SNL suddenly has a conscience...not


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
“After talking with Shane Gillis, we have decided that he will not be joining ‘SNL,'” an “SNL” spokesperson on behalf of Lorne Michaels said in a statement. “We want SNL to have a variety of voices and points of view within the show”

In a widely shared clip from “Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast,” Gillis and co-host Matt McClusker are discussing New York’s Chinatown when Gillis says, “Let the f—ing ch-nks live there.” He later recalls a restaurant being “full of f—ing Chinee [sic] in there.” He issued a statement last Thursday addressing the situation, writing in part, “My intention is never to hurt anyone but I am trying to be the best comedian I can be and sometimes that requires risks.”

It's OK with me if they fire him. But, they need to start treating everyone equally.
Over the last 45 year of SNL they have made fun of most ethnic groups, suburbanites, southerners, gays, working class people, policemen, businessmen, Christians, Indians, mid westerners, Wasps, Latinos, Irish, Germans ....... and it has never really bothered the Left Wing Bigots. SNL has had almost exclusively left wing writers such as Tina Fey, Seth Meyers, Al Franken ...... Liberals are not the tolerant people who they profess to be. They even made fun of disabled veterans like Bob Dole and John McCain. Their writers seem to all be Democrats. The Democratic Party is associated with some of the worst sorts of radicals and racist like the Klan, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, BLM, La Raza, Aztlan nationalists, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, Antifa, OWS.......Sooooooo, just to show that Left Wingers are not biased and believe in equal justice, should CBS fire Stephen Colbert for his homophobic Ambiguously Gay Duo cartoons? How about firing all of the SNL writers and performers who did the Appalachian Emergency Room skits. Liberal Bigots cherish their prejudices and stereotypes and they are not shy about using entertainment to normalize their hate.

Shane Gillis Out From ‘Saturday Night Live’

All this PC shit is turning people into pussies. Let the dude say what he wants. Nobody believed when Moe hit Curly on the head with an axe and the axe bent. Lighten the fuck up.
SNL is not about humor anymore, and hasn't been for many, many years. It is about advancing the NBC/Comcast Far Left Democrat agenda. Everything fits a PC, SJW, Leftist narrative. That's not humor, it's PROPAGANDA disguised as entertainment, like most of what comes out of the Media/Entertainment Industry.
SNL trended left for its existence, but did not dramatize it. When Jimmy Fallon pushed Tina Fey and other women it moved far to the left and it was then dramatized. And Fallon was never that funny. He just laughed. Jerry Lewis inflamed things when he said women can not be funny and Tina Fey said something back to him. One other thing...there is a feud between Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan. Kattan has been blackballed for some reason and we have not seen much of him for years.

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