Since 2000 over $9.2 Trillion in tax deduction losses anyone care??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Since the bust that started with Clinton, that lost $5 trillion,
9/11/01 that cost $2 trillion in market losses, 18,000 businesses lost, 400,000 jobs lost, 3 days airlines shut down wall street 10 days,
and worst hurricanes in history costing $1 trillion we now find that after the collapse in 2008 $1.2 trillion in market losses in one day occurred.

Isn't anyone curious as to how much that loss of $306 billion a year over next 20 years in tax revenue affects the USA federal budget?
I mean when Obama takes $100,000 a year from their taxes as a NOL, for the last 4 years as a tax dodge that's why the treasury is NOT receiving $306 billion a year since 2003!

I seem to be the ONLY one that knows this as there has been NO stories, no comments no explanation as to why TAX collections are down other then unemployment!
The USA collects over $2 trillion in revenue in 2011..but COULD have $306 billion more .. YET no one seems to know this!

US Federal Revenue for 2012 - Charts Tables

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