Smoking: Who Cares More about Money than Public Health?


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Like some of us couldn't see this one coming from miles away....

Sent to the floor of the Illinois House of Representatives Wednesday was HB1965, a bill that would lift the ban on smoking in all gaming facilities established close to another state that is yet to pass a smoking ban. The provision would sunset if or when that neighboring state decides to ban smoking. Rep. Andre Thapedi, D-Chicago authored and sponsored a similar bill that would have required casinos construct separate, sealed off smoking rooms equipped with ventilation systems. His bill, HB0171, remains in committee, but he says he supports the legislation before the House.

“We are $15 billion dollars in debt, that’s to start,” said Rep. Andre Thapedi, D-Chicago, author and sponsor of the bill, about why it is a good idea to exempt gaming facilities from the ban. “Secondly, people who choose to smoke are going to smoke. It makes no sense from a social analysis and an economic analysis to prohibit people from smoking in a safe way.”


Rep. Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, supported the 2008 ban, but has changed his stance. Now, he says, consideration comes down to economics.

&#8220;The fact of the matter is we are losing revenue,&#8221;
he said. &#8220;People like to smoke when they&#8217;re gambling, that is an attraction for individuals. I think we need to be careful when applying things so broadly, we have to consider what kind of impact it is going to have on the industry.&#8221;

Fight to Lift Smoking Ban in Casinos, Bars Ignites in Springfield - Bolingbrook, IL Patch

There you have it....After all that paternalistic, finger-wagging crapola about concern for "public health", we find out where the true worship of the almighty buck over "public health" lives; in the ruling class.

But all the while we've been preached and nagged over the last decade or so, about how the phony rubric of "public health" is more important than bar and restaurant owners staying in business, it ends up being the ruling class losing their cash cow that gets these idiotic bans pared back.

Absolutely priceless.
Of course, this means that EVERY person who favored indoor smoking bans now FAVORS removal of the ban in Casinos because of the money. All of them. It was ALL a ruse.

But all the while we've been preached and nagged over the last decade or so, about how the phony rubric of "public health" is more important than bar and restaurant owners staying in business, it ends up being the ruling class losing their cash cow that gets these idiotic bans pared back.

Absolutely priceless.

I kind of expect a casino to be a smoky, seedy place. I'd rather not choke on cigarette smoke while trying to eat dinner. But that's just me.
I never supported the bans in the first place. I hope they get overturned.

If I feel an establishment is hazardous to my health, I won't patronize it. I'll vote with my dollars rather than ask the government to interfere on my behalf.

I never supported the bans in the first place. I hope they get overturned.

If I feel an establishment is hazardous to my health, I won't patronize it. I'll vote with my dollars rather than ask the government to interfere on my behalf.


Smokers are still contributing to the constant increases with the cost of health care for everyone else.
Of course, this means that EVERY person who favored indoor smoking bans now FAVORS removal of the ban in Casinos because of the money. All of them. It was ALL a ruse.

The point is that all the self-righteous twaddle about "public health" is far less important than making sure the loot keeps a-rolling into the coffers for the ruling class.

Of course, all of the bar and restaurant operators put out of business by their pious proltroonery can go suck a big chili dog.
I never supported the bans in the first place. I hope they get overturned.

If I feel an establishment is hazardous to my health, I won't patronize it. I'll vote with my dollars rather than ask the government to interfere on my behalf.


Smokers are still contributing to the constant increases with the cost of health care for everyone else.


Because of that, I am supposed to support the government intruding on the decisions of smokers to pollute their own body? As I have said, I will vote with my dollars. I will not patronize a place of business that endangers my health. If a bar or restaurant want my business they will protect my health, if not, they won't get my business.

I respect the right of any business owner to decide whether or not he/she wants to allow smoking in their place of business. Those that don't allow it, are more likely to get my business. I do not support the government's intrusion into that decision.

Of course, this means that EVERY person who favored indoor smoking bans now FAVORS removal of the ban in Casinos because of the money. All of them. It was ALL a ruse.

The point is that all the self-righteous twaddle about "public health" is far less important than making sure the loot keeps a-rolling into the coffers for the ruling class.

Of course, all of the bar and restaurant operators put out of business by their pious proltroonery can go suck a big chili dog.

Honest question. Did a lot of bars/restaurants go under because of smoking bans?
I never supported the bans in the first place. I hope they get overturned.

If I feel an establishment is hazardous to my health, I won't patronize it. I'll vote with my dollars rather than ask the government to interfere on my behalf.


Smokers are still contributing to the constant increases with the cost of health care for everyone else.

Stick it up your ass. Things that you do cost everyone else too. Fuck off before I breathe smoke in your face!:fu:
I never supported the bans in the first place. I hope they get overturned.

If I feel an establishment is hazardous to my health, I won't patronize it. I'll vote with my dollars rather than ask the government to interfere on my behalf.


Smokers are still contributing to the constant increases with the cost of health care for everyone else.

Stick it up your ass. Things that you do cost everyone else too. Fuck off before I breathe smoke in your face!:fu:

Like what?
Of course, this means that EVERY person who favored indoor smoking bans now FAVORS removal of the ban in Casinos because of the money. All of them. It was ALL a ruse.

The point is that all the self-righteous twaddle about "public health" is far less important than making sure the loot keeps a-rolling into the coffers for the ruling class.

Of course, all of the bar and restaurant operators put out of business by their pious proltroonery can go suck a big chili dog.

The point went over your head.

Your point is inane. This legislative body doesn't represent every legislative body ever, and it sure as fuck doesn't represent everyone who agrees with an indoor smoking ban..........but to make a cool "aha" thread, they all have to be one in the same or else the point doesn't really fucking work.
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I'm not a Smoker but i never understood how the Government could force a privately owned Restaurant or Bar to ban smoking. No one is forced to enter any privately owned establishments. It's all choice. People always get mad at me when i bring this issue up. Private Owners of establishments should have the right to decide on whether or not to allow Smoking. You are not forced to enter these establishments. If they pay their Taxes and aren't breaking any Laws,the Government should just leave them alone. But all the Goose Steppers completely freak out when you speak such common sense. Years & years of Government Propaganda takes its toll i guess. So many are so willing to just give their rights away. Just another issue the Government has no business being involved with.
I'm not a Smoker but i never understood how the Government could force a privately owned Restaurant or Bar to ban smoking. No one is forced to enter any privately owned establishments. It's all choice. People always get mad at me when i bring this issue up. Private Owners of establishments should have the right to decide on whether or not to allow Smoking. You are not forced to enter these establishments. If they pay their Taxes and aren't breaking any Laws,the Government should just leave them alone. But all the Goose Steppers completely freak out when you speak such common sense. Years & years of Government Propaganda takes its toll i guess. So many are so willing to just give their rights away. Just another issue the Government has no business being involved with.

It's a good/cogent point.
Of course, this means that EVERY person who favored indoor smoking bans now FAVORS removal of the ban in Casinos because of the money. All of them. It was ALL a ruse.

The point is that all the self-righteous twaddle about "public health" is far less important than making sure the loot keeps a-rolling into the coffers for the ruling class.

Of course, all of the bar and restaurant operators put out of business by their pious proltroonery can go suck a big chili dog.

The point went over your head.

Your point is inane. This legislate body doesn't represent every legislative body ever, and it sure as fuck doesn't represent everyone who agrees with an indoor smoking ban..........but to make a cool "aha" thread, they all have to be one in the same or else the point doesn't really fucking work.

Yeah, his point was inane :lol::lol::lol:
Sent to the floor of the Illinois House of Representatives Wednesday was HB1965, a bill that would lift the ban on smoking in all gaming facilities established close to another state that is yet to pass a smoking ban.

I find that kind of funny. What does nearness to other states have to do with the bill? Why should businesses near the border of say Missouri be given preferential treatment over a place of business say in Springfield near the interior of the state?

If the owners of a Restaurant or Bar approve,then just let em light up and enjoy themselves. And i'm not even a Smoker. These people are not criminals. They're Tax Paying Citizens who are private entrepreneurs. Why make them into Criminals? The Government should definitely get out of this issue.

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