So much for space travel, time to find another hobby


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Talk about a problem of cosmic, uh, proportions. A recent rat study conducted by NASA-funded researchers found that deep space travel might inflict long-lasting erectile dysfunction symptoms on male astronauts — a problem that may even persist after they return to Earth.

According to the research, which was published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology's FASEB Journal, the galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) that astronauts would be exposed to during long-term space travel could cause damage to spacefarers' erectile tissues, leading to potentially decades-long genital woes.

I'm out, what about you? Still want to explore the universe?


Talk about a problem of cosmic, uh, proportions. A recent rat study conducted by NASA-funded researchers found that deep space travel might inflict long-lasting erectile dysfunction symptoms on male astronauts — a problem that may even persist after they return to Earth.

According to the research, which was published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology's FASEB Journal, the galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) that astronauts would be exposed to during long-term space travel could cause damage to spacefarers' erectile tissues, leading to potentially decades-long genital woes.

I'm out, what about you? Still want to explore the universe?

Captain Kirk never had a problem getting it up with Green Orion females from Seti Alpha 6.


Working on artificial gravity seems to be a top priority now. using magnets to achieve this is under study. 👍 ;)
There is always continuing research on this important issue for space travel...

We are still in the infancy of becoming a space faring species. Every baby step just brings us closer to the stars.
I think you can simulate it if you have a spinning gyroscope inside the ship.
Realistically with current technology, centrifugal force by spinning the ship or a section of it will create bearable gravity for long range trips, just don't look out a window.

Talk about a problem of cosmic, uh, proportions. A recent rat study conducted by NASA-funded researchers found that deep space travel might inflict long-lasting erectile dysfunction symptoms on male astronauts — a problem that may even persist after they return to Earth.

According to the research, which was published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology's FASEB Journal, the galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) that astronauts would be exposed to during long-term space travel could cause damage to spacefarers' erectile tissues, leading to potentially decades-long genital woes.

I'm out, what about you? Still want to explore the universe?

A gentle hint that there was no intention to go to the moon?

Now we may know why America's scientists burnt all their homework on the technology of how to do it.

Or had some dogs eat it?

Talk about a problem of cosmic, uh, proportions. A recent rat study conducted by NASA-funded researchers found that deep space travel might inflict long-lasting erectile dysfunction symptoms on male astronauts — a problem that may even persist after they return to Earth.

According to the research, which was published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology's FASEB Journal, the galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) that astronauts would be exposed to during long-term space travel could cause damage to spacefarers' erectile tissues, leading to potentially decades-long genital woes.

I'm out, what about you? Still want to explore the universe?

I want “us” to reach other planets. That doesn’t mean you or I. Humanity. So that we live on even after earth becomes uninhabitable.

It’s like how I care that humanity does well long after I’m gone. If you had a button to take everyone else out with you when you died, would you push it?

So the goal or hope is humanity outlives earth.

It might be to start we see planets that are in the Goldilocks zone and we send small spaceships with dna on it. Single cell. Simple life. So it’s not even humans we want to live forever. So we seed other planets. Maybe earth was seeded by another planet that has long become extinct? Maybe martians seeded earth before they died.
There is always continuing research on this important issue for space travel...

We are still in the infancy of becoming a space faring species. Every baby step just brings us closer to the stars.
We can never travel to the stars. It is physically impossible. Interstellar space is near absolute zero, cosmic rays and microscopic meteors traveling over 100,000 mph

Even at a fraction of light speed it'll require DECADES in the cold vacuum of space.

God has created a universe so vast that we can never travel to the nearest star until AFTER the resurrection of the dead and we become immortal God-beings
We can never travel to the stars. It is physically impossible. Interstellar space is near absolute zero, cosmic rays and microscopic meteors traveling over 100,000 mph

Even at a fraction of light speed it'll require DECADES in the cold vacuum of space.

God has created a universe so vast that we can never travel to the nearest star until AFTER the resurrection of the dead and we become immortal God-beings
I can see you in the 1960s:
We can never travel to the moon. It is physically impossible. I

God has created a universe so vast that we can never travel to the moon. I am waiting for AFTER the resurrection of the dead when we become immortal God-beings

You said nothing

An interesting article. The effect of deep space travel on the body without gravity is a problem to be solved. A human would look like a flatworm if exposed to no gravity for a long time.
Astronauts have a serious death wish. They will almost certainly get what they are wishing for. Manned spaceflight is insane.
I appreciate Hubble, Webb, Voyager, communication and weather satellites. There are practical ways to use space, manned spaceflight is not one of them.


Talk about a problem of cosmic, uh, proportions. A recent rat study conducted by NASA-funded researchers found that deep space travel might inflict long-lasting erectile dysfunction symptoms on male astronauts — a problem that may even persist after they return to Earth.

According to the research, which was published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology's FASEB Journal, the galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) that astronauts would be exposed to during long-term space travel could cause damage to spacefarers' erectile tissues, leading to potentially decades-long genital woes.

I'm out, what about you? Still want to explore the universe?

Im assuming this is an issue with zero gravity making your body lazy or something. We already know how to make artificial gravity in space. Any manned ship leaving this solar system will be set up with it.
Astronauts have a serious death wish. They will almost certainly get what they are wishing for. Manned spaceflight is insane.
I appreciate Hubble, Webb, Voyager, communication and weather satellites. There are practical ways to use space, manned spaceflight is not one of them.

Thomas Jefferson said we were warriors so our sons could be farmers. Farmers would toil in the dirt to put their kids or one kid through college.

An astronaut would be a loner who is happy with a computer. He wants to be part of history. He’s never going t9 see the new planet but his grandson will. And that child won’t be human. It will evolve to live in space rather quickly. Maybe we infuse the tardigrades dna into this new species of humans.
Still no concrete evidence from Voyager One that we can leave the solar system using current technology .
Makes you think of the ancient writings citing a firmanent .

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