So Has Team Romney Finally Jumped the Shark with Attacks on Santorum?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Santorum is up by 8% on Romney after more than a week of negative ads attacking Santorum.

Have GOP rank and file conservatives finally realized that Romney is a fraud who only has a huge warchest going for him that enables him to slander anyone at will? Are they sick of it and resent the slander against Santorum?

Have TPM finally realized that they *can* win while remaining true to their conservative principles?

Wow, this is starting to look like a wonderful election year after all.
Possibly the electorate is wisening up to the fact that if the GOP eats each other, they hurt their chances of defeating Obama in the fall.
Santorum is the only candidate, or the one who does the most, talking about the President vs. his primary opponent.
The fact that Romney can't issue the coup de grace to the pretenders to the throne shows how weak he truly is.

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