable for you?

Also....if you wanna talk hype.....let's talk about Katrina shall we.
I want more deported than even the most racist of you GED's. I just have to laugh at your ghestapo faux outrage.
Clearly is must be obvious how to prove the Obama administration is understating the problems on the border.

The local police keep their own records.

Bring them to us for our consideration.

Unless of course, you are trying to tell us that the local police are part of some grand conspiracy to cover up crime in the border

Is that what you are telling us, Mud?
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.

So how much violence is tolerable for you?

Also....if you wanna talk hype.....let's talk about Katrina shall we.
More people died in Katrina than died at the border in the past thirty years.
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.

Tell that to the American victims of violence and the children poisoned by Mexican drugs.

"Oh you're only imagining that bullet hole because you are a racist."
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.

So how much violence is tolerable for you?

Also....if you wanna talk hype.....let's talk about Katrina shall we.
More people died in Katrina than died at the border in the past thirty years.

That's total horseshit. Back that up with facts.
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.

Tell that to the American victims of violence and the children poisoned by Mexican drugs.

"Oh you're only imagining that bullet hole because you are a racist."
Solve the drug problem then. THAT is the real problem. People in the USA take drugs. Mexicans supply them. Seal the border there and the drug suppliers will find another way...and the problem continues.
There is border violence...but it is not marginally different than it has always been. And in Arizona it seems to have waned for the past three or four years.

It's the hyping it up into something that it isn't that is wrong.

So how much violence is tolerable for you?

Also....if you wanna talk hype.....let's talk about Katrina shall we.
More people died in Katrina than died at the border in the past thirty years.

More Mexicans died trying to sneak into the US than they did helping out in WW2. Because they left it to the gringos to fight their part of that war.

World (minus Latin America) War 2 is the correct title for that war.
Clearly is must be obvious how to prove the Obama administration is understating the problems on the border.

The local police keep their own records.

Bring them to us for our consideration.

Unless of course, you are trying to tell us that the local police are part of some grand conspiracy to cover up crime in the border

Is that what you are telling us, Mud?

What I'm saying is :anj_stfu:

Here's a link to somebody who's not intimidated by the White House. He knows what's going on.

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
So how much violence is tolerable for you?

Also....if you wanna talk hype.....let's talk about Katrina shall we.
More people died in Katrina than died at the border in the past thirty years.

That's total horseshit. Back that up with facts.
Most of the people killed on the Mexican/USA border are Mexicans. There are no statistics that I can find on actual numbers. In the last year I can find ONE example of someone who MIGHT have been killed because of border violence...a rancher who's property butts up against the border.

Most Americans killed in border towns are killed in Mexico.
More people died in Katrina than died at the border in the past thirty years.

That's total horseshit. Back that up with facts.
Most of the people killed on the Mexican/USA border are Mexicans. There are no statistics that I can find on actual numbers. In the last year I can find ONE example of someone who MIGHT have been killed because of border violence...a rancher who's property butts up against the border.

Most Americans killed in border towns are killed in Mexico.

So they're on their own you think?

How can you tolerate that?

You also seem to think that dead Mexicans aren't really nothing to worry about. All of those people dying out in the desert trying to get to the US or running across drug runners. That's just Menudo to you.

Being right on the border with Juarez, which is now the murder capital of the world or at least in the top three, we are very apprehensive. Few days ago, a spray of bullets struck one of the federal buildings in downtown El Paso-it came from the gunfight across the border, near the bridge.

It is all out war between and with the drug cartels. It is an absolute war zone--nobody is safe, and, violence is 24/7. A reporter from the BBC was doing a report from Juarez Mexico--went out with the police on an evening shift. [T]his man was a seasoned, experienced war correspondant from England, in the space of an hour, he interviewed a weeping woman, her murdered husband was still slumped bleeding over the steering wheel, and then, moments later, a 7 year old boy was shot dead--the reporter was there--somebody had draped a blanket over the body--a man standing next to the reporter was desperate with fear that it was his grandson--the blanket was lifted and the old man screamed and collapsed--it was his only grandson. The reporter was shocked and aghast--very professional--but you could tell--and he knew--call it what you will, this is full fledged war going on in Mexico--Juarez the epi-center, and, it's--45 minutes from where I live.

[A friend] is very knowledgeable on things Arabic, and, he was shown some of the litter out in the deserts that "immigrants" walk to come here illegally. He told the police that one the items was a Turkish prayer rug--he recognized the design. Arabs are crossing illegally into this country thru our deserts.

The Western states bordering Mexico are being invaded, over-run, kidnapped and terrorized by illegal aliens--dangerous roving gangs--Phoenix is actually the kidnap capital of the USA. Decent, law-abiding, tax paying, property owning Americans are having hordes of armed Mexicans come across their property, and, face punishment and loss of their lands if they protest or draw weapons. Believe it or not, we've had armed Mexican soliders come across our border--ARMED and IN UNIFORM--on American soil--coming over to have breakfast or lunch at one of the restaurants here. To have Washington be so "out of touch"--supremely unconcerned, mocking actually--that this is happening to a section of this nation--is national suicide.
Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Our Southern Border is a War Zone
By Digger / July 24, 2010 04:11 AM Bookmark and Share

The bloodbath continues along our southern border and now word is coming in that Los Zetas, the highly trained killers formerly with the Gulf Cartel, have crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. I am receiving word that the owners of the ranches have evacuated without being harmed. The source is law enforcement in the area.

(Update 2 story is now 100% confirmed by second source within the Laredo Police Department)

Founder of the San Diego Minutemen Jeff Schwilk tipped me off to this story and passes along the following information on the location. The ranches are said to be "near Mines Rd. and Minerales Annex Rd about 10 miles NW of I-35".

Update 1 (Statement from Mr. Schwilk)

I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD. There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande. The source tells us he considers this an "act of war" and that the military is needed on the border now!

Kimberly Dvorak at the Examiner has also confirmed the story

(Update 3: For those doubting the confirmation, I stand firmly behind Kimberly, but I have put together more on the confirmation and why this story truly matters at: "Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters - Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?". There are three confirmed sources within law enforcement.)

Whether it is lone members or squads is not certain.

Anonymous sources in law enforcement in the Laredo area tonight have passed on word that US law enforcement agencies are in the area and are weighing their options regarding the ranches. The media has been silent on this incident and some law enforcement in the area say that they are furious that the media is not reporting the whole story of the continued violence along the border. Their frustrations are understandable because keeping the truth suppressed continues to hamper law enforcement from receiving the true support they need along the border.

The ranch assaults come on the heels of attacks in Nuevo Laredo that shut the city down as a gun-battle raged in the streets. Los Zetas blocked off intersections with vehicles and used fragmentation grenades to attack Mexican law enforcement. In the end 12 were killed and 21 injured in the assaults. Citizens in the area were told to stay in their homes and bullets whizzed all around.

BREAKING: Multiple Ranches In Laredo, TX Taken Over By Los Zetas [Update 3] : Diggers Realm
The Obama Administration is stuck on Officer Barbrady mode regarding anything that really is an issue.
More people died in Katrina than died at the border in the past thirty years.

That's total horseshit. Back that up with facts.
Most of the people killed on the Mexican/USA border are Mexicans. There are no statistics that I can find on actual numbers. In the last year I can find ONE example of someone who MIGHT have been killed because of border violence...a rancher who's property butts up against the border.

Most Americans killed in border towns are killed in Mexico.

Violence is not the major problem with the illegal immigrants:
Analysis of the latest Census data indicates that Arizona’s illegal immigrant population is costing the state’s taxpayers about $1.3 billion per year for education, medical care and incarceration.
FAIR: The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Arizonans: Executive Summary

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