SlutWalks Sweep The Nation


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
SlutWalks Sweep The Nation


Toronto police constable Michael Sanguinetti thought he was offering the key to rape prevention. "I'm not supposed to say this," he told a group of students at an Osgoode Hall Law School safety forum on January 24, but to prevent being sexually assaulted, “Avoid dressing like sluts.”

Despite Sanguinetti’s subsequent written apology and promises of further professional training, the victim-blaming gaffe heard round the world sparked a movement that began in Canada but is now sweeping the United States and abroad: SlutWalks.

“We had just had enough,” said Heather Jarvis, who founded SlutWalk Toronto with friend Sonya Barnett. “It isn’t about just one idea or one police officer who practices victim blaming, it’s about changing the system and doing something constructive with anger and frustration.”

While Jarvis, 25, and Barnett, 38, initially expected only 200–300 people to show their support, upwards of 3,000 massed on the streets of Toronto on April 3 -- some wearing jeans and a T-shirt; others in outfits more appropriate for a Victoria's Secret fashion show: thigh-highs, lingerie, stilettos -- and marched to police headquarters. Their goal: to shift the paradigm of mainstream rape culture, which they believe focuses on analyzing the behavior of the victim rather than that of the perpetrator.

“The idea that there is some aesthetic that attracts sexual assault or even keeps you safe from sexual assault is inaccurate, ineffective and even dangerous,” said Jarvis. She recalled a sign at the march that read: "It was Christmas day. I was 14 and raped in a stairwell wearing snowshoes and layers. Did I deserve it too?"

Since the movement’s inception, the SlutWalk campaign has gone viral. Facebook groups have been emerging to promote satellite SlutWalks in Europe, Asia, Australia and most major US cities. Asheville, Dallas, Hartford, Boston and Rochester will host SlutWalks between now and May 7.

The ubiquity of a rape culture that attributes sexual assault to a woman’s dress or expression of sexuality (both in the court of law as well as in the court of public opinion) helps explain the movement’s widespread resonance and popularity.

SlutWalks Sweep The Nation

Five bucks says they still get raped wearing them.

They do make a good point in how people blame the victims and how they were dressed, people ask them stuff like "Well are you sure you made it clear you said no?" and other ignorant stuff, from what I hear when a woman who is raped goes through a rape kit it is like reliving it all over again.

Five bucks says they still get raped wearing them.

They do make a good point in how people blame the victims and how they were dressed, people ask them stuff like "Well are you sure you made it clear you said no?" and other ignorant stuff, from what I hear when a woman who is raped goes through a rape kit it is like reliving it all over again.

Its easy to blame a victim, they are there. The rapist isn't.
Western women dress like sluts and prostitutes.

Then they get rapeed and can't quite figure out why it happened. :cuckoo:

Just when you thought Sunnidiot was getting enough synapses firing to hold cogent thought in his head, he pulls the plug and drains it all outta his head with this kind of stupidity.

Hey.......I LIKE SLUTS. I've supported sluts (my ex wife) and sluts are kinda fun to hang out with because they know dirty jokes and shoot pool.

And then there's the sex thing..........

No. This is a free country (hopefully still), and what you wear or don't wear shouldn't be an issue, as long as you have your nipples and private areas covered (because that's the law). FWIW.......I'd like to see the beaches in America be like the beaches in Rio and Europe. You can go topless there if you're a woman, and to tell you the truth, just about everyone was cool with it because it wasn't sexualized.

As far as the rape thing? I see rapists in pretty much the same light that I see thieves. Just because you can take something doesn't mean you should, because it could have a disastrous effect on tens, if not hundreds of lives. Especially in this economy.

If you rape a woman, you've taken something that isn't yours to have, and also have made a disaster of that woman's year (if not life), and robbing her of the chance of an intimate relationship for anyone that comes after the incident.

Me personally? I'd like to see that rape control device that some of the women in Africa are using. It's basically a plastic sleeve with slanted prongs on it. When the man enters the woman, he slides into the tube really easy, it's only when he tries to pull out that his johnson gets turned into hamburger. Oh also requires a doctor to remove it.
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Western women dress like sluts and prostitutes.

Then they get rapeed and can't quite figure out why it happened. :cuckoo:

So explain why muslim woman get raped
I recently looked up the number of rapes in the United States. It was around 150,000 per year.

Then I looked up the number of rapes in Saudi Arabia per year .

It was something like 22

So you tell me what the differences is?
“The idea that there is some aesthetic that attracts sexual assault or even keeps you safe from sexual assault is inaccurate, ineffective and even dangerous,” said Jarvis.

What an ignorant twat.

Nothing can ever keep someone completely "safe from sexual assault," but to deny that dressing like a slut increases one's liklihood of being victimized is mind-bogglingly fuck'n retarded.
Western women dress like sluts and prostitutes.

Then they get rapeed and can't quite figure out why it happened.

Muslim women get raped too...

In one report this reads, in part,

"Muslim women were subjected to "unimaginable inhuman and barbaric" sexual violence during recent communal riots in the west Indian state of Gujarat, according to a woman's panel that has visited the state...."

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Gujarat Muslim women 'rape victims'

And another report which reads, in part,

"Rape Victim ordered 200 lashes and prison by Saudi judges...What can be called a travesty of judiciary, the Saudi Arabia’s Higher Judicial Council has actually sentenced a rape victim to receive 200 lashes and prison while the perpetrators of humanity’s most heinous crime were allowed to walk free."
Rape Victim Ordered 200 Lashes And Prison By Saudi Judges - The Muslim Woman

Interesting religion of peace Muslims seem to possess....:confused:

Rape under a fundamentalist regime
Rape under a fundamentalist regime

Islam 101: The Religion of Rape
Islam 101: The Religion of Rape | Logan's Warning
Western women dress like sluts and prostitutes.

Then they get rapeed and can't quite figure out why it happened. :cuckoo:

So explain why muslim woman get raped
I recently looked up the number of rapes in the United States. It was around 150,000 per year.

Then I looked up the number of rapes in Saudi Arabia per year .

It was something like 22

So you tell me what the differences is?

Lets see, how is that reporting rape thing going in saudi arabia?
Hey........Sunnidiot........if it was simply women dressing up in provocative clothes, then women in burkas wouldn't be getting raped (unless of course, you're into doing women dressed in bedsheets, but that's a disturbing fetish I won't get into here).
Hypothetical question: If a would be rapist threatens to rape a girl if he sees her dressed up in a whore's costume, and she then decides to exercise her freedom of expression and does it anyway and he then rapes her as promised, is she culpable just like Terry Jones was for ignoring the threat?
Hey........Sunnidiot........if it was simply women dressing up in provocative clothes, then women in burkas wouldn't be getting raped (unless of course, you're into doing women dressed in bedsheets, but that's a disturbing fetish I won't get into here).

LOL, they are supposed to wear them so MEN can control their "urges"

And it would appear that even burkas dont work. It must be that muslim women dress like sluts too.

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