So because Obama won a Fair Election Rightwingers trying to throw the country into..


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2012
A civil War by trying to sign petitions in order to secede from the Union.... Tell me Right wingers aren't this stupid.....
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

-- Thomas Jefferson

That's what murderers say sometimes too. My gun hungers for blood!

I love how you're so fucking arbitrary with what Thomas Jefferson said. You're just all, "Hey this is a good time to kill people and be patriotic!"
The Supreme Court ruled in 1869 that it is not Unconstitutional to leave the Union, but that it must occur by a vote of the Congress. Armed rebellion IS illegal.

Now show me in any of these petitions were any of them advocate armed rebellion? Or are you saying one does not have the freedom to make a petition for something that is Legal and Constitutional?

And we are talking about less then 9000 people with a goal of 25000, Hate to break it to you but there will be no one leaving the UNION just yet.

And none of them advocate force or open rebellion. None of them advocate armed resistance or illegal actions.
No one wants the blood of their brother - but - when 50% of the country is paying the bills for the other 50% and the money is being corruptly and ridiculously spent – it is really feeling more and more like taxation without representation.

This could really come to blows and the 50% that want their bills paid by the other 50% just may have to face a line being drawn and be told – You can no longer tread on me.

We are in serious trouble – we got four more years of being scared and angry and people will only take so much.
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No one wants the blood of their brother - but - when 50% of the country is paying the bills for the other 50% and the money is being corruptly and ridiculously spent – it is really feeling more and more like taxation without representation.

This could really come to blows and the 50% that want their bills paid by the other 50% just may have to face a line being drawn and be told – You can no longer tread on me.

We are in serious trouble – we got four more years of being scared and angry and people will only take so much.

It's not taxation without representation jackass. You have representation. What do you think these fucking elections were about?

God, some people live in a fucking bubble.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1869 that it is not Unconstitutional to leave the Union, but that it must occur by a vote of the Congress. Armed rebellion IS illegal.

Now show me in any of these petitions were any of them advocate armed rebellion? Or are you saying one does not have the freedom to make a petition for something that is Legal and Constitutional?

And we are talking about less then 9000 people with a goal of 25000, Hate to break it to you but there will be no one leaving the UNION just yet.

And none of them advocate force or open rebellion. None of them advocate armed resistance or illegal actions.

I keep telling people that this civil war isn't going to go down with two sides pointing guns at each other. This one is going to be fought between accountants and the government trying to pass laws to counter them.

This civil war is going to be financial. It will be states getting around obamacare, companies adjusting to the new taxes and regulations and people finding more ways to cheat the tax system and not pay in.

The government and the leeches will keep demanding more, the producers are going to provide less and as this goes on the only actual violence is going to come from the leeches when they don't get their free stuff rioting. Which of course those that are providers won't give a shit about.
A civil War by trying to sign petitions in order to secede from the Union.... Tell me Right wingers aren't this stupid.....

How is wanting to peacefully separate "throwing the country into a civil war"?

The people who are talking about this are saying, "Ok, if you want to follow in Europe's footsteps, go ahead, but just give us a few states where we can live under the Constitution, where we success isn't demonized and punished, where religious freedom isn't attacked under the guise of 'tolerance,' where the government doesn't control 1/5 of the economy, where the free market is allowed to function to produce prosperity, where the government doesn't spend more than it takes in, where it's understood that no nation can borrow and tax its way to prosperity, where opposition to perversion isn't branded as 'hate speech,' etc., etc."
A civil War by trying to sign petitions in order to secede from the Union.... Tell me Right wingers aren't this stupid.....

You're the stupid one if you think anyone is actually going to pay attention to them.
[ame=]Emergency Alert! Multiple States Petition Secession from Nation! - YouTube[/ame]

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