Small church votes racism in


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Kentucky church votes to ban interracial couples - Yahoo! News

As one can see most of the members refused to take part in the vote. However that does not actually relieve them of the decision. They made a decision to let a small core group decide for them.

Of course the Church may lose its membership in the larger community.

I notice the story does not mention the supposed justification for banning interracial couples except the former pastors " I don't believe in them" comment.
Here's why.

They can attend, they just can't be members or participate in the ceremony. The woman was a life long member.

I think it's racist as hell.
Kentucky church votes to ban interracial couples - Yahoo! News

As one can see most of the members refused to take part in the vote. However that does not actually relieve them of the decision. They made a decision to let a small core group decide for them.

Of course the Church may lose its membership in the larger community.

I notice the story does not mention the supposed justification for banning interracial couples except the former pastors " I don't believe in them" comment.

For a thousand years the church required infant baptism. When people began to doubt that an infant might burn in eternal hell fire the church dropped the requirement. The scripture is still there

For thousands of years the church hunted down, tortured and burned witches at the stake. When people discovered that there is no such thing as a witch they shut up about it. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church tolerated and sometimes accomodated slavery. When the slaves were freed and civil rights laws were written they stopped mentioning it. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church condoned and preached about women being submissive to men. When women began to vote and show up in the workplace the church began to tone down it's rhetoric. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church condemned homosexuality but now some have not only accepted Gays into their congregations some Gays are pastoring or ministering chuches. The scripture is still there.

After billions of hell fire and damnation sermons when many began to doubt a soul burning eternally, ordered by the loving, caring god as punishment for his own creatures.....the church has begun to distance itself from flames by saying all of it was errors in translation. The scripture is still there. Here are some examples:

The man in Luke 16:24 cries: ". . .I am tormented in this FLAME."

In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE,. . ."

Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."

Daniel 3:6 Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a" BLA ING FURNACE"

Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with UNQUENCHABLE FIRE."

Matthew 13:50 and throw them into the FIERY FURNACE, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Does anyone even concern themselves with "Why" any's so obvious that their motivation is money that the nose on one's face is not plainer. I don't know why people don't reali e that with the church owning more real property in the world other than the governments themselves and that they continue to increase their wealth and holdings with each passing week..........TAX FREE..............they will continue to be as flexible as they need to...............PERIOD!

In other words don't concern yourself.
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many times a small church like into a small group.....9 people were the majority....i dont think free will baptist churches are like this one the whole...but then again they do say the church hour is the most segregated hour in america
Kentucky church votes to ban interracial couples - Yahoo! News

As one can see most of the members refused to take part in the vote. However that does not actually relieve them of the decision. They made a decision to let a small core group decide for them.

Of course the Church may lose its membership in the larger community.

I notice the story does not mention the supposed justification for banning interracial couples except the former pastors " I don't believe in them" comment.

For a thousand years the church required infant baptism. When people began to doubt that an infant might burn in eternal hell fire the church dropped the requirement. The scripture is still there

For thousands of years the church hunted down, tortured and burned witches at the stake. When people discovered that there is no such thing as a witch they shut up about it. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church tolerated and sometimes accomodated slavery. When the slaves were freed and civil rights laws were written they stopped mentioning it. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church condoned and preached about women being submissive to men. When women began to vote and show up in the workplace the church began to tone down it's rhetoric. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church condemned homosexuality but now some have not only accepted Gays into their congregations some are pastoring or ministering chuches. The scripture is still there.

Does anyone even concern themselves with "Why" any's so obvious that their motivation is money that the nose on one's face is not plainer. I don't know why people don't reali e that with the church owning more real property in the world other than the governments themselves and that they continue to increase their wealth and holdings with each passing week..........TAX FREE..............they will continue to be as flexible as they need to...............PERIOD!

In other words don't concern yourself.

Buzz off. If you don't want to participate in religious discussions STAY OUT of the forum, pretty simple concept.
many times a small church like into a small group.....9 people were the majority....i dont think free will baptist churches are like this one the whole...but then again they do say the church hour is the most segregated hour in america

The Freewill organization is investigating, they do not appreciate the message this church is sending.
If it had been my church i would have been out of there immediately after they passed a "law" like this. I normally don't agree with Cammpbell EVER, but in a way he's right....the scriptures are still there. I'm Christian, but i don't belong to any church because any i've belonged to has done these things....they have their "man made" rules to go by. Years ago the Nazarene's were not allowed to go to dances, play cards, go to it's all fine to do. What happened to change this? Besides those rules were never stated in the Bible that God was against things like this, it was just something the church leaders had decided were "bad", then changed their minds.
why does campbell continue to say there are no witches?

LMAO! Because in order for there to be a witch there must be people who believe in superstition. A better question might be, "Why Do People Continue To Give Their Money To A Bunch Of Useless Opportunists Who Really Should Get A Job"

That voodoo stuff only works on people who believe it. I'm not into ghosts...holy or otherwise.
and i didnt mean to derail this thread....

i think the organizatin will force them to recant or to leave the organization.....wouldnt a church lose its tax empt. status? for this?
Hmmm, on second thought - mebbe it ain't such a hot idea afterall...
Pastor To Ask KY Church To Overturn Ban On Interracial Couples
2 Dec.`11 - A tiny, all-white Appalachian church in rural Kentucky that voted to bar interracial couples from its congregation will be asked to overturn its decision, its pastor said Friday.
Stacy Stepp, pastor of Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church, told the Lexington Herald-Leader that he will ask members to reconsider the decision, perhaps as early as Sunday. "We're going to get it resolved," Stepp told the Kentucky newspaper. The church was drawn harsh criticism this week after its members voted 9-6 on the resolution, which says the church "does not condone interracial marriage" or allow such couples to join or take part in certain worship activities. The church member who crafted the resolution, Melvin Thompson, said he called the matter an "internal affair."

"I am not racist. I will tell you that. I am not prejudiced against any race of people, have never in my lifetime spoke evil about a race," said Thompson, the church's former pastor who stepped down earlier this year. "That's what this is being portrayed as, but it is not." Church secretary Dean Harville disagreed: He said the resolution came after his 24-year-old daughter, Stella Harville, visited the church this summer with her 29-year-old fiancé, Ticha Chikuni of South Africa. Harville, a longtime member who serves also as the church clerk, said the couple attended worship service; she played the piano as he sang a song called "I Surrender," NBC New York reported.

Harville said Thompson, who had been pastor for many years, told him in August that the pair couldn't sing at the church again. In November, Thompson proposed the church go on record saying that while all people were welcome to attend services, the church did not condone interracial marriage. A vote at the church affirmed his stance. Most in the congregation did not vote.

Clearly racism isn't dead as much as some would like to think.

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