A Majority of Americans Trust the Media More Than Trump

The poll also shows that Trump is losing his war against the media. More people believe the MSM than believe Trump, and the number who believe Trump is dropping.

You'd have to be a brain-dead Trumpbot to believe his endless lies. I don't even think Trump believes himself.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that voters trust the media more than Trump by a 52-37 margin. Trump's disapproval rating is 55% compared to a 38% approval. Some voters voted for Trump because he wasn't
Clinton. It looks like they are moving away from Trump.
It is beyond the ability for the devoted fanatics who worship the impeached president trump to understand how anyone cannot see his perfect greatness.‭ ‬For these poor,‭ ‬misguided and misinformed people,‭ ‬they believe the Sun shines out of the impeached president trump’s a$$.

So,‭ ‬how can anyone reach beyond such...‭ ‬blind idiocy.‭ ‬Logic and reason cannot penetrate the rock-hard walls of the right-wingers fantasy world.‭ ‬Facts,‭ ‬or any form of empirical data,‭ ‬are quickly dismissed in favor of the mindless proclamations from their orange-tinted messiah.‭ ‬The COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic has,‭ ‬and is,‭ ‬proving the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics prefer death rather than admit their majestic cult leader erred.‭ ‬Or,‭ ‬that they made a dangerous mistake putting their trust in an infamous conman.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬why‭?

Long ago,‭ ‬in a galaxy far,‭ ‬far away,‭ ‬a man of great knowledge explained to all who sought out his immense wisdom,‭ ‬why,‭ “‬You must come to understand,‭” ‬he said,‭ “‬American right-wingers love their political party and their country in the same manner as they love their mothers.‭”

His words gave all his students something to ponder,‭ ‬most then asked,‭ “‬What the he11‭ ‬does that mean‭?”

The man of great knowledge told them,‭ “‬American right-wingers see their mothers as perfect,‭ ‬honest,‭ ‬pure,‭ ‬and most of all,,,‭ ‬chaste.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the last item is one piece of their lifelong denial of the truth they cling to most,‭ ‬though most right-wingers deny this fact as well.

The American right-wingers‭’ ‬love for their mothers and her perceived perfection,‭ ‬is rooted solely in their emotions.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬as they grow from childhood into adolescence,‭ ‬through family and other powerful influences,‭ ‬feelings identical to those felt for Mom,‭ ‬gradually extend to their country.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬after reaching adulthood,‭ ‬their love-of-country transfers to love-of-the-political-party that most satiates their emotional need for interpersonal human validation,‭ ‬but does so without any obligatory empathetic connection.

In addition to this form of interpersonal human validation,‭ ‬the political party must also offer vindication for the right-wingers‭’ ‬many learned,‭ ‬but also denied,‭ ‬societal inadequacies.

Six decades ago,‭ ‬the Republican Party reshaped specific aspects of its political principles to become an exact fit for the white,‭ ‬blue collar workers that felt abandoned by the Democrats.

So well did the GOP reshape those specific aspects,‭ ‬the right-wingers‭’ ‬constantly increasing number of societal inadequacies are easily predicted by Republican Party strategists.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the GOP’s spin doctors remain carefully ahead of the curve,‭ ‬with the ideal dialogue to inspire and develop new societal inadequacies in their right-wing voting base.‭ ‬These newly developed societal inadequacies are then exploited,‭ ‬and vindicated,‭ ‬on a well-kept schedule.

To see the Republicans‭’ ‬organization and execution of their six-decades-old,‭ ‬tried and true political strategy,‭ ‬is like watching a magnificent and complex classical music piece played by a well rehearsed symphony orchestra.‭ ‬The right-wingers are the musical notes,‭ ‬each falling perfectly into place as the concert progresses.

The poll also shows that Trump is losing his war against the media. More people believe the MSM than believe Trump, and the number who believe Trump is dropping.

You'd have to be a brain-dead Trumpbot to believe his endless lies. I don't even think Trump believes himself.

Only a brain dead Canadian like you would trust what the media says. Hell they haven't had real journalists in decades. They only favor the left. Since your from socialist Canada you approve.

You should go glob up a Canadian message board. You sure glob this one up with your bullshit.
The poll also shows that Trump is losing his war against the media. More people believe the MSM than believe Trump, and the number who believe Trump is dropping.

You'd have to be a brain-dead Trumpbot to believe his endless lies. I don't even think Trump believes himself.

This is exactly what the Marxists want. To mind-meld the general population into believe the MSM. Happens in every single country where the government wants complete control. Not sure why you lemmings fall for it every time, but I guess that is just human nature, which is why it works so well. It takes someone special not to follow the herd and think out of the box.
Most Merrykins own TV sets. I rest my case
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The poll also shows that Trump is losing his war against the media. More people believe the MSM than believe Trump, and the number who believe Trump is dropping.

You'd have to be a brain-dead Trumpbot to believe his endless lies. I don't even think Trump believes himself.

This is exactly what the Marxists want. To mind-meld the general population into believe the MSM. Happens in every single country where the government wants complete control. Not sure why you lemmings fall for it every time, but I guess that is just human nature, which is why it works so well. It takes someone special not to follow the herd and think out of the box.
Well said.
I believe it started years ago with control in Hollywood (movies/syndicated tv), spreading to the MSM, public schools and colleges, and most recently big tech.
No doubt the Dems have a massive amount of control.
The poll also shows that Trump is losing his war against the media. More people believe the MSM than believe Trump, and the number who believe Trump is dropping.

You'd have to be a brain-dead Trumpbot to believe his endless lies. I don't even think Trump believes himself.

This is exactly what the Marxists want. To mind-meld the general population into believe the MSM. Happens in every single country where the government wants complete control. Not sure why you lemmings fall for it every time, but I guess that is just human nature, which is why it works so well. It takes someone special not to follow the herd and think out of the box.

You follow the herd. Anything that comes out of Trump's mouth you buy hook, line and sinker. You fascist pigs are the lemmings.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that voters trust the media more than Trump by a 52-37 margin. Trump's disapproval rating is 55% compared to a 38% approval. Some voters voted for Trump because he wasn't
Clinton. It looks like they are moving away from Trump.

Still believing polls, you room temperature IQ hack.
The poll also shows that Trump is losing his war against the media. More people believe the MSM than believe Trump, and the number who believe Trump is dropping.

You'd have to be a brain-dead Trumpbot to believe his endless lies. I don't even think Trump believes himself.

Another brain dead prog cat lady thinking polls mean anything.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that voters trust the media more than Trump by a 52-37 margin. Trump's disapproval rating is 55% compared to a 38% approval. Some voters voted for Trump because he wasn't
Clinton. It looks like they are moving away from Trump.
If that's true, a majority of Americans trust a bunch of fucking liars.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that voters trust the media more than Trump by a 52-37 margin. Trump's disapproval rating is 55% compared to a 38% approval. Some voters voted for Trump because he wasn't
Clinton. It looks like they are moving away from Trump.

Show us on the doll where the bad orange man touched you.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that voters trust the media more than Trump by a 52-37 margin. Trump's disapproval rating is 55% compared to a 38% approval. Some voters voted for Trump because he wasn't
Clinton. It looks like they are moving away from Trump.
Sure they do. A majority of Americans, including blacks, also cast more votes for a rich old white guy with dementia than our first black president.

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