So long as social justice doesn't include the unborn the Democrats will never have my vote...

I would support any program to make sure that all babies who can't be taken care of by their parents are given to people who can adopt them.

Gay couples?

P.S. I understand your position as being pro-life as long as it doesn't cost you anything. This is impossible.
Lakhota, why do you think it's "funny" to murder unborn babies in the womb?

You are being illogical here since the developing zygote is inside of an adult body, there can be no murder charge if the adult decides to stop it and abort it. Otherwise you would have to charge her for murder when miscarriage occurs, how come you don't advocate that?

I've heard a lot of stupid argument for abortion but congrats. That's among the stupidest.

That's like saying if you're in the room when someone dies of cardiac arrest you should be charged for murder.

Your stupid analogy quickly dies because the developing fetus is INSIDE of the Adult Female body, which means it is part of her body, which YOU and Blackrook have yet to address.That is why republicans have lost this debate years ago, as they keep claiming it is murder when it is a part of the prospecting mothers body, which makes a murder charge impossible.

There have been millions of abortions, how come NO murder charges? There have been thousands of miscarriages, how come no murder charges?

I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.
Lakhota, why do you think it's "funny" to murder unborn babies in the womb?

You are being illogical here since the developing zygote is inside of an adult body, there can be no murder charge if the adult decides to stop it and abort it. Otherwise you would have to charge her for murder when miscarriage occurs, how come you don't advocate that?

I've heard a lot of stupid argument for abortion but congrats. That's among the stupidest.

That's like saying if you're in the room when someone dies of cardiac arrest you should be charged for murder.

Your stupid analogy quickly dies because the developing fetus is INSIDE of the Adult Female body, which means it is part of her body, which YOU and Blackrook have yet to address.That is why republicans have lost this debate years ago, as they keep claiming it is murder when it is a part of the prospecting mothers body, which makes a murder charge impossible.

There have been millions of abortions, how come NO murder charges? There have been thousands of miscarriages, how come no murder charges?

I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.

Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
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I would support any program to make sure that all babies who can't be taken care of by their parents are given to people who can adopt them.

Gay couples?

P.S. I understand your position as being pro-life as long as it doesn't cost you anything. This is impossible.

Well, crap, my question didn't get answered despite the OP being back on site well after I posted it.

How about it Blackrook? We advocate for the birth of hundreds of thousands. Is that all you do is advocate? No care at all after they are born? There aren't hundreds of thousands of straight families looking to adopt. Does your adoption plan also include gay couples?

Or do you not think through your words and only use them as empty rhetoric?
Lakhota, why do you think it's "funny" to murder unborn babies in the womb?

You are being illogical here since the developing zygote is inside of an adult body, there can be no murder charge if the adult decides to stop it and abort it. Otherwise you would have to charge her for murder when miscarriage occurs, how come you don't advocate that?

I've heard a lot of stupid argument for abortion but congrats. That's among the stupidest.

That's like saying if you're in the room when someone dies of cardiac arrest you should be charged for murder.

Your stupid analogy quickly dies because the developing fetus is INSIDE of the Adult Female body, which means it is part of her body, which YOU and Blackrook have yet to address.That is why republicans have lost this debate years ago, as they keep claiming it is murder when it is a part of the prospecting mothers body, which makes a murder charge impossible.

There have been millions of abortions, how come NO murder charges? There have been thousands of miscarriages, how come no murder charges?

I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.

Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.
You are being illogical here since the developing zygote is inside of an adult body, there can be no murder charge if the adult decides to stop it and abort it. Otherwise you would have to charge her for murder when miscarriage occurs, how come you don't advocate that?

I've heard a lot of stupid argument for abortion but congrats. That's among the stupidest.

That's like saying if you're in the room when someone dies of cardiac arrest you should be charged for murder.

Your stupid analogy quickly dies because the developing fetus is INSIDE of the Adult Female body, which means it is part of her body, which YOU and Blackrook have yet to address.That is why republicans have lost this debate years ago, as they keep claiming it is murder when it is a part of the prospecting mothers body, which makes a murder charge impossible.

There have been millions of abortions, how come NO murder charges? There have been thousands of miscarriages, how come no murder charges?

I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.

Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.

Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on.

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
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...tossing the unborn under the bus is against everything the Democrats say they stand for.
How about when their so called social justice includes minority conservatives?

Could you imagine if Trump ever spoke to some black democrat the way the lying skinny lilly white Native American Warren talked to Doctor Ben Carson?

Sort of like how metoocunts like alyssa milano tried to take down Kavanaugh without one bit of evidence, but most assuredly get on her knees or bend over a book rack and open up for slick willy regardless of the vast evidence he sexually assaulted women. Including corroborating testimony of Arkansas state troopers and Juanita's fat bloody lip.

That organization NOW (National Organization of women) should be abbreviated NOC. They never defended any of those women.
I've heard a lot of stupid argument for abortion but congrats. That's among the stupidest.

That's like saying if you're in the room when someone dies of cardiac arrest you should be charged for murder.

Your stupid analogy quickly dies because the developing fetus is INSIDE of the Adult Female body, which means it is part of her body, which YOU and Blackrook have yet to address.That is why republicans have lost this debate years ago, as they keep claiming it is murder when it is a part of the prospecting mothers body, which makes a murder charge impossible.

There have been millions of abortions, how come NO murder charges? There have been thousands of miscarriages, how come no murder charges?

I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.

Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.

Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on.

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
Like I said before, you move the goal posts. Still you fail logic 101 stating that a fetus is part of a females body.

Abortion is the termination of a human life. Dispute that!
Your stupid analogy quickly dies because the developing fetus is INSIDE of the Adult Female body, which means it is part of her body, which YOU and Blackrook have yet to address.That is why republicans have lost this debate years ago, as they keep claiming it is murder when it is a part of the prospecting mothers body, which makes a murder charge impossible.

There have been millions of abortions, how come NO murder charges? There have been thousands of miscarriages, how come no murder charges?

I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.

Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.

Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on.

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
Like I said before, you move the goal posts. Still you fail logic 101 stating that a fetus is part of a females body.

Abortion is the termination of a human life. Dispute that!

When does the termination of an innocent human life become acceptable?
I am currently inside my bedroom, but that does not mean I am part of my house. You are operating off of a false axiom.

Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.

Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on.

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
Like I said before, you move the goal posts. Still you fail logic 101 stating that a fetus is part of a females body.

Abortion is the termination of a human life. Dispute that!

When does the termination of an innocent human life become acceptable?
It's not acceptable to me. Is it acceptable to you?
Gosh it is unsurprising why conservatives lose this abortion debate so much at the legislative level.

You are not a PART of the house, you move around freely in it as an independent being, you can go OUTSIDE of the house without hindrance, quite different from the fetus that is intimately a part of the adult female body. It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on. Being inside of a house doesn't make you a part of the house, as you are fully independent of the house itself.

Since it is a part of HER body, removing it via abortion doesn't meet the basis for a murder charge and arrest. This is the point NONE of you have addressed at all, it is an argument you lost years ago.

It is why you will always lose the main abortion argument, should settle for a compromise instead to stop third trimester and partial birth abortions, and use of taxpayers money to fund them, which could be acceptable to the democrats in time.
Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.

Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on.

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
Like I said before, you move the goal posts. Still you fail logic 101 stating that a fetus is part of a females body.

Abortion is the termination of a human life. Dispute that!

When does the termination of an innocent human life become acceptable?
It's not acceptable to me. Is it acceptable to you?

No, so why do you suppose there has been no outcry concerning the tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children and the unborn we have killed as a country the last 20 years?
...tossing the unborn under the bus is against everything the Democrats say they stand for.

I'm pretty sure Democrats will never have your vote. You fit better in the crazy Trump party anyway. We don't want or need you.
what is crazier then murdering the unborn and open borders??? A chronic, habitual and pathological liar?/ Guess I will not be voting in 2020.
It is a bit strange aint it? Life liberty and happiness, unless of course your parents are irresponsible.

Fact is Dem. methods train us to be irresponsible, unaccountable and weak. Much is on purpose to keep people in their place. The Democrats prey on blacks most of all. The message to black people? You're a victim, you're not responsible, you're different than whites. Embrace your role and here's a fucking bone.
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Now you are moving the goal post on your previous argument.You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations. Still, your new argument of why you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body is really lame.

Abortion is legal because a majority 9 unelected justices of SCOTUS ruled that it is legal. Still, the fact remains, each successful abortion results in the termination of a human life.

Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

You stated that the fetus is part of the mother's body because it is in her body with no other stipulations

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It depends on the adult for its very life, existence, being fed with nutrients, oxygen, immune support, waste removal and so on.

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
Like I said before, you move the goal posts. Still you fail logic 101 stating that a fetus is part of a females body.

Abortion is the termination of a human life. Dispute that!

When does the termination of an innocent human life become acceptable?
It's not acceptable to me. Is it acceptable to you?

No, so why do you suppose there has been no outcry concerning the tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children and the unborn we have killed as a country the last 20 years?
We did that? You might want to start your own thread.
Once again you failed to understand the difference and as usual ignore the reason WHY it can't be called a murder, you wrote this line:

bolding mine

Actually I made it clear WHY I can say it was intimately part of the adult female body, quoting my words:

It is in the womb attached with an umbilical cord, the adult female uses hormones to PREVENT rejection of the developing fetus, do you have an umbilical cord with your house, getting oxygen, nutrients, waste removal and so on?

Your tortured arguments about being inside of something fails again and doesn't prove it is murder. It was never called murder for many decades before Roe v. Wade, it was outlawed on moral grounds and the driver of making it criminal were medical aouthorities.

From Duke Law is a PDF, starting at page 8 where it shows it was called a crime NOT a murder, it was already legal in several states when Roe vs. Wade was decided. Heck even with state abortion laws on the books it was rarely defended anyway, since it was normally called a crime against the child, NOT the mother.

The only people who calls it murder are anti abortion people, which means you have no credible argument here.
Like I said before, you move the goal posts. Still you fail logic 101 stating that a fetus is part of a females body.

Abortion is the termination of a human life. Dispute that!

When does the termination of an innocent human life become acceptable?
It's not acceptable to me. Is it acceptable to you?

No, so why do you suppose there has been no outcry concerning the tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children and the unborn we have killed as a country the last 20 years?
We did that? You might want to start your own thread.

Yes, it's not entirely on topic but it goes to show that many who claim to be "pro-life" are not. Life does not consist of only the small amount of time we are in the womb.

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