Snowflakes should watch CPAC clips to see what Conservatives actually believe,not what MSM tells you

Go directly to the SOURCE DATA rather than letting the MSM tell you what to think.

Watch live: Top Republicans speak at CPAC

I looked over the agenda, have you?

Kellyanne Conway will speak? Good start, they didn't post her topic but I can presume an "Alternate Reality", i.e. God is on our side and the press represents the devil

Pence will speak on I am a Christian first, a conservative next and than a Republican. Sure to make all non Christians happy and feel secure, all liberals, progressives and free thinkers pleased, and all Democrats, Libertarians and Independents thrilled.

Finally, The Donald: After attacking the Press, Hollywood, Mexico, Australia and immigrants will make more promises that are "terrific, beautiful, wonderful" and then default to claims that polling, which reveals his 55% unpopularity rate, is fake news.

After telling a few more lies, and back walking on previous promises, he will wave bye-bye and be applauded by the crowd; many of whom have unexpressed fears and wonder how a Narcissist and a Megalomaniac became POTUS.
CPAC does not represent what conservatives think. It has been taken over by Trump Republicans which do not represent the views of Reagan Republicans. Every one of them are supporters of Trump. If Ronald Reagan were alive he would not speak at CPAC. Among the crazy topics is
Black Lives Matter so why does the Left not support Law Enforcement
Facts not Feelings:Snowflake, Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings
If Heaven Has a Gate, a Wall and Extreme Vetting Why Can't America?

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