So, the left at Trump for trying to save failing obamacare. When obamacare fails......

They will blame Trump.

That is all you ever need to know about arguing with the left.

You bring up an important point that should be applied more broadly here. A conservative placating a progressive on policy elicits more outrage from those that he was trying to appeal to and appease. There is no winning strategy in compromising with those extremists of any ideologically driven persuasion. Best to stick to the tenets of one's own beliefs commanding respect through the courage of one's convictions. Trump should never have signed off on Ryan's watered down O-care 2.0!
As I have said in another post and the reason this single payer Trojan horse was so ingenious by obama the marxist was he knew there was no way to just take away something that was GIVEN to millions. Once something is GIVEN to millions, it becomes a 3rd rail political topic.

The reason this was needing to be done NOW was due to the mandates and the small business owners getting crushed on April 15th.

Most Americans don't know or give two shits about that. If you know any small business owners talk to them about what they can't do and what this marxist move has cost them along with the middle class.

400 dollar premiums? $500k for small business owners who have 100 employees.

He was trying to save them while not taking the coverage away from the millions. This was and needed to be done incrementally. Allow the free market to ease back into the system.

Well, that is all gone now. Trump will get the blame for the disaster that is obamacare. Just what the traitors on both sides want.

Do you get this or not?
They need to repeal it and forget about replacing it.
Then later they can do a series of small bills like opening state borders to competition, opening federal borders so we can buy drugs from other countries, and stuff like that.
obamacare will fail. It's been slowly failing and gaining momentum since it was created. It was designed to fail. When its done, then bring in a new plan.

This is no catastrophe.
Trump had better ensure that the PPACA doesn't fail if he wants any chance at re-election. Obama outfoxed them all and now even the populist crowd loves Obamacare.
They need to repeal it and forget about replacing it.
Then later they can do a series of small bills like opening state borders to competition, opening federal borders so we can buy drugs from other countries, and stuff like that.

That policy should be an adjunct to the PPACA anyway to help it succeed.
Healthcare spending exploded under Republicans Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2. Reaganomics slashed the number of medical doctors creating a shortage here in the USA. Repubtards caused US healthcare spending to explode far beyond socialist countries. Clinton & Obama stopped the healthcare cost spiral & saved the USA from becoming a failed state.

They will blame Trump.

That is all you ever need to know about arguing with the left.

You bring up an important point that should be applied more broadly here. A conservative placating a progressive on policy elicits more outrage from those that he was trying to appeal to and appease. There is no winning strategy in compromising with those extremists of any ideologically driven persuasion. Best to stick to the tenets of one's own beliefs commanding respect through the courage of one's convictions. Trump should never have signed off on Ryan's watered down O-care 2.0!
As I have said in another post and the reason this single payer Trojan horse was so ingenious by obama the marxist was he knew there was no way to just take away something that was GIVEN to millions. Once something is GIVEN to millions, it becomes a 3rd rail political topic.

The reason this was needing to be done NOW was due to the mandates and the small business owners getting crushed on April 15th.

Most Americans don't know or give two shits about that. If you know any small business owners talk to them about what they can't do and what this marxist move has cost them along with the middle class.

400 dollar premiums? $500k for small business owners who have 100 employees.

He was trying to save them while not taking the coverage away from the millions. This was and needed to be done incrementally. Allow the free market to ease back into the system.

Well, that is all gone now. Trump will get the blame for the disaster that is obamacare. Just what the traitors on both sides want.

Do you get this or not?

Now that we don't have private sector, "bad apple", catastrophic etc. policies that suit some of us just fine; it is a different landscape than it was in 2009. The private, capitalistic market place has had its life blood drained out...
They will blame Trump.

That is all you ever need to know about arguing with the left.

You bring up an important point that should be applied more broadly here. A conservative placating a progressive on policy elicits more outrage from those that he was trying to appeal to and appease. There is no winning strategy in compromising with those extremists of any ideologically driven persuasion. Best to stick to the tenets of one's own beliefs commanding respect through the courage of one's convictions. Trump should never have signed off on Ryan's watered down O-care 2.0!
As I have said in another post and the reason this single payer Trojan horse was so ingenious by obama the marxist was he knew there was no way to just take away something that was GIVEN to millions. Once something is GIVEN to millions, it becomes a 3rd rail political topic.

The reason this was needing to be done NOW was due to the mandates and the small business owners getting crushed on April 15th.

Most Americans don't know or give two shits about that. If you know any small business owners talk to them about what they can't do and what this marxist move has cost them along with the middle class.

400 dollar premiums? $500k for small business owners who have 100 employees.

He was trying to save them while not taking the coverage away from the millions. This was and needed to be done incrementally. Allow the free market to ease back into the system.

Well, that is all gone now. Trump will get the blame for the disaster that is obamacare. Just what the traitors on both sides want.

Do you get this or not?

Now that we don't have private sector, "bad apple", catastrophic etc. policies that suit some of us just fine; it is a different landscape than it was in 2009. The private, capitalistic market place has had its life blood drained out...

You Lie! Those plans are still available
Nope.... not by a long shot they are not. Can they be had, sure, but not with the volume and free market competition that made them appealing in the first place.
They need to repeal it and forget about replacing it.
Then later they can do a series of small bills like opening state borders to competition, opening federal borders so we can buy drugs from other countries, and stuff like that.
That is political suicide. You are right, but it is political suicide.
obamacare will fail. It's been slowly failing and gaining momentum since it was created. It was designed to fail. When its done, then bring in a new plan.

This is no catastrophe.

Why pretend to know something? You've proved to be nothing more than a member of the echo chamber, and sometimes can't even get the echo right.
obamacare will fail. It's been slowly failing and gaining momentum since it was created. It was designed to fail. When its done, then bring in a new plan.

This is no catastrophe.
just let it crash and burn. then lets see the 26 Million People bitch. they cant blame the GOP, right?
Oh, they will blame the GOP. Trust that. Specifically, they will blame Trump.

They blame the GOP to this day for the housing bubble, regardless of these actual facts.

Clinton signed the commodities Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation.

Clinton also rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods.

The Dems ignored the White House at least 18 times (all in official archives) in 2008 about the housing bubble. For some reason they allowed the bubble to burst and Booooooosh got the blame. Ohhh, interestingly that was a big election year, and with the help of the great wonderful media, the GOP got ALL of the blame. Regardless of the facts that actually led to the crash.

Yet, not one pathetic dick on the left will give you the exact policy Boooooosh passed that led to the housing bubble.

They still won't cause they can't. Yet, they hold Boooooosh and the republicans responsible for the entire market crash in 2008, cause it was on "his watch."

See where this is going? They are losers.
They still won't cause they can't. Yet, they hold Boooooosh and the republicans responsible for the entire market crash in 2008, cause it was on "his watch."
Bush Administration Ignored Warnings of Pending Financial Meltdown ...
WASHINGTON – The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.

"Expect fallout, expect foreclosures, expect horror stories," California mortgage lender Paris Welch wrote to U.S. regulators in January 2006, about one year before the housing implosion cost her a job.
They still won't cause they can't. Yet, they hold Boooooosh and the republicans responsible for the entire market crash in 2008, cause it was on "his watch."
Bush Administration Ignored Warnings of Pending Financial Meltdown ...
WASHINGTON – The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.

"Expect fallout, expect foreclosures, expect horror stories," California mortgage lender Paris Welch wrote to U.S. regulators in January 2006, about one year before the housing implosion cost her a job.
New Study Finds CRA 'Clearly' Did Lead To Risky Lending

Democrats and the media insist the Community Reinvestment Act, the anti-redlining law beefed up by President Clinton, had nothing to do with the subprime mortgage crisis and recession.

But a new study by the respected National Bureau of Economic Research finds, "Yes, it did. We find that adherence to that act led to riskier lending by banks."

What's the matter, loser does not think any democrat policy contributed to it?

Stupid loser


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