Smuggling Stuff from Mexico Not New


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
How many know it started in the late 1800 because of Chinese workers brought to both the USA and Mexico? It created a market for opium. And then, during Prohibition, it involved sneaking booze across the border as well as a number of casinos and lavish nightclubs for entertainment-hungry Americans at the border.

And now, there is a well-established organization to provide the hunger of Americans who have to sniff or shoot up in order to make it through the day.

This is a rather scholarly and hard-to-read piece but provides some great background to the situation @ Old and New Governmental-Criminal Relationships In Mexico A Historical Analysis of the Illicit Political Economy and Effects On State Sovereignty Small Wars Journal
And as the article said, criminals could do whatever they wanted, AS LONG as they remained under the control of the Government......what was it the "PRI"

Poor people want money, and will do most anyting to get it. Alot of times in the money making process.....comes payoffs and bribes. Even in the United States, with an influx of Government contracts the FBI and IRS-CID is arresting people for bribery, or steering contracts to a company for favortism, kickbacks....or something.

People want to be spys.....spooks.........and on the opposite end are people whom want to play investigator, Even with no formal training, and those whom do not have the patience, knowledge, fortitude adn discipline of what it takes to start and the bottom and work your way up. YES, some investigators get a person / suspect / person of interest in the interview room, interview them....and within hours of getting the case, they make an arrest and solve the crime within hours.....or a mere few days. It happens, but not that often.

Shadow 355
QUOTE="shadow355, post: 12055475, member: 54859"]And as the article said, criminals could do whatever they wanted, AS LONG as they remained under the control of the Government......what was it the "PRI"

Poor people want money, and will do most anyting to get it. Alot of times in the money making process.....comes payoffs and bribes. Even in the United States, with an influx of Government contracts the FBI and IRS-CID is arresting people for bribery, or steering contracts to a company for favortism, kickbacks....or something.

People want to be spys.....spooks.........and on the opposite end are people whom want to play investigator, Even with no formal training, and those whom do not have the patience, knowledge, fortitude adn discipline of what it takes to start and the bottom and work your way up. YES, some investigators get a person / suspect / person of interest in the interview room, interview them....and within hours of getting the case, they make an arrest and solve the crime within hours.....or a mere few days. It happens, but not that often.

Shadow 355[/QUOTE]

*** I had to walk away from the computer - this is a second entry ***

You have to know what questions to ask the person you are interviewing, and when to ask them. You have to know how to do a surveillance = both on foot and in a vehicle. You have to know the boundaries of the law, and what is legal and illegal - what is admissable in court, and what is not.

You have to aquire certain investigative techniques and practices.....and know how and when to use them. You have to know waht reosurces to trust and what not to trust.

You have to see the whole story. Example - you cannot arrest one person for the entire crime, when their are more accomplices involved. When do you start inside the investigation and work your way outward ; and when do you start outward and owrk you way in. These are important things to know.

Tidbits =

1. Check the perimeter and check it often. This has been beneficial to me more than once, and has gotten me volumes upon volumes of information.

2. Check your mirrors and check them frequently. Sometimes you see the same vehicle, the same person, or the same pattern.

3. Act ignorant. Sometimes it works and you would be suprised how stupid some people really are.

4. Enemy personnel have to communicate. Phone, fax, in person, cell phone, notes, clandestine locations and meetings - they have to communicate. If you find a meet location, you mroe than likely have a gold mine.

5. In most circumstances, avoid patterns. Do not drive the same route, the same vehicle...... if possible, visit the same store or shoppe. Patterns are noticable and at times predictable.

6. You can most usually bet that someone, or a group of people is looking over your shoulder. You are being monitored. Always suspect that your own people are giving out information without your permission or knowledge. It happens, either intentionally or unintentionally. Does the bad guys have assets inside your own party. The less people know, the better off you are. The smaller the group that knows, the easier the investigation will be to find out whom gave out confidential info.

7. Meetings by the bad guys take part most everywhere. parking garages, parks, malls, diners and restraunts. Bathrooms are a great place to pass information either verbal or on paper, by placing the note / paper in a hiding space. MOST OF ALL BATHROOMS ARE a great place to readjust or check any recording, or surveillance devices. Verbal recorders, covert video recorders.....ect.

8. In a Steven Segal movie, one of the characters frequently stated that "Chance favors the prepared mind", and in another of his movies one of the characters, whom was an indian stated....."Don't chase will run away like a deer. Let knwoledge come to you."

Both quotes are very true !

9. ALWAYS have a backup plan...or plans and an evasion location(s) if things go wrong, or the event / investigation goes sideways. Tell no one, and trust only a few.

10. Have a danger level. Have a level in which you grade the information you have, or the scope of the investigation or event. Can your knowledge cost someone money or financial assets? Can extreme embarassment occur if the right informaiton was divulged or found out? Can loved ones, family or friends be seperated from the person being "looked at"? YOU WOULD be suprised at how small, or minute that informaiton has to be for someone to hurt another over.

11. Think ahead. A few hours, or a few days....think ahead !

12. Disect and then disect somemore the info that you have. Are events and instances you have been told about..... probable, most likely, or did occur? How truthful is your source, and can your source or sources be trusted with what they tell you? Is your source a double spy trying to influance your thinking and actions, and if so....what is their motivation = Money, favors....or a combination of both?

13. SOMEONE, or a group of people have to loose in what I will descibe as the "Spy / Investiagtive game". Who will loose, and what will be lost? Can damage control be conducted by the opposition, and if so how benefical will it be, and what will the amount of repair be? Consider retalliation.....and /or regrouping by the "Bad Guys". Retalliation is not so bad on the mind......if it is predictable.

14. Look - listen and feel. Get an idea of those around you, and draw up a primary impression. YOUR PRIMARY IMPRESSION is kept with that person while you know them. Buying you coffee, being kind, being a great conversationalist, and being good "Smoozers" will try to camoufladge themselves later on down the road. If someone is hasty with you when you first meet, studies you, monitors your every move..and stares at you frequently....there is a reason. Even psychiatrist and psychologist will tell you that interpersonal communciation does exist.....and at times it does tell a true story. See - words do not have to be spoken to do damage.

15. Be smarter than your enemy, and try to predict their movements. No, you cannot be right all the time, but that one time may just save you.

16. If you are in the open you are bait. You are open to injury, kidnapping, and a host of other things if you are in the open or in public ; so minimize your changes of ill events by practicing good security and by using the powers of observation.

17. Fake Email - phone calls - and other stuff. I actually created two email accounts about 12 years ago, using a free email account. It worked. I was sending the messages from one email account to another making it look like it was two seperate people. I got alot of good information off of that.

18. Look out the doors you will be exiting, before you exit. Some "spys" will park right next to where you are going to exit. The pros will park in the parkng lot across the street in front of you and use a camera with a zoom lense. Does the vehicle belong there? Ask yourself that. Does the 1988 Oldsmobile that is rusted and has a bungie cord holding the trunk down belong in the real ritzy and upscale neighborhood? Does the 2015 Cadillac belong in the poor slum area, where the houses are all one story.....and all the residentrs are blue colored workers whom only make about $35,000 dollars a year. If you drive down the street of a poor neighborhood and their is a Lexus parked at the base of a driveway.....that has a old blue beat up Chevy Cheville in it....then more than likely the Lexus does not belong, he is watching or waiting for someone. Who? You?

19. See number 18. Practice cover and concealment. Blend in the best you can.

20. As "Q" said in a James Bond Movie ( Pierce Brosnan I think ). ALWAYS have an escape route.

Shadow 355
QUOTE="shadow355, post: 12055475, member: 54859"]And as the article said, criminals could do whatever they wanted, AS LONG as they remained under the control of the Government......what was it the "PRI"

Poor people want money, and will do most anyting to get it. Alot of times in the money making process.....comes payoffs and bribes. Even in the United States, with an influx of Government contracts the FBI and IRS-CID is arresting people for bribery, or steering contracts to a company for favortism, kickbacks....or something.

People want to be spys.....spooks.........and on the opposite end are people whom want to play investigator, Even with no formal training, and those whom do not have the patience, knowledge, fortitude adn discipline of what it takes to start and the bottom and work your way up. YES, some investigators get a person / suspect / person of interest in the interview room, interview them....and within hours of getting the case, they make an arrest and solve the crime within hours.....or a mere few days. It happens, but not that often.

Shadow 355

*** I had to walk away from the computer - this is a second entry ***

You have to know what questions to ask the person you are interviewing, and when to ask them. You have to know how to do a surveillance = both on foot and in a vehicle. You have to know the boundaries of the law, and what is legal and illegal - what is admissable in court, and what is not.

You have to aquire certain investigative techniques and practices.....and know how and when to use them. You have to know waht reosurces to trust and what not to trust.

You have to see the whole story. Example - you cannot arrest one person for the entire crime, when their are more accomplices involved. When do you start inside the investigation and work your way outward ; and when do you start outward and owrk you way in. These are important things to know.

Tidbits =

1. Check the perimeter and check it often. This has been beneficial to me more than once, and has gotten me volumes upon volumes of information.

2. Check your mirrors and check them frequently. Sometimes you see the same vehicle, the same person, or the same pattern.

3. Act ignorant. Sometimes it works and you would be suprised how stupid some people really are.

4. Enemy personnel have to communicate. Phone, fax, in person, cell phone, notes, clandestine locations and meetings - they have to communicate. If you find a meet location, you mroe than likely have a gold mine.

5. In most circumstances, avoid patterns. Do not drive the same route, the same vehicle...... if possible, visit the same store or shoppe. Patterns are noticable and at times predictable.

6. You can most usually bet that someone, or a group of people is looking over your shoulder. You are being monitored. Always suspect that your own people are giving out information without your permission or knowledge. It happens, either intentionally or unintentionally. Does the bad guys have assets inside your own party. The less people know, the better off you are. The smaller the group that knows, the easier the investigation will be to find out whom gave out confidential info.

7. Meetings by the bad guys take part most everywhere. parking garages, parks, malls, diners and restraunts. Bathrooms are a great place to pass information either verbal or on paper, by placing the note / paper in a hiding space. MOST OF ALL BATHROOMS ARE a great place to readjust or check any recording, or surveillance devices. Verbal recorders, covert video recorders.....ect.

8. In a Steven Segal movie, one of the characters frequently stated that "Chance favors the prepared mind", and in another of his movies one of the characters, whom was an indian stated....."Don't chase will run away like a deer. Let knwoledge come to you."

Both quotes are very true !

9. ALWAYS have a backup plan...or plans and an evasion location(s) if things go wrong, or the event / investigation goes sideways. Tell no one, and trust only a few.

10. Have a danger level. Have a level in which you grade the information you have, or the scope of the investigation or event. Can your knowledge cost someone money or financial assets? Can extreme embarassment occur if the right informaiton was divulged or found out? Can loved ones, family or friends be seperated from the person being "looked at"? YOU WOULD be suprised at how small, or minute that informaiton has to be for someone to hurt another over.

11. Think ahead. A few hours, or a few days....think ahead !

12. Disect and then disect somemore the info that you have. Are events and instances you have been told about..... probable, most likely, or did occur? How truthful is your source, and can your source or sources be trusted with what they tell you? Is your source a double spy trying to influance your thinking and actions, and if so....what is their motivation = Money, favors....or a combination of both?

13. SOMEONE, or a group of people have to loose in what I will descibe as the "Spy / Investiagtive game". Who will loose, and what will be lost? Can damage control be conducted by the opposition, and if so how benefical will it be, and what will the amount of repair be? Consider retalliation.....and /or regrouping by the "Bad Guys". Retalliation is not so bad on the mind......if it is predictable.

14. Look - listen and feel. Get an idea of those around you, and draw up a primary impression. YOUR PRIMARY IMPRESSION is kept with that person while you know them. Buying you coffee, being kind, being a great conversationalist, and being good "Smoozers" will try to camoufladge themselves later on down the road. If someone is hasty with you when you first meet, studies you, monitors your every move..and stares at you frequently....there is a reason. Even psychiatrist and psychologist will tell you that interpersonal communciation does exist.....and at times it does tell a true story. See - words do not have to be spoken to do damage.

15. Be smarter than your enemy, and try to predict their movements. No, you cannot be right all the time, but that one time may just save you.

16. If you are in the open you are bait. You are open to injury, kidnapping, and a host of other things if you are in the open or in public ; so minimize your changes of ill events by practicing good security and by using the powers of observation.

17. Fake Email - phone calls - and other stuff. I actually created two email accounts about 12 years ago, using a free email account. It worked. I was sending the messages from one email account to another making it look like it was two seperate people. I got alot of good information off of that.

18. Look out the doors you will be exiting, before you exit. Some "spys" will park right next to where you are going to exit. The pros will park in the parkng lot across the street in front of you and use a camera with a zoom lense. Does the vehicle belong there? Ask yourself that. Does the 1988 Oldsmobile that is rusted and has a bungie cord holding the trunk down belong in the real ritzy and upscale neighborhood? Does the 2015 Cadillac belong in the poor slum area, where the houses are all one story.....and all the residentrs are blue colored workers whom only make about $35,000 dollars a year. If you drive down the street of a poor neighborhood and their is a Lexus parked at the base of a driveway.....that has a old blue beat up Chevy Cheville in it....then more than likely the Lexus does not belong, he is watching or waiting for someone. Who? You?

19. See number 18. Practice cover and concealment. Blend in the best you can.

20. As "Q" said in a James Bond Movie ( Pierce Brosnan I think ). ALWAYS have an escape route.

Shadow 355[/QUOTE]

# 7 Clarify = Video and / or audio recorders on the body. People wanting to be , or act like a spy might want to readjust covert recorders on the body....or to see if they are functioning or working properly. Hence after a meet, they go to the restroom to check their equipment.

Sunglasses - glasses - writing pens - watches - people whom are in your area with "Blue tooth" Items - and other items can be used to secretly record someone. If someone is trying out a new item and / or wants to see if the surveillance item is working properly they can go to the restroom to see if it works alright, and/or to readjust it on the body. In some instances, maybe it is running out of space and what is on the surveillance item.....has to be down loaded to allow more room for recording.

Intel - Detail !!

Shadow 355 -- Novel of Knowldge

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