Skeptics Gather in DC/ Climate Depot


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
From Marc Morano.

Link: Climate Depot:

Warning Signs Skeptics Gather in D.C.

"Wednesday, June 10, 2015
"Skeptics" Gather in D.C.

By Alan Caruba

On Thursday and Friday, June 11-12, there will be a gathering of some of the nation’s and the world’s leading climate change “skeptics” in Washington, D.C. and joining them will be members of Congress and their staffs. The Tenth International Conference on Climate Change will occur and the odds are that the mainstream media, as it has done for all the previous conferences, will do its best to ignore it.

In attendance as well will be scores of scientists, economists, and policy experts for a conference being held just two blocks from a White House in which the President of the United States resides while lying about “climate change” as the greatest threat to the planet. "
Yep. Scores of 'scientists'. However, the Scientific Societies and National Academies of Science have many millions of scientists stating that AGW is real. And you have a few score of old senile retreads that claim otherwise. The same 'scientists?' that stated that tobacco was harmless.
Monkton and Singer as speakers. You gotta be kidding! Fucked up knownothing lying fake British Lord, and senile old bastard that say cigarettes are good for you.
Yep. Scores of 'scientists'. However, the Scientific Societies and National Academies of Science have many millions of scientists stating that AGW is real. And you have a few score of old senile retreads that claim otherwise. The same 'scientists?' that stated that tobacco was harmless.
National Academies of Science Membership:
Credit Wikipedia:
This list includes approximately 2,000 current (not past) members and 350 foreign associates of the United States National Academy of Sciences,

And for the Scientific Societies, is that climate science, hmmmmmmmmmmmm wish to challenge me on this?

So right now you have a membership total of 2350 hmmm, how is that a million? Again, the left with their exaggerations. They just can't ever help themselves. Have to prove they have more scientists then the other guys. LMAO.
You mean like your moonbat messiah and hitlary do to ALL media?
Stick to the topic, gutless. Your sad deflections won't save you here. They just make you look like the crybaby political cultist that you are. This is about science, not what your political cult told you to chant.

Now, here we have what is supposedly a scientific conference by the deniers. Can you name any other scientific conference in the world that bans media that they don't like?

When Anthony Watts or other deniers want to come to science conferences, nobody bans them. Why can't your side act the same? What are they hiding?
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And if we wanted to use denier tactics, we could point to the irony of their meeting being on a day with a local temp of 92F.
and that would be important why?

Obviously, because it points out your double standards. You flip out when rational scientists have meetings on a cold day, but say nothing when deniers have a meeting on a hot day.
And if we wanted to use denier tactics, we could point to the irony of their meeting being on a day with a local temp of 92F.
and that would be important why?

Obviously, because it points out your double standards. You flip out when rational scientists have meetings on a cold day, but say nothing when deniers have a meeting on a hot day.

So called "deniers" aren't trying to destroy american society, unlike you damn watermelons.
As Marty was just good enough to illustrate, denialism is literally now entirely a conspiracy cult. They see socialists behind every bush, because that's how their masters have trained them to think.

It's not possible to reason with such cultists. We can only minimize the damage they do.
As Marty was just good enough to illustrate, denialism is literally now entirely a conspiracy cult. They see socialists behind every bush, because that's how their masters have trained them to think.

It's not possible to reason with such cultists. We can only minimize the damage they do.

So you are saying there is another response to your supposed climate change that DOESN'T involve more government control, more taxes, and less individual freedom.

Please explain.

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