"Since 1999 the likelihood of student killed by a gun are 1 out of 614,000,000"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In light of the grossly uninformed students that "protested" today do you think today's students have the education comprehend the above statement? Here are the facts from the Washington Post... not a conservative gun toting publication! Of course not. Why else were they protesting? Oh yea get out of school!
But do you think with their 30 second attention span, flicking their text messages these students and quite a few adults comprehend that they have been manipulated by the MSM that needs NEWS especially BAD news to get eyeballs which get ratings which sells advertising which pays their salaries. All the while the reality is not being reported.
In light of the grossly uninformed students that "protested" today do you think today's students have the education comprehend the above statement? Here are the facts from the Washington Post... not a conservative gun toting publication! Of course not. Why else were they protesting? Oh yea get out of school!
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I don't disagree with the mental factor of lawmakers! Most are like most uninformed people reacting to overblown exaggeration of a situation.
The real facts are that it is NOT a BIG deal. Only emotionally imbalanced people get all Chicken little about a situation that if anything is the fault of the MSM!
Most of the shooters KNOW from previous rare and infrequent incidents that this is their 15 minutes of fame. And idiots like emotionally unstable readers/viewers are
what the MSM is counting on to be outraged! More gun laws! Not one of these people attending these protests though ever consider two influencing factors that are
the direct cause:
1) violent video games and movies/tv shows. All the actors get up after being shot. So these unstable shooters are influenced.
2) The MSM THRIVES on these events. These event drive ratings which pays the bills!

So anyone falling for these protests, the rare and exceptional events that drive the drivel from MSM please...for a minute...THINK!
Am I vindicated by the emotionally driven people on this forum LACK of response to the sobering FACT that
Since 1999 the likelihood of student killed by a gun are 1 out of 614,000,000!

Come on you people that are so emotionally driven by high schoolers like Hogg that are so uninformed!
Where is your comeback? Oh yea here's one for you..."Well one death is one too many"!
OK... then why is this an acceptable figure...
..."more kids are shot outside school than in one —
7,100 a year between 2012 and 2014 , or 19 every day (compared with about 60 shootings at schools each year, according to the Gun Violence Archive)."

Or this statistic:
More than 3.4 million children experience an unintentional household injury every year and
2,300 children under 15 die from these unintentional injuries
Home Accident Statistics: Is Your Home as Safe as You Think?

SO again all you people on this forum so anxious to attack the NRA,et.al. please explain how more children die every year at home than in school shootings?

Why don't you all for once agree! The MSM has to sell advertising. Shootings raise ratings!
Please don't be part of the stupid high school crowd that did as the people under Hitler did...succumb to emotion rather than logic!

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