Simple question. If you have a pie and you


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Good luck with that.

Libtards would argue the pie is zero sum.
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Got to eat a piece of pie to have the energy to make a bigger one. :D
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Got to eat a piece of pie to have the energy to make a bigger one. :D

Thank you for making the argument for savings and capital investment.
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Got to eat a piece of pie to have the energy to make a bigger one. :D

Actually you don't HAVE to eat the whole piece of the pie to help make the pie grow bigger!
Unless you are a glutton and which you show your level of compassion for others!
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Got to eat a piece of pie to have the energy to make a bigger one. :D

Actually you don't HAVE to eat the whole piece of the pie to help make the pie grow bigger!
Unless you are a glutton and which you show your level of compassion for others!

You could just use robotics and outsource.
See the majority of people I cynically observe are animals. They don't think about growing the pie just use their energy to get a BIGGER slice!
And that is the job of society. Show those people that they don't have to be animals to have more pie... just help grow the pie!
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Got to eat a piece of pie to have the energy to make a bigger one. :D

Yup, but if you give everyone a big enough slice to keep them fat and happy, there will be no incentive to bake.

What we have is too many pie eaters and not enough bakers.
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Got to eat a piece of pie to have the energy to make a bigger one. :D

Yup, but if you give everyone a big enough slice to keep them fat and happy, there will be no incentive to bake.

What we have is too many pie eaters and not enough bakers.

Absolutely right!
So it starts with make the story simple for the simpleton pie eaters or as some people are suggesting letting the pie eaters eat themselves to death!
I had this :


I thought about how to make sure everyone had a bigger piece.....then I just ate it all myself. :tongue:
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Now if only there was someone who could explain how they are going to make the pie bigger instead of the collection of dipshits on both sides of the aisle we are stuck with.

The key issue is who gets to decide how big a slice everyone gets. In the past thirty years, our economic policies have ensured that the wealthy get an ever increasing slice while the ability of the working class to get their slice has diminished

It all comes down to the golden rule....He who has the Gold makes the rules
The key issue is who gets to decide how big a slice everyone gets. In the past thirty years, our economic policies have ensured that the wealthy get an ever increasing slice while the ability of the working class to get their slice has diminished

It all comes down to the golden rule....He who has the Gold makes the rules

If you have gold and no bread, and I have bread but no gold, who makes the rules? Particularly when you start to get hungry?

Communists, afflicted the inability to grasp the simple concept of trade.
Say a business increases profits by a million dollars one year. The pie got bigger, right?

But what if the owners take 100% of the profits for themselves, and give zero to the workers?
Say a business increases profits by a million dollars one year. The pie got bigger, right?

But what if the owners take 100% of the profits for themselves, and give zero to the workers?

WOW what a concept!!! Why should the workers get anything???
They are making a salary. Use to be get health insurance, maybe 401Ks.. but in any event WHY is the Worker have any right to share in the profits any more then the company that say sells the owner computers? It is an exchange of workers' time for a salary!
Just as a computer company sells the owner computers... you think the computer company has a right to ask for a share of the profits?

Workers make an exchange! Time for money!
That simple!
If the owner WANTS to share because it makes for more productivity fine!
But it is very very simple exchange. Now 30 hours because of Obamacare in exchange for a $12/hour paycheck OK???

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