Since D.C. Gun Ban Lifted...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Few who lived in Washington during the 1970s can forget the upswing in crime that started right after the ban was originally passed. In the five years before the 1977 ban, the murder rate fell from 37 to 27 murders per 100,000. In the five years after the gun ban went into effect, the murder rate rose back up to 35. One fact is particularly hard to ignore: D.C.’s murder rate fluctuated after 1976 but only once fell below what it was in 1976 before the ban. That aberration happened years later, in 1985.

… Between 2008 and 2009, the FBI’s preliminary numbers indicate that murders fell nationally by 10 percent and by about 8 percent in cities that have between 500,000 and 999,999 people. Washington’s population is about 590,000. During that same period of time, murders in the District fell by an astounding 25 percent, dropping from 186 to 140. The city only started allowing its citizens to own handguns for defense again in late 2008.

However, when law abiding Americans are allowed to exercise their constitutional right to own a firearm, it reduces crime because most criminals want helpless victims, not people who can put a hole between their eyes. This is evidence so clear that even a liberal should be able to see it."
Vocal Minority: Liberal Lie #16: Less Guns, Less Crime! - D.C. Murder Rate Down 25% After Gun Ban Lifted
This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:
This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:

Did it hurt your delicate sensibities to see this perfectly correct article?
Maybe we could substitue 'Democrat'...

Perhaps then these "article would be worth reading..."

BELLEVUE, WA – The 2008 Democratic Party’s draft platform confirms that the party still “doesn’t get it” about Second Amendment gun rights versus the Utopian fantasy that gun control laws will somehow make neighborhoods safer, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Obamas Democrat party platform is still anti gun | in LoUiSiAna

"This came as no surprise; the Democrats have long been denounced by the NRA as the anti-Second Amendment party — Nanny-State know-it-alls, Big-Government gun-controllers out of touch with the majority of Americans, yearning to impose their vision on a population that wants none of it."
Why we all need the Democrats to abandon gun control — High Country News

"We need to help Mr. Barnett's organization change this absurd plank in the National Democratic Party Platform. It would be far better to change the official position of the Democratic Party, than to shrug or shoulders and passively let these anti-rights provisions remain in the Platform. "
Democratic Party Platform - Gun Control is Back - Glock Talk

"Obama was being misleading when he denied that his handwriting had been on a document endorsing a state ban on the sale and possession of handguns in Illinois. Obama responded, "No, my writing wasn't on that particular questionnaire. As I said, I have never favored an all-out ban on handguns."
WikiAnswers - What is the position of the Democratic Party on gun control

Merry Christmas
This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:
If the vast majority of liberals weren't anti-gun, I guess the descriptor wouldn't sting as much then and would make them look a tad foolish.
Amazing, when people have guns criminals are less likely to attack them. Who would have thought?

This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:

Of course all liberals are against gun rights, you don't get your secret decoder ring if you think anyone but the government should have a gun.
Amazing, when people have guns criminals are less likely to attack them. Who would have thought?

This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:

Of course all liberals are against gun rights, you don't get your secret decoder ring if you think anyone but the government should have a gun.

John Lott's book, "More Guns, Less Crime" sums it up.
Did you know, That if you do not count acts of Terrorism Israel has one of the lowest Murder rates and Some of the lowest rates of Rape and things like muggings and Home invasions in the world.

Not surprising since citizens are not only allowed to own guns. Each head of household is issued an assualt rifle, It is not uncommon to see average citizens walking around with visible fire arms. Not a great place to be a criminal that preys on people. :)
Consider this as well. Switzerland has a higher per capita gun ownership than even the united states. Every household with an eligible male in the military reserves (ages 18-50) is required by law to have a loaded assault rifle in it. Yeah, I'd be breaking into Swiss house knowing that.

Israel just issues Uzis to just about everyone in the military and they get to keep em off duty IIRC.
Consider this as well. Switzerland has a higher per capita gun ownership than even the united states. Every household with an eligible male in the military reserves (ages 18-50) is required by law to have a loaded assault rifle in it. Yeah, I'd be breaking into Swiss house knowing that.

Israel just issues Uzis to just about everyone in the military and they get to keep em off duty IIRC.

Have you seen this?

"Kennesaw, Ga., a northern suburb of Atlanta, passed an ordinance requiring heads of households "to maintain a firearm" and ammunition "to provide for the civil defense" and "protect the general welfare of the City and its inhabitants."

... Kennesaw's crime rate plummeted. In fact, the number of some crimes declined amid soaring population growth. For example, in figures the city provided to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, Kennesaw had 54 burglaries in 1981 – the year before the gun ordinance – with a population of 5,242. In 1999, with a population of 19,000, only 36 burglaries were reported.

The rate of violent crime is approximately four times lower than the state and national rates, Kennesaw's Crime Statistics Report said. "Violent crime is almost nonexistent in residential neighborhoods," Graydon told UPI. The detective, who has been with the police department since 1986, said the isolated exceptions take place in motels or in commercial areas."

Kennesaw, GA where guns are mandatory... (Part 2)

It's sour grapes...because I live in Nanny State Central.
Man, would I like to walk around packin' heat!
I support gun rights, but not bad arguments for gun rights.

A couple points to ponder:

1. the murder rates cited are not specifically gun crimes, and not specifically bad guys killing good guys.

2. Here are the D.C. homicide rates for the last couple decades:

•2009: 140
•2008: 186
•2007: 181
•2006: 169
•2005: 196
•2004: 198
•2003: 248
•2002: 262
•2001: 232
•2000: 242 (572,059 people, 2000 Census)
•1999: 241
•1998: 260
•1997: 301
•1996: 397
•1995: 361
•1994: 399
•1993: 454
•1992: 443
•1991: 479
•1990: 472 (606,900 people, 1990 census)
•1989: 434

As you can see, the homicide rate has been trending downward for 20 years. And the 'stunning' 25% drop 2008 to 2009 is sizable but not extraordinarily so.

DC?s Declining Homicide*Rate|Borderstan
Amazing, when people have guns criminals are less likely to attack them. Who would have thought?

This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:

Of course all liberals are against gun rights, you don't get your secret decoder ring if you think anyone but the government should have a gun.

I am a liberal and I am wholeheartedly for the 2nd amendment...and have several guns myself.
Umm how has the population of DC done in the mean time?
And the demigraphics of the population?
Has Local law enforcement done or not done anything to impact the statistics?

not a totally binary deal there.
Umm how has the population of DC done in the mean time?
And the demigraphics of the population?
Has Local law enforcement done or not done anything to impact the statistics?

not a totally binary deal there.

A quick read up of it (google district of columbia homicides 2009) will tell you that this has virtually nothing to do with the SCOTUS ruling.
Amazing, when people have guns criminals are less likely to attack them. Who would have thought?

This article would be worth reading if not the mention of Liberal every third sentence as if it's some dirty word and as if every Liberal is against Gun rights. :cuckoo:

Of course all liberals are against gun rights, you don't get your secret decoder ring if you think anyone but the government should have a gun.

I am a liberal and I am wholeheartedly for the 2nd amendment...and have several guns myself.

Do you have a secret decoder ring issued by the International Association of Mindlessness? If not, you are not really a liberal, you just call yourself one.
"Few who lived in Washington during the 1970s can forget the upswing in crime that started right after the ban was originally passed. In the five years before the 1977 ban, the murder rate fell from 37 to 27 murders per 100,000. In the five years after the gun ban went into effect, the murder rate rose back up to 35. One fact is particularly hard to ignore: D.C.’s murder rate fluctuated after 1976 but only once fell below what it was in 1976 before the ban. That aberration happened years later, in 1985.

… Between 2008 and 2009, the FBI’s preliminary numbers indicate that murders fell nationally by 10 percent and by about 8 percent in cities that have between 500,000 and 999,999 people. Washington’s population is about 590,000. During that same period of time, murders in the District fell by an astounding 25 percent, dropping from 186 to 140. The city only started allowing its citizens to own handguns for defense again in late 2008.

However, when law abiding Americans are allowed to exercise their constitutional right to own a firearm, it reduces crime because most criminals want helpless victims, not people who can put a hole between their eyes. This is evidence so clear that even a liberal should be able to see it."
Vocal Minority: Liberal Lie #16: Less Guns, Less Crime! - D.C. Murder Rate Down 25% After Gun Ban Lifted

Glenn Beck is a dry drunk.
Glennnn Beck
Glennnn Beck
Glennnn Beck
Glennnn Beck
Glennnn Beck
Consider this as well. Switzerland has a higher per capita gun ownership than even the united states. Every household with an eligible male in the military reserves (ages 18-50) is required by law to have a loaded assault rifle in it. Yeah, I'd be breaking into Swiss house knowing that.

Israel just issues Uzis to just about everyone in the military and they get to keep em off duty IIRC.

Have you seen this?

"Kennesaw, Ga., a northern suburb of Atlanta, passed an ordinance requiring heads of households "to maintain a firearm" and ammunition "to provide for the civil defense" and "protect the general welfare of the City and its inhabitants."

... Kennesaw's crime rate plummeted. In fact, the number of some crimes declined amid soaring population growth. For example, in figures the city provided to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, Kennesaw had 54 burglaries in 1981 – the year before the gun ordinance – with a population of 5,242. In 1999, with a population of 19,000, only 36 burglaries were reported.

The rate of violent crime is approximately four times lower than the state and national rates, Kennesaw's Crime Statistics Report said. "Violent crime is almost nonexistent in residential neighborhoods," Graydon told UPI. The detective, who has been with the police department since 1986, said the isolated exceptions take place in motels or in commercial areas."

Kennesaw, GA where guns are mandatory... (Part 2)

It's sour grapes...because I live in Nanny State Central.
Man, would I like to walk around packin' heat!
An armed society is a polite society.
Once again PC shows that starting a meaningful thread is almost impossible if you are a right-wing, neocon whackjob...

Help me out here...

is this just more mindless sniping from the bleachers,

or a cry for attention, you poor, sad, lonley thing?
Once again PC shows that starting a meaningful thread is almost impossible if you are a right-wing, neocon whackjob...

It's just a case of the facts of the OP not supporting the derived opinion in the OP.

Such a condition normally results from the process of reaching a conclusion before you have the facts, because you like the conclusion, and then working backwards trying to find evidence that supports the conclusion you like.
Consider this as well. Switzerland has a higher per capita gun ownership than even the united states. Every household with an eligible male in the military reserves (ages 18-50) is required by law to have a loaded assault rifle in it. Yeah, I'd be breaking into Swiss house knowing that.

Israel just issues Uzis to just about everyone in the military and they get to keep em off duty IIRC.

Have you seen this?

"Kennesaw, Ga., a northern suburb of Atlanta, passed an ordinance requiring heads of households "to maintain a firearm" and ammunition "to provide for the civil defense" and "protect the general welfare of the City and its inhabitants."

... Kennesaw's crime rate plummeted. In fact, the number of some crimes declined amid soaring population growth. For example, in figures the city provided to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, Kennesaw had 54 burglaries in 1981 – the year before the gun ordinance – with a population of 5,242. In 1999, with a population of 19,000, only 36 burglaries were reported.

The rate of violent crime is approximately four times lower than the state and national rates, Kennesaw's Crime Statistics Report said. "Violent crime is almost nonexistent in residential neighborhoods," Graydon told UPI. The detective, who has been with the police department since 1986, said the isolated exceptions take place in motels or in commercial areas."

Kennesaw, GA where guns are mandatory... (Part 2)

It's sour grapes...because I live in Nanny State Central.
Man, would I like to walk around packin' heat!
An armed society is a polite society.

You mean like Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq?

All heavily armed societies.

You should move there to enjoy their polite society.

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