So Long, John

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
We Arizonans always had mixed feelings about McCain. Surely he was better for us than any democrat but usually not by much. His political patrons here included the entrenched hospitality industry and their need for cheap, easily intimidated illegals. Mac never supported any real immigration reform. He fought the Bush tax cuts and hated Wall Street. When he was first caught up in the Keating Five S&L scandal, we assumed he was a goner but he survived. Again, we don't care for statist democrats here so he was never really challenged, and when he was primaried, he was brutal to any challenger. He used to brag he never brought us a single budget earmark. We just shrugged because we were growing so fast and doing so well on our own we didn't need Sam's help. He did ramrod through the Central Arizona Project and got our fair allotment of Colorado River water the thieving Kalis had been stealing for years. But they built it with open canals which lost a major portion of the water to evaporation instead of running it underground. His wife Cindy is the heir to a local liquor baron. He left the wife who'd waited for him while he was a POW and lived through the nightmare adjustment years after his return from Hoa Lo prison. She was younger, better looking, and her daddy had the million$ McCain would need in his political future. His campaign against Obama was pathetic. If he'd listened to Sarah Palin and not given up on the Rustbelt he might have won. So tonight he knows what none of us there a Heaven and Hell? We'll have to wait to find that out for ourselves. So long John, R.I.P.

His Pride and vengeance made him an obstructionist in the end and in that I say:
The traitor McCain's father covered up the USS Liberty incident... Do the math.
We Arizona conservatives have always hated McStain’s willingness to compromise with the lunatic left.

He was happy to be the sacrificial lamb in 2008 as he refused to attack the Hussein for being a batshit crazy Marxist, which is why Dems love him so much now.

The fact that he was such an anti-Trumper proved he was a globalist pig that wanted to keep shipping jobs overseas and start stupid wars we had no business being in.
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We Arizona conservatives have always hated McStain’s willingness to compromise with the lunatic left.

He was happy to be the sacrificial lamb in 2008 as he refused to attack the Hussein for being a batshit crazy Marxist, which is why Dems love him so much now.

The fact that he was such an anti-Trumper proved he was a globalist pig that wanted to keep shipping jobs overseas and start stupid wars we had no business being in.

In his defense when his campaign ran out of money in the primaries, he flew alone in coach class to stay in the fight. When he got the nomination he did seem to give up and let his campaign managers run Palin into a ditch. When she fought to go back and campaign in Michigan, they told her no. I knew he was finished that day. I'm trying to be civil about this because he served in the RVN same as me. I know from my own experiences there, nothing was as it seemed. When he was captured he was bayoneted in the groin and legs. By the time he got medical assistance his shoulders were ruined from a bad ejection seat and he was probably frantic. Was he a traitor?

I remember my own SERE training saying hold out as long as you can and then tell them as little as possible. Hanoi already knew pretty much everything Mac could tell them other than the other pilot's names. Naval aviators were the best we had in those days....USAF seemed to bomb us as often as they did the enemy. Whenever there was a capture, USN would have changed their routes and timing so there was little McCain could have told them of any value. No matter, I would never have said he had it "easy" there...Hoa Lo was known to have the most sadistic guards in the NV system so they probably did things to him nobody will ever know about. The S. Viets had their own torture chambers at Con Son....we had prisoners jump out of the helo at altitude rather than face their fate at Con Son. So was McCain a traitor?.....I have no idea but if I was betting I'd say what he told them didn't matter much.
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I still didn't get why he attacked Trump so quick in the first place. Well, RIP John Glenn also.
HE had a hurt ego from Trumps words even after recanted, but that does not excuse putting millions of citizens at risk by obstructing important Senate votes. His pride and vengeful nature placed his ego before nation. Please nobody judge me if I don't mourn deep state modern day Benedict Arnolds.
My only question is - who will the governor appoint to replace him?

Ducey ain't saying.....this election is about Flakey's seat. The Gov could pick an unknown, himself, old Jon Kyle....he won't announce until after they put McCain in the ground.

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